Monday 31 July 2017

Metamucil Weight Loss Approach

There has been a lot of talk lately about the possible benefits of Metamucil for weight loss. Metamucil it not designed or promoted as a weight loss supplement. In fact, it is fiber that aids the digestive system to remain regular. But, there are claims that Metamucil works in helping people to lose weight and get fit.

This is actually true, and scientific evidence does exist as to this supplement’s effectiveness for weight loss. But, it’s not because of the brand name, it’s because of what it contains.

The manufacturer of Metamucil makes it clear that this product is made to aid in reducing cholesterol. It also helps to clean the digestive track, as fiber does and it is a good source of fiber, which is required for any healthy diet. Metamucil’s main ingredient is psyllium husk fiber and it is this fiber, which is soluble, that really helps with weight loss.

How Fiber Aids Weight Loss

Fiber has long been known to help in weight loss because it fills you up. When you are more satisfied with less food you eat less calories and lose weight.

The fiber produces bulk inside the stomach and this makes you feel full. In fact, taking Metamucil before a meal, results in smaller portions, less calories and consequently weight loss.

Metamucil is just a supplement for fiber. You can get the same benefits from real foods that are rich in fiber, such as, oatmeal, artichokes, spinach, celery, bran and raspberries. But, many people just don’t eat enough of the right foods to get their recommended daily intake, so supplements are a great alternative to get the fiber you need.

Eating a well balanced diet that is rich in fiber will really help you to lose weight. When you don’t get enough fiber, take Metamucil as a supplement.

But, Metamucil in itself does not include any of the essential vitamins needed daily. So, it is important to eat a well balanced diet and take other vitamins and minerals as needed.

How To Use Metamucil

This product can be purchased and used in several ways, as a powder, a wafer, or as a capsule. The powder and wafer is mixed with water and drank. The capsule form is just swallowed with water.

The recommended dose for the average adult is 2 to 6 pills per day. It is important to take it with a full glass of water.

Do not rely on this product alone for weight loss. Fiber is an aid, not a plan. It’s important to choose a low sugar, low calorie eating plan where fiber aids you to stay on track and eat less without the misery of hunger.

For those that feel hungry a lot throughout the day, and tend to snack and overeat, Metamucil can be of great benefit.

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from James Reilly

10 Weight Loss Motivation Tips and Techniques

Most people know they need to lose weight. They see it in the mirror, they feel it when they put their clothes on and the low self-confidence and self-esteem reminds them every day. But, for many finding the motivation to lose the weight, even when they know they need to is something else.

This is very common, and most overweight people struggle with the motivation factor their whole life.

But, motivation is essential for weight loss, no matter if you need to lose 10 or 100 pounds, it’s the most important element of success. In fact, if it was easy to lose, obesity would not be worldwide epidemic that it has become.

It is important to realize that losing weight is well worth the effort because it has many benefits.

The Benefits of Weight Loss

Improves health

Makes people much more energetic

Makes people look great

Makes people feel great

It’s mentally rewarding

It prevents lots of diseases associated with obesity, like, diabetes, heart diseases, stroke and cancers, just to mention a few.

Where to Find Motivation

Finding motivation to lose weight is all about changing one’s perspective. While many consider dieting a hassle, too hard and inconvenient, this is the wrong thinking.

Think instead of learning to eat healthier and make better choices, one food and one day at a time. For example, choose an apple instead of a donut. Eat vegetables for a side dish instead of fries.

Evaluate the food you eat and take a close look at your daily calorie intake. Start walking daily, then increase your workouts as you get healthier. These are just a few examples of action steps you can take right away.

10 Great Weight Loss Motivation Tips

1. Put a picture of your old self in plain sight. The worst picture you can find that really upsets you in regards to your weight. Each and every time you want to cheat, skip workouts or otherwise blow your diet plan look at the picture.

2. Make a list of the reasons you want to lose weight. Make the list nice and long and readable. Write down how you would feel if you don’t lose the weight. And, also write down how awful it will be if you lose some and then regain it if you quit and waste all the effort.

3. Each morning remind yourself of your reasons to want to lose weight, check your lists and read them out loud. Consider how you will feel if you don’t lose weight and those reasons go out the window.

4. Ask for help. Accountability is really good for motivation for weight loss. A friend, nutritional counselor or family member that creates some accountability is really helpful.

5. Celebrate the successes. It is very important to celebrate each success. Establish a reward for each 5 or 10 pound loss. A movie, a new outfit, or anything you enjoy to make a big deal out of those success.

This helps with motivation and also makes it harder to throw it all away should you want to quit.

6. Set goals. It’s important to have goals in writing. Set short and long term goals, stick with them, mark off achievements as you go.

7. Envision success. Imagine yourself fit on a daily basis. Imagine how you will look in a smaller size outfit. If you have one, hang that outfit that doesn’t fit in plain sight so you can see it daily. Look at pictures of fit bodies or whoever you want to look like to remind you of your goals.

Do this daily.

8. Be good to yourself. If you have a relapse and do cheat, don’t beat yourself up.

9. Think lifestyle change, not temporary diet plan. The motivation cannot be short term, it must be lifelong to maintain fitness. Diets are temporary, learn to eat right, change your bad habits and the magic will happen.

10. Choose the right weight loss method, this can often be the key to long term success. Many over extend themselves by choosing fad diets that cannot possibly bring long term and lasting results. They also choose diets they cannot follow and just set themselves up for failure. Choose wisely and it will keep you motivated for the long term.

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from James Reilly

The Best Foods for Building Muscle

Lean muscle mass is one of the most important elements of having a fit and healthy body.

According to the American Council on Exercise, after the age of 20 people lose about a ½ pound of muscle each and every year. This loss of muscle mass results in a gain of body fat, less strength that is required for basic daily tasks and prevents people from gaining the many other important benefits listed below. For this reason, the Center for Disease Control recommends a minimum of two muscle training workouts per week.

Benefits of Lean Muscle Mass


Lean muscle mass means a toner and tighter body, a “hard body” as it is more commonly referred to. This means clothes fit better and look better, and in turn this results in more self-confidence and a healthier self-esteem.

Increased Metabolism

The more lean muscle mass a body has, the more metabolism is stimulated to burn more calories at rest. In fact, increasing muscle mass can result in as much as 15% more calories burned daily, which helps to keep one fit and maintain a healthy weight for life.

Better Health and Function

There are several health benefits that lean muscle mass provides for the body, including, helping to manage symptoms of several chronic conditions. Some of these are: pain associated with various arthritis conditions, chronic back pain, obesity and of course, diabetes.

Working the muscles and increasing mass helps to build bone density, which, is essential for managing osteoporosis.

Please keep in mind that building lean muscle mass is not limited to body building and both men and women who want to be fit and healthy should perform basic muscle toning exercises each week.

Best Foods for Building Muscle

Apart from your workout, what you eat is the most important aspect of building muscle. If you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs, you’ll lose fat and build muscle much faster.

On the other hand, if your body doesn’t get what it needs, it won’t be able to build the muscles you want. A lot of workout effort can be wasted if it’s not backed up by a proper diet.

Here are some of the best foods for building muscles.

Whole Eggs

Whole eggs contain proteins that are easier for your body to process than any other kind of protein. That includes beef, chicken and milk.

In addition, whole eggs contain a whole host of other vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamins D and B12, zinc and iron.

Don’t worry about eating cholesterol in the egg yolk. Research study after research study has proven that cholesterol in food has little effect on the cholesterol in blood vessels.

Whole Wheat Pasta

It’s unhealthy to cut out all carbohydrates from your diet. In order for your body to have the energy to work out and to build muscles, it needs to have healthy glucose that it can turn into useable energy.

Protein provides the body with the building blocks, while healthy carbohydrates give the body the energy to build those blocks.

Avoid carbohydrates based in white wheat. They burn too fast and cause energy spikes and crashes. Instead, opt for whole wheat carbohydrates like whole wheat pasta. Get organic if you can.

Fresh Salmon

Salmon contains a very high concentration of much-needed omega-3 fatty acids. This helps brain functioning and concentration while also facilitating muscle growth.

The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon will speed up muscle growth after a workout, which translates to more muscles being built faster.

Almonds and Other Nuts

Raw almonds and other nuts contain a lot of proteins that can help build muscle. They’re easy to carry around as a snack and are actually healthy, unlike many other snacks.

Nuts contain Vitamin E, potassium, zinc, magnesium and many other essential minerals and vitamins. They also contain digestion-helping fibers.

When buying nuts, avoid anything that’s deep fried in oils or covered in salt. If possible, try to buy plain raw nuts with minimal processing.

Eat Beef

Beef is perhaps the best kind of meat for muscle builders to eat.

It contains high amounts of creatine, which gives your body a huge boost of energy for working out. Anyone who’s taken a creatine supplement can attest to creatine’s explosive energy.

By eating beef regularly, you’ll be providing your body with this much-needed source of energy.

These are some of the best foods for muscle building. By providing your body with all the nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals it needs, you’ll build muscles at a much faster pace.

The post The Best Foods for Building Muscle appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Instagram Shareable Images That Create Interaction

Produce “shareable images” that create interaction?

Instagram has quite literally taken over the social media world, with more than a billion people interacting with Instagram each and every single month – many of them spending hours and hours on Instagram each and every single week.

Click The Image To Download The Gift.

You absolutely MUST take advantage of everything that Instagram marketing leverage has to offer, but that means creating shareable images and content on Instagram that not only build you up as an attractive follow on the platform but also really resonates with your target market and gets them to engage and share your content more frequently.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you do exactly that!

Shoot your images on a professional camera

Sure, Instagram makes it really easy to create amazing posts on this social media platform directly from your iPhone or Android device, but when it comes to creating really compelling images that are going to drive the engagement on your profile you’ll want to shoot them with heavy duty professional cameras and edit them just like the experts do.

From time to time (and depending upon the kind of “brand voice” you’re looking to create) more amateur photos shot directly from your smart phone can often times be effective as well, but if you really want your images to stand apart from the rest of the pack you have to go the extra mile to create those visually stunning images to begin with.

Spend time on your captions

A lot of folks kind of waste the captions that they have the opportunity to create on Instagram, and that’s a major rookie mistake you don’t ever want to make when looking to squeeze every drop of advertising leverage out of this platform.

The captions that you add to your posts are going to tell the story of the image. Now, you don’t necessarily have to hire professional copywriters to write these captions (though it can be advantageous to do so), but you definitely want to make sure that your captions spark interest, engage directly with your followers, and (ideally) push them deeper and deeper into your Instagram content or your marketing funnel.

The hashtags you use are going to be useful in getting new followers to your content, any tags that you use are going to help drive effective marketing partnerships, and any links that you include should be used to boost your business by getting people actively engaged part of your marketing funnel.

The post Instagram Shareable Images That Create Interaction appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

hCG Diet Review And How It Works

If you are struggling with weight loss you are not alone. Obesity is a problem that plagues millions of people worldwide. Being overweight and obese can cause many serious health problems, such as, diabetes, heart disease, cancers and strokes. Even a 10% weight loss can improve health quite a bit.

There are many choices of weight loss methods available to anyone who wants to lose a little or even a lot of weight.

One diet that has been popular and shown to be effective in the last few years is the hCG diet. Started by Dr. ATW Simeons in the 1950’s this diet follows the premise that hCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin makes use of stored fat for energy.

The hCG hormone increases the body’s ability to burn fat and this allows the body to use your stored fat for energy. The hormone is also every effective at curbing the appetite so you eat less.

The hCG diet promises an average weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per day.

How hCG Diet Works

The hCG diet requires for either shots or oral drops of the hCG hormone for at least 23 days. Some people might have to undergo another round of treatment, this depends on individual response.

The drops or injections can be purchased from a doctor or they can be bought online for much less.

The Eating Plan on the hCG Diet

Along with the drops or shots the diet allows for a limit of 500 calories per day and only certain foods.

While 500 calories per day is very low, this diet is mainly based on the hCG hormone drops which allows the body to use stored fat for energy instead of daily calories.

As long as the stored fat in the body is being released and used for energy, 500 calories is more than enough to provide the needed energy for the typical human being.

The 500 calories must consist of proteins, fats and foods low in carbohydrates.

Allowed Foods

The following foods are allowed, but, with strict daily portion control and the total daily calorie count must be kept to 500.

It is a good idea to have a diet scale on hand and to use an app or online source like FitDay Free, which provides calorie counts for all foods. It is very important to count the calories and keep a tally to not go over the limit of 500 per day.

Also, there are many hCG diet books available on Amazon and in book stores that provide delicious recipes with the calorie limits and acceptable foods in mind.

Protein Choices

Lean ground beef, including cube steak

Steaks: sirloin, top round





Vegetable Choices


Bell Pepper

Yellow Squash


Green Beans





Brussels Sprout








Fruit Choices












Other Allowed Foods On The hCG Diet Plan



Organic, Low Sodium Chicken, Beef, or Vegetable Broth

Maintenance After Weight Loss

Since the weight loss is fast and dramatic in the one month of treatment, or two perhaps for those that need it, target weight is reached rather quickly.

Once target weight has been reached a lifelong maintenance plan must be followed. This means that the healthy eating habits learned in the diet is something one needs to continue forever. That is the whole reason that the eating plan is so detailed, it is a healthy way to eat and maintain weight for life.

Pros of the Diet

Dieters lose a lot of weight and rather quickly.

Another pro is that it teaches people to eat healthy foods.

Cons of the Diet

The main drawback of this diet is the very low calorie limit is something not everyone will be able to follow.

Another con is the cost, those on a tight budget will not be able to afford the drops or injections.


For those that have tried many diets and failed at permanent weight loss, the hCG diet is one that is unique and certainly worth a try. The hCG diet is safe and effective and may be the solution to your weight loss struggles.

The post hCG Diet Review And How It Works appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

5 Fast Weight Loss Tips

There are many fad diets that promise super fast weight loss. Usually these are very extreme and

bizarre eating plans that really do not provide lasting results because no human being can stick

with eating that way for the long term.

One great example of such extremes is the Cabbage Soup Diet that promises ten pounds of weight

loss in 10 days while eating only cabbage soup and meat. In reality, no one can eat that way for

life and so once the diet is over most just go back to eating as they did before the diet and

regain all the weight and more.

Below are healthier and better ways to lose weight fast and keep it off long term.

Fast Weight Loss Tips

1. Lower your daily caloric intake by 250 calories. It’s surprising how easy this is when you take a look at what you eat throughout the day. One way to accomplish this is to eliminate the fancy coffee drink every morning, many of the Frapuccinos at Starbucks have more than 400 calories each.

Evaluate the snacks you eat. An apple has 50 calories, 4 cookies, no matter which ones, come with more than 140 calories and a lot of fat.

There are also many negative calorie foods that actually use more calories to burn than they come with. Some examples are cherry tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, zuchinni, berries and many more. You can eat these foods in unlimited amounts and leave the fattening Oreos in the bag.

2. Visualization is a great technique to achieve your weight loss goals. Imagine how you would look as a thin person, the clothes you can wear and buy and how much lighter you would feel.

Picture yourself as you want to be, and then take action to get there.

3. Drink more water to lose weight faster. Water makes you feel fuller so you eat less. It fortifies and energizes the body. Many times people over eat because they mistake thirst for hunger.

4. Fruits, and, especially, vegetables are great for losing weight fast. High fiber vegetables are very filling and they are very low in calories so you can really eat as much of them as you want and lose weight fast. Fruits and veggies also provide all the nutritional benefits you need to keep energy levels up throughout the day, this helps in keeping snacking to a minimum.

Berries are a great choice for snacks because they are high in fiber and low in calories and they are sweet and delicious.

5. Lose weight really fast by being active. Sitting at a desk all day slows metabolism and inhibits weight loss. Get up every hour and walk around a little bit. If you want to lose weight really fast then do some type of cardio for 30 minutes a day at least 4 times per week.

When exercise is combined with a low calorie diet weight loss happens at very fast rates and it’s healthy and can bring long term results.


The above five fast weight loss tips are a great way to get started with losing weight and losing it quickly.

The post 5 Fast Weight Loss Tips appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

12 Benefits Of Juicing For Weight Loss

Juicing is the latest and greatest thing in weight, but is it really effective? Actually, it really is!

Juicing is one of the best ways to get many nutritional benefits that fresh fruits and vegetables offer the body. And, the added perk of juicing is that you can get your daily dose much faster than actually cooking and eating vegetables and eating whole fruit. So, juicing saves you time and makes you feel great!

It’s important to understand that juicing, as discussed here, is not buying juice in a bottle from the store, because a lot of those are loaded with extra sugar and preservatives. Juicing refers to making fresh juice at home with a special juicer machine. Many great new models are available for sale in all price ranges and with various features.

The Nutritional Benefits Of Fresh Fruit And Vegetables Juice

In order to understand the benefits of juicing, it’s important to understand how the body absorbs nutrients. Solid food requires the process of digestion in order for the body to gain benefits of nutrition through absorption. But, in juice form the digestion process is bypassed, which makes the absorption rate faster and more reliable. In liquid form the body can quickly and automatically absorb all the nutrition passed to it from the vegetables and fruits.

Juicing for Weight Loss

Obesity is a major problem in the United States, estimated to be in the millions. Losing weight has some extraordinary health benefits, and can curb common obesity associated diseases, such as, diabetes and heart disease. Many have found weight loss success with juicing and you can too! Here is how juicing is good for weight loss.

Metabolism is the process that transforms food into energy, the higher one’s metabolism the more weight will be dropped and more calories will be burned throughout the day to maintain weight.

One of the hallmarks of metabolism are beneficial enzymes that are found in raw foods and the presence of these enzymes in the body ensures that food is digested faster and burned off more quickly. Fresh squeezed juice is something that provides this type of raw nutrition.

11 Benefits Of Juicing For Weight Loss

1. Juicing is a great way to lower daily caloric intake, which, is still the most effective way to lose weight.

2. Fresh juice increases metabolism.

3. Proper nutrition helps to increase energy and curb hunger, and with juicing the digestive process is easier and faster enabling you to get all the nutrition from the entire fruit and vegetable, including the peel.

4. Vitamins and minerals that are essential in the fat burning process are found in high concentrations in fresh juices.

5. The plethora of antioxidants in fresh vegetables and fruits make sure your cells stay healthy and give the body energy to burn fats.

6. Juicing for weight loss enables a healthy colon and liver that in turn helps to cleanse the body and take care of the digestive system.

7. Juicing can be a great added element to any weight loss plan, so you can be sure to maintain proper nutrition while losing.

8. Vegetable juices have the amazing quality of suppressing the appetite, without any bad effects.

9. Fresh juices help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which is essential to control crazy cravings, maintain proper nutrition and is essential for weight loss.

10. Juicing is much cheaper than some high cost diets, so you save money.

11. Juicing fits with any schedule or lifestyle. You can juice in advance for the week so you always have fresh bottles on hand.

Juicing has some great benefits for weight loss, and overall health. There are lots of juice recipes, plans and guides available to establish a plan for yourself and lose the weight today!

The post 12 Benefits Of Juicing For Weight Loss appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

The Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery

If you have trouble with emotional overeating, you may have considered weight loss surgery of some sort. But how do you know if it’s for you? What kinds of surgery options are available? Here are some ideas as to the more common surgical options currently available and some of the better-known pros and cons associated with them.

1. Lap-Band

This is a type of restrictive weight loss surgery, and it is adjustable. A silicon doughnut or ring is placed around the top of the stomach, leaving a small pouch above the ring. This is where the food goes first, and the pouch, being so small, fills up quickly. The person feels full on less food, in other words. Slowly, the food makes its way from the pouch into the main stomach.

The doctor or surgeon may, from time to time, inject saline into the ring in order to inflate it, thus decreasing the pouch’s capacity even further. The opposite can be done as well.


* It’s adjustable, as noted above – fluid can be removed or injected into the ring.

* The digestive process is not compromised; food is digested “the usual way.”

* The surgical procedure is usually done laproscopically, meaning it’s minimally invasive.


* Additional surgery may be required in the case of twisting of the access port or perforation of the stomach.

* Weight loss tends to be rather slow and gradual, and not as dramatic as some other options.

* Repeated follow-up visits with your doctor are required.

2. Gastric Bypass

This is what’s known as a malabsorptive technique. In gastric bypass surgery, a small pouch is created at the top of the stomach using “staples” rather than a ring. Then part of the small intestine is re-routed to connect to this pouch, essentially creating a permanently smaller stomach. It is called “bypass” surgery because food bypasses the rest of the stomach and the original small intestine connection, called the duodenum.


* Weight loss tends to be significant and permanent.

* Mild side effects, such as heartburn, tend to be resolved easily.


* Compromised nutrient absorption is a significant concern, and patients are generally required to take many supplements to prevent nutritional deficiency.

* Dumping syndrome, or a too-fast emptying of stomach contents, is a potentially difficult side effect.

* It’s harder for doctors to view the stomach and intestine via endoscopy, meaning cancer and other problems may go undetected.

These are just two of the more common types of weight loss surgery. The bottom line is, weight loss surgery can help with the weight gain and excessive caloric intake associated with emotional overeating, but it does not address the underlying emotional issues. If you do choose some sort of surgery to treat emotional overeating, it’s a good idea to make sure it’s part of a “whole person” treatment plan that includes counseling and emotional therapy.

The post The Different Types of Weight Loss Surgery appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

About The Mediterranean Diet Plan

If you are looking to lose weight and have a healthy heart then the Mediterranean diet might be best one for you. It combines healthy eating, along with the very flavorful olive oil, some red wine and other foods that are the traditions in the various countries that border the Mediterranean Sea.

It is a fact that most diets created for heart health include the eating of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and do not allow for too many unhealthy fats. The Mediterranean diet allows for all that plus some other subtle variations in particular food items that really reduce the risk of heart disease.

Benefits of the Mediterranean diet

It is a fact that the people that live in the Mediterranean region have markedly lower numbers of heart disease and hypertension when compared to the numbers in the United States and other parts of the world.

Also, there is a lot of research that proves the effectiveness of the Mediterranean diet in reducing the risks of heart disease.

A study followed more than 1.5 million healthy adults and showed that those who followed the Mediterranean diet had a marked reduction in risk of death from heart disease, as well as, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans supports and recommends this diet wholeheartedly, as it is a healthy way to eat, maintain weight and keep the heart healthy. The other perk is that this is a diet that is suitable for the entire family, adults and kids alike.

What Is Eaten On the Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet is mainly based on eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, fish (for Omega-3 fatty acids and Iodine), lesser portions of white proteins and very little red meat.

High fiber foods are also recommended, such as whole grains. A moderate amount of wine is allowed with the Mediterranean diet plan, and it is a fact that medical research proved a long time ago that moderate consumption of wine is good for heath health and prevents hypertension.

In contrast to many other diets, healthy fats can be consumed liberally, as long as the fat is unsaturated oil, preferably olive oil.

The other difference between this diet and others is there is no portion control, you can eat all allowed foods as much as you want. The key is to eat the right percentage from each of the food groups on the plan.

Since the Mediterranean region is a hot one, the people there drink lots of water, so this diet follows their example and stipulates at least 8 glasses per day.

Nine servings of fruits and vegetables per day is the recommended amount, and since American nutritional guidelines advocate six, this is a marked difference between the Mediterranean approach and our nutritional guidelines.

The consumption of that much fruit is definitely a plus as it contains a lot of fiber, which helps to keep you full and greatly aids in the digestive process, so it has detox benefits too.

Should You Try The Mediterranean Diet?

All in all this diet is very medically sound and based on the massive amounts of research that have been done it does work. It keeps you fit, healthy and prevents various diseases, the most important of which is the ones associated with the heart.

One word of caution about this diet is the fact that it allows for eating unlimited amounts of whole grains. This can be problematic as these are insulin triggers, meaning they raise blood sugar levels. Eating too much of these runs the risk of diabetes, especially for those with genetic risks of diabetes and those already overweight or obese.

The post About The Mediterranean Diet Plan appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Alternative Solutions For Emotional Overeating

Emotional overeating can make a person feel imprisoned – it can seem like there is no way out of the cycle of feeling sad, angry, anxious and so forth, and then eating to alleviate the emotional pain. There are treatments that are available, though – some of them conventional and some of them alternative.

Conventional therapy, surgery, and medication have all been utilized at one time or another for the treatment of emotional overeating. There are, however, some alternative therapies that are worth exploring. Here are some of them.


Because emotional overeating begins in the mind, hypnosis is said to be effective because it addresses the mind directly with the power of suggestion. Hypnosis is not the mumbo-jumbo stuff of cartoons and swinging pocket watches; it’s a clinical practice and many practitioners have used it with success to treat emotional overeating.


The intent of meditation as a treatment for emotional overeating is to “tune in” to the emotional thought center that is driving your cravings and/or binge eating. Meditation, sometimes taking a form called “mindfulness,” is the opposite of mindLESSness, which is what often happens in emotional overeating. The person does not really think about what he or she is doing; it’s mindless eating.

Herbal Supplements

It seems like every time you turn around there’s a new herbal supplement promising to help you lose weight. But there are some herbs that can help with the issue of emotional overeating. Here are some of them.

* Hoodia – This much-publicized herb is said to be effective at appetite suppression and boosting energy. Its effects tend to be subtle, and it also has a good safety record.

* Vitex – This hormone-balancing herb for women may help those whose emotional overeating is influenced by hormone fluctuations.

* Ginseng – This ancient herb is said to help sugar cravings and curb the compulsion to overeat in response to one’s emotions. Both American and Asian ginseng are purported to be equally effective.


Acupuncturists are often asked if acupuncture can help with weight loss. The answer, in general, is yes – but not always. However, the good news is that acupuncture tends to be more successful with treating emotional overeating than just overeating. This may be due to acupuncture’s alleged ability to release endorphins and boost metabolism – making the client feel better emotionally, effectively curtailing the emotional overeating.


Interestingly, having the right balance of vitamins and minerals may affect emotional overeating – it’s not too much of a stretch to speculate that nutritional deficiencies could play a part in this kind of overeating. So make sure you’re not eating a lot of artificial, processed, pre-packaged foods; opt for fresh, whole foods as a general rule. It’s also a good idea to take a vitamin and mineral supplement that is formulated for your gender and life situation.

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from James Reilly

The Best Foods for Building Muscle

Apart from your workout, what you eat is the most important aspect of building muscle. If you’re giving your body the nutrients it needs, you’ll lose fat and build muscle much faster.

On the other hand, if your body doesn’t get what it needs, it won’t be able to build the muscles you want. A lot of workout effort can be wasted if it’s not backed up by a proper diet.

Here are some of the best foods for building muscles.

==> Whole Eggs

Whole eggs contain proteins that are easier for your body to process than any other kind of protein. That includes beef, chicken and milk.

In addition, whole eggs contain a whole host of other vitamins and nutrients, including Vitamins D and B12, zinc and iron.

Don’t worry about eating cholesterol in the egg yolk. Research study after research study has proven that cholesterol in food has little effect on the cholesterol in blood vessels.

==> Whole Wheat Pasta

It’s unhealthy to cut out all carbohydrates from your diet. In order for your body to have the energy to work out and to build muscles, it needs to have healthy glucose that it can turn into useable energy.

Protein provides the body with the building blocks, while healthy carbohydrates give the body the energy to build those blocks.

Avoid carbohydrates based in white wheat. They burn too fast and cause energy spikes and crashes. Instead, opt for whole wheat carbohydrates like whole wheat pasta. Get organic if you can.

==> Fresh Salmon

Salmon contains a very high concentration of much-needed omega-3 fatty acids. This helps brain functioning and concentration while also facilitating muscle growth.

The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon will speed up muscle growth after a workout, which translates to more muscles being built faster.

==> Almonds and Other Nuts

Raw almonds and other nuts contain a lot of proteins that can help build muscle. They’re easy to carry around as a snack and are actually healthy, unlike many other snacks.

Nuts contain Vitamin E, potassium, zinc, magnesium and many other essential minerals and vitamins. They also contain digestion-helping fibers.

When buying nuts, avoid anything that’s deep fried in oils or covered in salt. If possible, try to buy plain raw nuts with minimal processing.

==> Eat Beef

Beef is perhaps the best kind of meat for muscle builders to eat.

It contains high amounts of creatine, which gives your body a huge boost of energy for working out. Anyone who’s taken a creatine supplement can attest to creatine’s explosive energy.

By eating beef regularly, you’ll be providing your body with this much-needed source of energy.

These are some of the best foods for muscle building. By providing your body with all the nutrients, proteins, vitamins and minerals it needs, you’ll build muscles at a much faster pace.

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from James Reilly

Sunday 30 July 2017

Grapefruit Diet Plan: Lose Weight Fast

The Grapefruit diet started way back in the 1930s, though back then it was called the Hollywood Diet. This diet is still very popular today and many people swear by it for fast weight loss.

This diet claims that the grapefruit contains special fat-burning enzymes that become active when the fruit is eaten along with a small portion of other foods at each and every meal.

For years medical professionals and nutritionists have said this was hype, that the grapefruit has no fat burning capability and that this was just another fad diet plan, like so many others on the market.

Today many medical experts still state that there is no evidence that the grapefruit is a magic bullet for weight loss, in fact Connie Diekman of the American Dietetic Association has stated that these types of diets perpetuate yo yo dieting, which, is on again and off again dieting, and a misunderstanding of what it means to lose weight in a healthy manner and on a permanent basis.

While the grapefruit diet has been downed by experts, not everyone agrees. The fact is that the citrus in grapefruit improves insulin levels and therefore lessens hunger. This fruit is also low in calories, satisfies hunger and is really a beneficial addition to any healthy meal plan.

Researchers at Scripps Clinic determined that grapefruit did help with weight loss because participants who ate half a grapefruit with each meal in a 12 week study lost an average of 3.8 pounds.

NOTE: There are some medications that can have adverse effects with grapefruit, check with your doctor.

The Grapefruit Diet plan

You must eat grapefruit at every meal. You have the choice of eating 1/2 a grapefruit or drinking 8 ounces of unsweetened grapefruit juice.

The grapefruit diet does not permit complex carbs (pasta, corn, potatoes, breads), but most vegetables are allowed and with butter.

The Rules

Drink eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day.

Eat ½ fresh grapefruit at each meal or drink 8 ounces of unsweetened grapefruit juice.

Maximum of 1 cup of coffee per day because caffeine affects insulin balance that prohibits the fat burning process.

No snacking between meals, and stick to exact meal times.

Eat liberally until full and satisfied.

Eat as much as you want of meats, salads and vegetables.

Do not eliminate anything from the strict diet plan. Make sure to eat the bacon at breakfast and the salads as this eating plan is designed to burn fat.

Generous amounts of butter, salad dressing as well as meat and fish cooked in any manner is fine.

Exercise is not a good idea because the calorie limit is so low.

This diet plan should only be used for 12 days at a time. Take at least a 2 to 3 day break should you want to continue on with the plan after 12 days.

The Grapefruit Diet Meal Plan

Eat grapefruit at each and every meal. Absolutely no complex carbs are allowed, sugar, pasta, bread, potatoes, etc.

Most vegetables are encouraged and should be prepared with lots of butter. Use salad dressing as you wish and prepare meats and fish in any manner, including fried.

The only snack allowed is the one after dinner, at bedtime. Follow this plan for 12 days at a time only.


1/2 fresh grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice

2 eggs any style

2 slices of bacon


1/2 fresh grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice

Unlimited amounts of any type of meat

Salad with Dressing


1/2 fresh grapefruit OR 8 oz. unsweetened grapefruit juice

Meat or fish, cooked in any manner

Salad with dressing

1 cup of coffee or tea, no sugar

Bedtime Snack

8oz. glass of tomato juice or 8 oz. cup of skim milk.

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from James Reilly

So you want to be a millionaire?

Who doesn’t…

I come across so many people that say “I’m going to make a million dollars in network marketing”. I have conversations with people telling me how they’re going to become millionaires.

That’s great I’ll help you reach that goal every way I can.

But you know what?

Not everyone is going to make a million dollars in network marketing… and that’s ok.

Most people’s lives would change with an extra $500 or $1000 a month.

If you’re in network marketing the opportunity is here to become a millionaire.

let’s talk about that for a second.

To become a millionaire in network marketing is going to take lot of WORK.

Yes, you can do it in the shortest amount of time compared to other business opportunities but you still have to WORK…

But you work smart not hard.

And the cost for start up is minimal.

But it still takes WORK!! no matter how you cut it.

To become a millionaire in network marketing you’re going to have to do things differently.

What do I mean? One of my mentors Michael Dlouhy told me this.

“Duffy if you want more, you’re going have to become more”.

That made a lot of sense to me.

So what if you’re not going to make a million dollars a year in network marketing?

Look I’m not saying you’re not going to make a million dollars, but let’s say it’s not in the cards or that’s an amount you can’t relate to. (Lots of people can’t relate to earning that kind of money)

How much do you make now?

I’ll go with the average and say $30,000. Everything is ok, sometimes it’s a struggle but you get by, but things could be better.

Imagine doubling your income. Can you imagine earning $60,000 per year?

Sure you can.

So if you didn’t make a million dollars a year but you’re making $60,000 in network marketing would you consider yourself a failure?


But let’s say your better at this then you thought and you’re earning $100,000 to $150,000 per year.

Would you consider yourself a failure?


Do you think you could have a pretty good life earning that amount each year?


Man if you’re earning that kind of money from network marketing. You’re winning trips, vacations, getting deals on conventions or even winning trips to your companies conventions, your winning shopping trips, bonus money, car programs, free product or services.

The things many people have to spend money on such as trips, vacations, products, services and cars. You’re could be getting them from your company for a lot less or even free, because of your ranking in your company.

The life you may want may be a lot closer then you think.

Tell me, if you made $100,000 to $150,000 per year in network marketing you’d be a very happy camper, yes?

Tell me you wouldn’t, I dare ya.

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from James Reilly

Saturday 29 July 2017

Common Toenail Problems

As a Type 1 Diabetic I was actually offered to have my toenails removed. Which I did have done, so both my big toes have no toenails.

I suffered with ingrown toenails since I was 13 years old. They were the worse thing that ever happened to me. They did cure up for a few years but they came back with a vengeance when I was in the Army and if you know about your feet in the Army it is a chargeable offence to have bad feet.

A few years later and I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes and they came back again. Then one day I was offered to have it removed, I decided to have it done and the pain was gone, yes I have phantom pain at times but they are gone and no more, then a few years after that I had the other toenail removed.

Your toenails are a very small part of your body, but are important nonetheless. You often don’t think about your toenails until they are causing you trouble or discomfort. Here are some of the common problems that can happen with toenails, and what you can do about them.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are small, but painful. They can be caused by improper care of your feet, as well as a genetic tendency toward them. It is important to trim your toenails properly, which is straight across instead of cutting into the corners, and not cutting them too short.

If the problem is unmanageable at home, you may want to see a doctor who can numb the area and then cut the problem area from the toenail. It can be a recurring problem, however.

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus happens when fungi grow in the warm, moist areas by your toenails. It is caused by the same bacteria found in athlete’s foot infections. To avoid toenail fungus, you should keep your feet dry, and try to avoid having your feet exposed in areas where this fungus is commonly found, such as locker rooms and swimming pools.

If you need to treat toenail fungus, there are several home remedies. One is by mixing two cups of water with one cup of vinegar, and soaking your foot in the mixture for approximately 15 minutes. You can use this solution twice a day until the infection has cleared up.

Toenail Trauma

You may notice a mark that looks like a bruise through your toenail. Toenail trauma can be caused by an accident, such as dropping something heavy on your toe. It can also be caused by long-term irritation, such as walking often in an ill-fitting pair of shoes. Sometimes the toenail bruises, sometimes it thickens, and it can even come off in certain scenarios.

The best way to treat toenail trauma is by keeping the area clean and dry, as loose toenails become susceptible to secondary problems such as toenail fungus. Apply ice to the area and elevate the toenail if it was caused by an injury.

Thickened Toenails

These are generally caused by an injury to the toenail or toenails. The toenail will begin to grow thick. It can be caused by an underlying medical condition, and for this reason it is wise to see a foot doctor, called a podiatrist, if you notice this happening and you are not sure why. A foot doctor can also file the nail down if it is merely a surface problem.

We may not always realize it, but toenails are an important part of our bodies. They protect the toes and as hard as it may be to believe, they also help us with balance and spatial awareness. And when our toes suffer, our whole body suffers.

There are many problems that can afflict the toenail. Some are easily remedied, and others take work and time to correct. Whatever the problem may be with your toenails, there is help available. Use this information to assist you as your care for this important part of your feet.

The post Common Toenail Problems appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Friday 28 July 2017

The Joy Of Fitness Empowerment

Fitness Empowerment – The Journey Within

When it comes to fitness, you don’t need to be a runner or aspire to be an athlete to start improving your overall fitness condition. If you want to be physically fit, you need full determination and focus on what you want to achieve in order for you to be successful.

With the alarming rates of diseases that affect people nowadays, it is important for people to consider improving their physical fitness.

Unfortunately, with the wide variety of foods that surround the market at present, it can be challenging for some to avoid or neglect their cravings on their favorite foods.

However, what they don’t know is that not all foods are healthy for improving one’s fitness. Some of them can cause health risks, which are not a good thing most particularly if you aim to be physically fit. That is why it is wise for everyone to choose healthy foods wisely.

You have to take note that fitness is not just about endurance, strength or fat content, but also it’s the combination of those factors. You can be strong, but you have no endurance. You may have endurance, but you might be less flexible.

In fitness, you need to aim for balance. There are five components that make a good fitness. Proficiency in these components will give you long-term benefits and value to your overall well-being and fitness.

Based from the statements of experts, fitness reflects on one’s muscular strength, body composition, and cardio-respiratory endurance.

Some contributors of one’s physical well-being may include body-weight management, avoiding unhealthy foods, and proper nutrition. Unfortunately, there is an alarming rate of increasing health risks, which also cause the overall fitness of a person to fail.

If you lack strong motivation, the tendency is that you might not be able to reach the things that you want to achieve. If the level of your motivation was high at the very first stage, you must maintain it once you have started your hard work. The reason behind it is that when your motivation level reduced, this will just fail you and you won’t get what you want for empowering your fitness. So, seek for the best way to reaffirm your motivation.



The post The Joy Of Fitness Empowerment appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Veteran Marketer John Haremza Joins Valentus

Isn’t it great when you see such leaders like John Haremza joining Valentus. Not only do we have World Class athletes but we have a massive range of occupations crossing all employment areas.

John Haremza is no stranger to Network Marketing, he is more than a $15 MILLION Earner with this business model.

John Haremza Quote : Life is short, you have to be happy, in what you’re doing”.

Let me share with you an interview that Eric Worre did with John Haremza. When you reach the level that you are getting interviewed by Eric Worre you know your on the radar for Greatness.

Eric talks with John

John Haremza is also an Author,  he wrote the book Right or Almost Right which you can get from Amazon. John’s book is about the fine line between phenomenal success and average results in Network Marketing.

Eric Worre teaches that as Network Marketers we need to also be Educators. MLM or Network Marketing has got itself a bad name and is stuck under an umbrella for many failed Network Marketers who blame their lack of education and understanding to their failings.

In John Haremza book “Right or Almost Right” he makes these statements :

First: “In order for you to be big, the company must be big”.
Second:  “If you are in a growth environment it will magnify and multiply your efforts.  If you are in a declining environment, the opposite is true, it will diminish your efforts”.
Third:  “Once a company has lost momentum it is virtually impossible to recapture it.”
Four:  “This industry is very unforgiving. If you make the wrong move it can devastate your life and the lives of everyone that follows you”.

I know I shared the video above with Eric Worre, I want to establish with you credibility for John Haremza, let me share with you his own lifestory before Network Marketing.

The John Haremza Story

IF you are interested in this business I would love for us to have a chat so you can find out more about it. Don’t forget to check out John Haremza book Right or Almost Right

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from James Reilly

Social Networking for Business

Associations and trade organizations are great places to meet individuals. Usually organizations have a common theme, and it is an understood implication that all members participate to improve themselves and their businesses.

Whether it is a chamber of commerce or a trade association, members have common problems, issues and concerns. By sharing issues and resolutions, members can benefit by the experience of others. Many business owners participate in organizations, not only to network, but also to hopefully circumvent some of the pitfalls encountered by other small businesses–learning from others.

Networking Tips.

Many trade organizations provide forums for networking. In some cases, these might be private online newsgroups, casual meetings, or even professional events with speakers. In order to take full advantage of these networking opportunities consider these tips.

Who You Know.

It is often not who you know, but who they know. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve seen someone put-off someone who is clearly a beginner only to learn that the “beginner” is the brother or friend of a contact they’ve been trying to meet for weeks.


Be honest. Pretending to be something that you are not, or implying you can deliver a product or service that is outside of your abilities, will foster an environment of distrust and potentially harm your reputation. Keep in mind that networking is viral?vital? and if promises are not kept, word will spread. Establishing yourself and firm as an honest, reputable company.


Keep conversations to strictly business subjects. In a business environment, it is important to focus on safe non-emotional topics. The last thing you want to do is alienate or offend a potential client because of an outspoken view on a controversial topic. There is a time and a place for everything and discussing political views or cultural issues is not a generally accepted business topic. Bearing that in mind, it is also important to be aware and sensitive to cultural differences. The Internet has opened doors to a global market and respecting cultural differences is critical to establishing strong business relationships in the global marketplace.


Now is not the time to be a wall flower. Whether you participate in social business events, or monitor trade forums, it is critical that you participate. Participation will help you distinguish yourself in your industry. Attempt to remember individual personal details and foster introductions among others in the industry.


Stay positive. It sounds simple, but it will really impact how others view you. If you are constantly negative and pointing out the flaws in others, it will reflect on how others view you. Presenting the best and positive business experiences will enhance your image.


Provide genuine assistance to others. Whether or not they are able to reciprocate, networking is viral?vital?. Helping others will establish you as a useful member of your business community and will endear you to others. If you are unable to help an individual, attempt to refer them to someone who can.


A little research goes a long way. Be sure to research people and companies in your business community. Knowing their common goals and interests will build topics for discussions.

Acknowledging the need to connect with others to grow and expand a business may seem like common sense. Cultivating business relationships and interact with other small businesses is often mutually beneficial and should not be underestimated.

Networking is about building relationships and mutual interaction benefiting both parties. Being proactive and following up, you can have a network of contacts that you will be able to access quickly when you need them. Whether by more traditional means, such as in person or over the Internet, personal networks are essential for furthering your business. Relationship networking is give and take, be sure to help others in your quest for help.

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from James Reilly

Thursday 27 July 2017

How to Deal with Those Pesky Corns and Calluses

Corns and calluses are relatively common foot conditions. When your foot is faced with friction or pressure, it has a defense mechanism that creates thick and hardened layers of skin as a protective measure. Anyone can get corns and calluses, but you can be especially prone to them due to certain conditions. Find out how you can deal with any of these pesky intruders that may come your way.

What You Need to Know

If you have an underlying health condition that is causing your corns or calluses, seek treatment from a medical doctor before attempting to clear up the problem on your own at home. Conditions in this category may include diabetes, or other illnesses that cause poor blood flow to your feet. But if you are healthy and free of medical conditions that would cause complications, go ahead and try the following remedies.

Foot Soak and Pumice Stone

You can attend to your feet regularly by setting up your own home foot spa. Soak your feet in hot water and soap until the skin is soft. You can add apple cider vinegar or Epsom salts if you wish. Next, use a pumice stone or foot file to rub the extra skin off.

When you are done, use plenty of lotion to soften the skin even more. You will not likely deal with the problem in one sitting. Rather, you can minimize the corns and calluses over a period of time with regular and special attention to the area.

Vitamin E and A

This is a great remedy for corns. Both of these important vitamins can be found in capsule form. Whichever one you use, simply squeeze open the capsule and apply to the corn, and then cover your feet with socks for the night. If you repeat this every night, your corns should disappear within time.

Baking Soda

There are a few ways you can use baking soda in the fight against both corns and calluses. The first way is to mix just enough water with baking soda to make a paste, then apply it to the corns or calluses and rub it into the area. You can also add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to a warm foot bath and let your feet soak for as long as you like.


A small amount of vinegar can be poured onto a cotton ball and then taped onto the area you wish to heal. You can use a Band-Aid to fasten the cotton ball in place if you have no other adhesive tape. Leave this remedy on overnight and remove it in the morning, then gently massage the area with a pumice stone.

Corns and calluses are an irritation that are unsightly and can even be painful. If you are in good health, there is no need to have them treated by your doctor. There are several remedies to choose from, and chances are that you may have many of them in your home already. Pick a few that are easily available to you and give it a try. In no time, you will have beautiful, pain-free feet.

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from James Reilly

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Success Tip – Create Your Own Business Networking Team

Do your employees and staff really know and understand your core marketing message? How effective are they at sharing that message?

If you really want your business to grow… the people in your organization need to be taught the most effective way to network.

You’re pretty good at representing your company. You believe that networking is a powerful business building tool. You understand the value of creating new business relationships. You attend business networking events. You are personable, professional, and you know your stuff.

What happens if you can’t make it to a networking event? What if you want to expand your networking activities but don’t have the time or the energy to do it all yourself?

How effective would your people be if they had to show up in your place and represent your organization? Do they know the right thing to say and the right questions to ask?

Networking is the most powerful form of face to face marketing. What you say can make or break your networking effectiveness. Your ability to get your story across in twenty seconds or less is a vital key to your networking success… and may be just as big a factor in your overall business success.

Banks, credit unions, real estate organizations, financial services and insurance companies, accounting firms, law firms, doctors, dentists, and other professional offices are all made up of people who, at one time or another, are on the frontline in the battle for business success. This networking army includes your employees and associates.

Do you know what your people are saying when asked about your company? Are they trained to deliver a brief and understandable version of your core marketing message? Are they capable of telling others what really sets your business apart from your competition?

In addition, networking is not always confined to a specific meeting or event. When asked about your company when they’re out enjoying an evening of, let’s say, bowling, or the theatre… what do members of your organization say?

Do their words portray your company in the most memorable and flattering way, or are they just kind of winging it and saying whatever comes to mind (positive or not)? Saying the wrong thing can leave people cold or, even worse, actually drive business away.

Learning the right thing to say and the right questions to ask is an overlooked area of business preparation. Lack of training in this area can prove costly.

The flip side to the equation is that with a relatively small amount of guidance you can increase your profitability… and distinguish yourself clearly from your competition. This is accomplished by a simple shift in the words you use… and the words you teach your people to use.

Do you have the time to teach your people the “right thing” to say? For most business owners, sales organizations and professionals… the answer is no.

I’ve been providing this most important training for over 20 years.

I’ve developed the Language of Success™ to provide you with a reliable system that will help you and your organization learn and remember the right thing to say and the right questions to ask when they network or sell. This is so important when your goal is to bring in new clients, create new customers, and develop long term referral sources.

What does having an easy to remember system for saying the right thing and asking the right questions do for you? For starters, you end up with increased confidence in an area that troubles most of us throughout our lives. I’m of course talking about opening new relationships.

Some people have the magic touch when it comes to creating these new relationships while others seem to struggle. To illustrate the challenge… here’s an analogy with which we all can identify.

Succeeding in business is a lot like succeeding in dating. If you say the wrong thing you probably won’t get a second date and you’re certainly not going to get a goodnight kiss.

It’s hard enough to establish a new relationship without having to worry about what you’re going to say. No one really taught us the right thing to say.

Here’s the tip – Talk to your employees and associates and have them share what they say when they’re asked about your company. If you take it for granted that what they say is in your best interest you may be in for an unpleasant surprise.

What you ask them to say should be simple, to the point and consistent. The Language of Success will provide you with an easy to use framework that will help you and your key players come up with the “right thing” to say when you network or sell.

The well known director, Spike Lee, made a film called “Do the Right Thing.” I guess we could call the film that we would make, “Say the Right Thing.”

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from James Reilly

Monday 24 July 2017

How Feet Change

Our feet are an extremely important and hard-working part of our bodies. They take a lot of pressure, and do the important job of transporting us from one place to another every single day of our lives.

There are changes to the feet in the different life stages. Here are some of those life stages and what happens during each of them.

As a Newborn

When a baby is born, their feet have no fully-formed bones. As strange as it sounds, the bones in their feet are all soft and very pliable. The bones are cushioned by something often referred to as “puppy fat”. This is fat that generally wears off by adolescence, though on the foot it begins to wear off around the preschool years. Even as a young baby, it is important to allow a child’s feet to grow properly, without unhealthily restrictive shoes.

The Growing Child

When a child begins to stand up, what was once more like cartilage will begin to turn into bony tissue. As the child learns to stand and then walk, there are still large gaps in between the bones in their feet that can be malformed if not taken care of properly.

A young child’s foot will be growing quickly, and it is important to focus on good nutrition so that the bones receive all the important vitamins and minerals that they need to grow in a healthy manner. During the age of 2-4, they will have more bones in their foot than they will at any other time, because the bones will eventually grow together before they reach adulthood.


As an adult, you would assume that your foot has finally stopped growing. Our feet tend to spread with age, however. Our ligaments and tendons get a little more slack as the years go by, and this causes our feet to become flatter, wider and longer. Weight gain can add additional pressure to the foot and ankles, causing your gait to be modified.


Pregnancy is a time of life when everything about your body changes, and that includes your feet. They will swell due to fluid and tissue that accumulates in your lower extremities.

Instability during walking is caused by lax foot and ankle joints. Even when you have lost the swelling, the extra weight carried around during your pregnancy can permanently flatten your foot and make it bigger.

The Elderly

In old age, the feet continue to change. Your feet will lose the fatty pads on the bottom of them, which makes you more prone to injury. This can be minimized by wearing shoes that are properly cushioned and padded.

Corns, calluses and hammertoes can be caused by the long-term damage of wearing high heels. Ligaments get longer and tendons tighten, leaving you vulnerable to tears and sprains. Staying active and taking care of your overall health can go a long way in preventing many of the feet problems that are generally related to old age.

Our feet are constantly on the move. In addition to that, they are forever changing and transforming to serve us in the best way possible. Learn more about them so that you will be able to take proper care of them and give back to them so that they can remain healthy through all your life stages, for many years to come.

The post How Feet Change appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Sunday 23 July 2017

Retailing To Recruit

We’re all aware of how difficult it is to find business builders.

This can be tough…Even with the best recruiting techniques.

For me one of the better ways to find business builders is to Retail to Recruit.

Personally I think your MLM business should be made up of 75% retail customers and 25% business builders.


Having more retail customers ordering from you week after week, month after month, year after year creates that residual income we all want. Plus you now have an army of customers that are spreading the word about your products. People will talk more freely about products that are doing well for them, then they will about a business opportunity.

In one case people feel they are sharing, in the other they feel like they are selling (guess which one?).

When people talk about products they’re sharing an experience, when they’re talking about a business opportunity they feel like they’re selling.

In my company we make great money with retail sales and business builders. Personally It’s easier to find retail customers than business builders, plus your income is generated faster. (of course that depends on your pay plan, for example I get paid every week with ours).

Let me ask you a question.

Do you think it’s easier to introduce the idea to someone who is in love with your product/service they can have their own business or to someone who has never tried your product or service?

Kinda of a dumb question, because I know you know the answer.

Once someone has been using you product for about 30 days or so. And before I go on I trust you have been in contact with your customer to see how he/she likes using your product. More importantly have they used your product at all.

You would be surprised at how many people will buy a product and not use it.

If you do come across someone who has not used your product don’t say “WHY NOT”.

Tell a story.

For example, lets say you sell product XYZ and you called a customer and they have not use it yet.

Me.. “Hi Bob, this is Duffy how do you like XYZ?”

Bob.. “Oh I have not tried it yet it’s still in the box, no time to busy”

Me.. “I can relate to that Bob. When I first started taking XYZ I started noticing a difference after only 3 days, I could fall asleep faster and I woke up more refreshed and with more energy and I am getting the same feedback from my other customers as well. I’ll give you a call in few days and see how you’re doing. Talk to you then, have a great night.”

I did not challenge him, I accepted his excuse and I went on to tell him a story of how XYZ has helped me. Do you think he is going to leave your product in the box for one more day…I doubt it.

But even if he does, just keep telling stories of the things XYZ is doing for you and others

However, if your customer has not tried your product after 2 or 3 phone calls (5 or 7 days). Personally I would offer them a refund. With that the customer will either say no and try your product, or they will accept your offer. If so, great, either way it’s a win-win.

If this person lived in my city I would go over and pick up the product. It’s not doing him or you any good just sitting there. It might as well be given to someone who will use the product.

Ok, it’s been 30 days or so since your customer has been using your product and they love it, what now?

The next time you talk to a customer you can say something like this:

According to my records, it’s time for you to reorder. How would you like to save up to $10 off your next purchase? For every name you give me of someone I can send a brochure to, I’ll give you $1 off up to $10. Is that fair?


If they are internet customers you would be offering them a $10 rebate after they place their next order. Simply tell them after you get the contact names and confirmation of their next order you will send them a check in the amount owing. The above is for local customers that you are personally delivering your product to.

This is a great way to get warm leads.

Then you take a flyer or brochure about your product. Put a yellow sticky note on it and say Hi “Sally” Mary Jones has been taking this product and feels great and thought you might be interested. Your name, your address your phone number.

Then, after you mail the info to the referrals, you call them in a few days. And say:

Hi Sally. This is (your Name), You don’t know me but Mary Jones asked that I send you a brochure. Did you get that brochure? Listen, our product is helping a lot of people around the country–it’s helped Mary.

The product is less than a dollar and a half a day and it’s got 100% money back guarantee. Would you like to try it or do you know anyone who’d like to try it?

(I used what it costs to use my product each day for the above example, replace that with the break down of your products cost per day).

Now it’s been about 2 months after your original customers first purchase. Depending on your products user rate you may have talked to them as little as 2 times, but that’s ok.

Now say something like this:

Hello _______ How are you doing?

Have you experienced any additional positive results with your product?

Listen, I can’t offer you a discount this time. “4” of the people of the “10” names you gave me are on the product and they’re loving the product. They’re going to reorder the product. Would you like to supply them and make the profit or would you rather I supply them?

If they say they would like to earn the profit, they have just given you permission to show them your presentation.

You’re now retailing to recruit.

The post Retailing To Recruit appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Verrucas and How to Treat Them

A verruca, also known as a plantar wart, is a wart that can be found on the sole of a person’s foot. Verrucas are relatively common, but can still be an embarrassing affliction due to their stigma. It is similar to a regular wart, but because it is on the bottom of the foot, it may cause pain when standing or walking.

Here is a little more information about plantar warts, along with some ways you can get rid of them once and for all.

What Causes Verrucas?

Verrucas, or plantar warts, is a viral infection that manifests as a benign epithelial tumor. They are caused by the human papillomavirus, and can be found both alone and in clusters. Verrucas are extremely contagious; therefore you must be cautious to avoid them and to treat them immediately upon discovery. They can be passed by direct contact, and also through contact with surfaces that have been contaminated.

Essential Oils

There are a few essential oils that can help you get rid of verrucas. Try using either lemon or tea tree oil as they have been tested for this purpose. One of the best ways to use either oil is to simply apply a drop of the oil directly to the verruca, three times each day. If you wish, you can put a bandage directly over where you put the drop of essential oil in order to hold it in place.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar works in two different ways to destroy verrucas. First, it irritates the area where the verruca is, and causes the immune system to prioritize healing in that particular area. Second, it causes the area to fight the verruca and make it an environment that the verruca cannot thrive or survive in.


Taken internally, zinc will build your immune system and help you to fight verrucas from the inside out. Zinc will build your immune system in general, which will also help you avoid getting another infection in the future. If you wish, you can also use the liquid form of zinc and apply it directly to the verruca.

How to Avoid Them

Although they can often be treated at home, it is best to avoid getting a verruca in the first place. In order to avoid them, you must be vigilant about hygiene. When you are in a public shower or locker room, wear a pair of flip flops to avoid coming in contact with contamination on the floor and other surfaces.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water when you have been out in public. If you have a verruca, don’t pick at it and then touch other body parts or objects.

Verrucas are something no one wants to get. If you have one, you may panic and wonder how long it will take to get rid of. By following these tips, you can say goodbye to your verrucas once and for all.

The post Verrucas and How to Treat Them appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Saturday 22 July 2017

Top Networking Marketing Opportunities – Is There Such A Thing?

Network Marketing Opportunities

Top Network Marketing Opportunities, also known as multi-level marketing opportunities, run rampant on today’s Internet. You’ve no doubt received some kind of solicitous e-mail or seen some kind of advertisement in the margins of a web site you’ve visited that talks about amazingly easy ways to earn thousands of dollars with a simple home based business.

The truth behind many of these “Top Network Marketing Opportunities” is that they are using the sign-up fees from new members to pay dividends to existing members rather than actually generating any revenue from legitimate products and services. So no matter how much money they promise to make for you, if you can’t see any discernible product or service of value involved in the opportunity, you can assume that this is one of those “top Network Marketing Opportunities” that is actually an out and out scam.

I did my research when I was looking at joining Valentus as a Business. You do not earn on the signup fee, infact there is NO Signup Fee. If you want to be a Representative then there is a ONE Time $20 Fee, however you can just buy the Products. What i liked most when I was researching them was that I spoke to Customers and Product Users of Valentus.

This gave me a lot of confidence in the company and the product since I had previously been scammed and I was reeling from that. I actually wasn’t looking for a company to start with, however since the product worked for me, my thought process was that it would work for others like me.

I was right.

Network Marketing, MLM, times are changing and the rules are being used so finding a GOOD Reliable and Affordable Home Base Business in Network Marketing or MLM is rather easy.

I will be honest there are Scams out there. BUT, Do not let your guard down just because it is online. Keep your senses about you and if it sounds too good to be true, back away from it.

Your going to find many brilliant top networking marketing opportunities, only one out of every fifty or a hundred people who get involved actually make the kind of returns that the opportunity dangles as a carrot in front of you. That’s because these are the TOP Earners or bad promoters promoting the money first and not the product.

Would I love to make a million dollars in 30 days by not doing anything. Of course I would, but is that real? Your already saying NO, so why not do it when your checking out a business.

Me personally what would I love to make. Well I would love to make around $5000 a month, does that sound like a lot? $162 a day based on 31 days in the month. Now that sounds more achievable, don’t you think. With Network Marketing I’m not getting paid per hour, I get paid to help people learn the business and build their business, I get paid to share my product and bring in customers. So that $161 per day might not even be from ME alone building MY Business.

There is NO Shortcut or back door to Network Marketing. You can join, use the products and promote them. BUT, at the end of the day this is YOUR Business and it is up to you what you do with it. What other people earn is not an indication to what you will earn. So when you see all these wild stories out there do what Celine Dion says and “Think Twice”.

It’s never as simple as “pay for the secrets and start raking it in right away.” Anyone who does make returns on these so-called fake top networking opportunities work hard to sign up plenty of other affiliates, many more than the “it’s so easy” testimonials make it sound like you need. Never join a company that ONLY promotes or Mainly promotes earning from the signup. Find a Real Product and then find the company. Speak with friends, speak with people who you trust.

When you come across one of the Fake and Illegal “top networking marketing opportunities” on the internet, guaranteed to help you retire and live easy within a year, be wary. Do your research and find out what people who have been involved in these opportunities actually have to say about their results. Make sure you research these opportunities on objective third party sites, not testimonials on the opportunity’s home page. Keep your common sense, and good luck!

The post Top Networking Marketing Opportunities – Is There Such A Thing? appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Thursday 20 July 2017

Let me show you How To Treat Bunions

How To Treat Bunions

Let me share with you some info on How To Treat Bunions. Bunions are hard bumps on the joint of the big toe’s base. They are often caused by your big toe pushing against the next toe. Bunions can be caused by various medical conditions, structural defects, tight shoes or other stress on the foot. Here is How To Treat Bunions whether your bunions need to be treated or not.

What Does Medical Treatment Involve?

When someone chooses to treat their bunions, it is generally recommended as a last resort – when either the pain is too great to bear or it is interfering with an individual’s daily activities. Surgical options can include several methods, including removing bone, removing tissue, and realignment of bones. Recovery can take months, and surgery will likely interfere with a large time period of your life.

Shoe Inserts

Arch support and shoe inserts are one way of dealing naturally with bunions. It doesn’t take away the problem, but it minimizes the pain and discomfort. Inserts help to distribute weight more evenly and take the pressure off, allowing the bunion to keep from getting worse. There are over-the-counter arch supports available, as well as prescription orthotics.


Ice is one of the most simple remedies you will find. Use it after you have been on your feet all day. It will reduce swelling and pain, minimizing the effects of the bunions.

Wear Proper Shoes

The value of a good quality pair of shoes cannot be underestimated. If you are plagued by bunions, throw away your stilettos, or at least cut down on your use of them. Wear shoes with a proper arch, and consider investing in a high quality, custom fitted pair of shoes for everyday use. Save the others for special occasions.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you have bunions bothering you, take a look at your overall health. If you are overweight or obese, consider losing weight in order to take the pressure off your feet. Bunions are aggravated if you are overweight. Maintaining a healthy weight, and losing weight if necessary, can be one of the best ways to curb the destruction your bunions are causing you.


If you already see a massage therapist regularly, mention your bunions on your next visit. A professional massage therapist may be able to help reduce pain and swelling in the area. If you are trying to save money, or want something that can be done more often in between massage therapy visits, there are techniques you can use at home. Many websites and videos are available with ideas on how to massage bunions on your own if necessary.

When to Pursue Further Treatment

If you have used natural remedies and tried various ways to stop your bunions from becoming worse, take note of whether it is helping or not. Generally, doctors recommend medical treatment if your bunions have caused you pain for over one year. If this is the case, speak to your doctor about surgical options and other possibilities.

Bunions are a real pain to live with. Try the treatments above and use as many as needed on a regular basis to control the effects of the bunions you are dealing with. You will soon know whether or not you are a candidate to consider taking a further step in the treatment of your bunions. Keeping bunions at bay is an investment in your future comfort.

The post Let me show you How To Treat Bunions appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Tips For Effective Communication With Your Prospects

Successful home based business owners have something in common with all other business owners, online and off. All have the ability of Effective Communications.

Effective Communications are the key to building rapport and growing successful relationships with prospects and clients, because you need to nurture introductory questions, business start up and development, and long term growth. So here are some tips to help you develop your own effective communication skills.

  • Listen carefully to what your speaker is saying. Don’t try to think ahead and prepare your reply. Focus, listen and learn. Ask questions, if you need to, before you reply. Get the facts clear first.
  • Keep the conversation tuned to today, not on older programs, past home based trial and errors, etc. Discuss with a clean slate. Continue by keeping things in a positive tone.
  • Watch that you don’t use any unkind remarks, slander, racist or other negative types of comments – even in jest. And don’t be afraid to stand up for this, too, especially in the event that others are using abusive language.
  • Don’t interrupt or put up defenses while someone is talking. Hear the person out and then respond. Remain polite and don’t give rude replies, even if your opinion differs. In fact, try to find commonalities and a place to reach mutual agreement.
  • Keep a lid on anger. If you need help with this, read anger management articles or seek help from a local councelor or minister.
  • Avoid the words ‘always’ and ‘never’ in the heat of discussions or arguments. Those phrases get tossed around and stir up even more trouble. Plus it’s rare that anyone or anything is 100% the same 100% of the time. So steer clear of these troublesome words.
  • Don’t play the blame game. If something goes wrong with a client project and maybe your client was at fault, avoid pointing the finger. Instead, pitch in and help to resolve the problem. Clear things up and move past mistakes.
  • Apologize if you are in the wrong and move on. Don’t harbor negative feelings. Fess up, but don’t dwell.

These are just a few tips to help you improve Effective Communications with your prospects and team members. Incorporate these and other ideas in your communications and you will be well on your way to a successful home business.

The post Tips For Effective Communication With Your Prospects appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Profiting From Online Social Networking

Social Networking The Architecture of Participation

This is the second in a series of articles that was published a few years ago relaying thoughts and ideas from the Internet Retailer Conference in Chicago. Peter Kosciewicz, Director of E-Commerce for the Eastwood Company, and Chris Saito, Senior Director, Shopping Products for Yahoo! Shopping, delivered a presentation entitled “Social Networking: The Peer Persuasion Marketing Tool.”

According to Kosciewicz, the Web today has grown into an “architecture of participation” that facilitates social networking through devices such as blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasts, and more. Forrester Research has published studies that show that traditional marketing is continuing to lose credibility. Social networking as a means of marketing overcomes this lack of consumer trust because it relies on the word of the consumer rather than the word of the producer. Research from Datamonitor reported that 85% of respondents in a survey indicated that word-of-mouth from friends, family, or colleagues is more trustworthy than corporate-generated content.

So how do you take advantage of social networking to sell more product?

Simple – you open yourself up. You plant the seeds of a community to grow up around your site by using devices such as blogs, customer reviews, and forums to give a voice to your customers or prospective customers. The caveat is that you must be high quality. You must have high quality service and a high quality product. If not, avoid this marketing method.

Kosciewicz outlined four important rules for using social networking on your web site:

  1. Guide but don’t control.
  2. Never censor.
  3. Don’t be afraid of the negative.
  4. Don’t be paranoid.

If you open up a forum on your site but then restrict what people are allowed to say, such as removing posts that are negative toward your company or that mention your competitors, then you will do more damage than good to your reputation. Use negativity as a way to improve your business. If people are negative, look at that as feedback and act on it. Make changes, and then let your community know about it. Don’t worry about your community talking about your competition.

Your attitude has to be that you are the best, so why worry about it?

As a community develops around your web site, certain members will establish themselves as more influential than others. They will be more outspoken, and will be the ones who often respond to others. Cultivate these members, because they can be powerful allies. Once you have identified the more influential members of your community, contact them regularly, give them free product, become their friend. Feed your influencers information, and they will distribute it for you. But do not make it appear that you are only interested in them because they can help you sell stuff. You need to be genuine.

Measuring the impact of social networking is difficult. Unlike other forms of marketing, there is no direct connect between social networking activity and sells. What you will want to do is track traffic to pages such as customer reviews, referral links, etc.

Social networking can be a powerful marketing tool, if you have a high quality product like Valentus and you are not afraid of an open dialogue with your customers.

The post Profiting From Online Social Networking appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly