Sunday 30 April 2017

How To Use Your Blog To Generate Leads

Use Your Blog To Generate Leads

I hope you have some idea of what a ‘blog’ is. To keep it simple, a blog is sort of an online journal – which may include text entries called posts, videos, audio, photos and other web links.

A blog is mostly about a person’s daily experiences, however, there are blogs which cater to a wide array of the ‘blogging’ public – ranging from topics like food, different crafts, health, family, politics, spirituality, books or movies – almost anything under the sun.

Because of the immense popularity of blogging, it is being practiced by millions of online users all over the world. This popularity and the widespread awareness of blogging is now being used by business owners as a means to reach out a particular market and earn an income for their business.

MLM stands for multi-level marketing. Many network marketers have seen the opportunity of the blog and is using it as their weapon to target a specific market.

Network marketing is a business technique used by entrepreneurs to increase their profits.

Business owners use different ways to generate leads and increase their business. If you are just starting out in business, you make use of the following ways to generate leads and increase your earnings:

1. Advertising

Google Adsense is the most popular way of generating income through blogs. Here, the blogger who posts entries on his or her web site makes use of the opportunities given by Google AdSense ads.

However they are notorious for shutting down your account for “Clicking Your Own Ads”. The heyday they had has gone now, yes adsense is another good income stream but don’t make it your only one.

If, for example, you have a personal blog and there are AdSense ads related to the topic that you often write about, each “click” on the ad posted on your blog will earn you an income from Google – from as as low as a couple of cents to as high as hundreds of dollars a day – depending on the amount of traffic as well as your own techniques is using Google AdSense to your advantage.

2. Article writing

Online users scourge the Internet for information. If you have a lot of articles on your web site, you can generate a lot of leads for your business.

If you can get people to personally request information from you, there is an even higher chance of you getting leads. There are also companies or service providers who can generate leads and promote your web site for you.

Myself I actually share my content and rss feed from the site. this allows people to use the content and for me to get backlinks.

3. Web site building

If you have a web site for your business, you can easily optimize it to generate leads so that you can advertise, post articles and build customer rapport and interaction through message postings.

How To Use Your Blog To Generate Leads

The traditional method of network marketing is by spending hours on the phone calling prospects, convincing them and turning them into clients. Out of these leads that you generate, you can recruit representatives to further increase your profits from your home business.

Keeping customers happy, gaining their trust and building a strong relationship with them are just some of the things to remember with network marketing.

Once you have gathered enough leads using either purchasing or generating your own leads – then you have to know what to do with it. There is such a thing as a ‘bad lead’ where you will get prospect objections and rejections.

There is a disadvantage in getting the services of a lead generation company since some of them might sell re-used leads – which you will not get to discover until it is too late.

Also, in network marketing, it is important to learn how you can get your prospects to always say yes, instead of hearing a bunch of no’s from prospects. In addition, you need to make sure that your advertising money is worth it.

How To Use Your Blog To Generate Leads

With Internet marketing, you have to be innovative and find ways to develop a well-thought out promotional campaign.

This blog is a content website but also my lead generation website. You can join my list various ways around the site.

With the popularity of blogging, you can use this in expanding your business and generating leads.

For example, if you are an entrepreneur who has a small jewelry business, you can have a blog where users interested in jewelry or jewelry-making can post their comments.

This blog itself, the underlying product is Valentus, but the posts are based around what Valentus can do for you, Weight Loss, Healthy Living, More Freedom, Home Business, Residual Income and so much more.

Being a small-scale entrepreneur, you need to market and promote your business. You can easily do this and generate a lot of lead by having the visitors on your blog post comments and address their questions and feedbacks to you, personally.

This would not just add on to your lead but also give you a feedback of what most of your prospective customers want or need.

With the use of a client-specific blog, multi-level marketers and business owners can easily generate leads, contact prospects, turn these leads into sales and watch their profits increase.

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 ‘How To Use Your Blog To Generate Leads

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Myths About Leadership That Need to Stop!

Crap Leadership Exists – STOP IT

Don’t worry if you don’t think you are a ‘great leader’ naturally. It’s perfectly fine to feel that there are others out there better suited to leadership roles and in fact few of us see ourselves as being natural born leaders until we are thrust into the role.

The good news is that most leaders are made rather than born and that means you can develop the necessary skills ‘on the job’ as it were. Part of this will mean doing your research, which you’re doing right now… well done!

Unfortunately though, what doesn’t help matters is that there is a lot of misinformation out there making things harder for us. There are a lot of prevailing myths about leadership that doing nothing other than steer us onto the wrong course. Here are a few of the worst…

Being a Leader Involves Shouting

One thing that people think is that being a leader means ‘being in charge’ and that this in turn means stamping down their authority and shouting at people to reprimand them when necessary.

But while this might have been true in the 50’s, it’s a wildly outdated approach today. For starters, shouting simply makes you appear out of control and emotional – rather than calm and collected.

Moreover, shouting suggests that you are in charge of someone else; you aren’t. All you are is in a position where you get to choose the next course of action. This is due to an agreement between you and the person you are instructing and they can choose to terminate that agreement at any time, as can you. Treat people with respect, even when they’re not listening to reason.

Leaders Should be ‘One of the Guys’

Conversely though, it is not pertinent to try and be ‘mates’ with your team. While that might sound appealing, the reality is that it will lead to more problems. It makes it harder when you have to make tough decisions, it can lead to accusations that your personal feelings are getting in the way and it can sometimes cross a line into disrespect. Be friendly but try to separate business and pleasure at least in the office.

Being a Leader Means Being Bold and Brave

Being a leader does not mean you have to be bold and brave. It doesn’t mean you need to have wide shoulders and a massive chest, or infinite confidence.

All leaders are human (except Optimus Prime) and that means they have weaknesses, character flaws and self-doubt just like everyone else. Being a leader is not about who you are but is about what you do!

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Saturday 29 April 2017

Simple Self Talk

Yes – I Talk To Myself

Doing Positive Self Talk is not as hard as others would think. Positive Self Talk can be done by anybody who wants to apply the principle, it will only take just a few minutes in a day then achieve remarkable results after some time.

Positive Self Talk will not require you to do all those complicated stuffs including uber-science chanting of a mantra, it doesn’t even require you to be cheerful or enthusiastic all day. Experts have demonstrated that positive self talk only require a few minutes to seconds of your daily time.

Positive Self Talk in its exact and simple meaning is the act of affirming positive thoughts and emotions from one’s mind which results to inner peace. Some people even claimed that this inner peace manifests in the real world via getting rich or having healthy relationships.

Positive Self Talk when a person just happens to be at a deep inner peace with himself. It is a natural phenomena transferred to a person’s deep subconscious mind and for some reason the subconscious mind on its own intellectual power takes this feeling up and transfer the message to the universal creator and then manifests itself into the material world

A powerful and effective step in Positive Self Talk is meditative relaxation. This simple and often neglected technique can done by simple sitting in a chair or floor and then listening to cool and relaxing music, or by performing any relaxation exercise. The main task of positive self talk is clearing up all negative thoughts in one’s mind so by putting someone in a relaxed state of mind all negative thoughts are eliminated from one’s mind and such state will put someone in a positive mood. After some time those positive feelings will find their way to manifest in reality

Another technique for Positive Self Talk is what we call Affirmations. This widely accepted technique is done by affirming positive statements to your self. These affirmations when made, are capable of achieving outstanding results especially if they are repeated often as the situation demands and if the affirmation is supported with positive thoughts.

Some examples of affirmations are:

  • Everyday is getting better
  • I am a winner
  • I am slowly becoming successful

Just as meditative relaxation the positive messages/affirmations in your mind will somehow manifest themselves into reality

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Hijack ANY Link and put your OWN Link on the page

Put Your Link On ANY Website You Want… Legally

There are many tools and resources out there that help you Hijack pages. BUT I am telling you I have found the easiest system EVER.

The Website is called :

The company that I am with is called Valentus, and they have a few links to share but the links are not branded to me. I don’t really want to share them without having some sort of ME on it so that I do not lose any potential prospects.

Let me show you what I am talking about. Check out the Valentus Products Here.

Notice how I can now share the website and have my Notification down on the bottom left. That is that created that.

This style of system is brilliant for Affiliate Marketing, CPA, Network Marketers and so much more.

Imagine your promoting a Eric Worre Post and you grab an affiliate link from Amazon for Eric Worre GoPro, the chance of someone clicking on that link is HIGHER because it is related and you also have the chance to share some amazing information.

I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and recently there was a newspaper article about how dangerous Energy Drinks were over Coffee. I promote and all natural energy drink called Prevail Energy, so matching that product to the newspaper website is the perfect combination.

Energy drinks more dangerous than caffeine alone, says study

Check out the Newspaper Report Here

Does that make sense to what does. Inside the site it is an easy to follow system. Put the link you want to share, the affiliate link you want to show and the content box. Now you can share any link you want and have it work for you.

I want to invite you to open up a FREE Account.

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from James Reilly Online

Friday 28 April 2017

The History of Live Streaming

Live streaming is touted to be one of the ‘big new deals’ when it comes to digital marketing. There has never been something quite like this and the rate at which it has grown in even the first few months is quite remarkable.

Experts speculate that live streaming is going to be massive but we don’t have to speculate. All you have to do is take a look at the statistics which make it rather clear just what a big deal live streaming is going to be!

Did you know for instance that Periscope has already managed to accrue a very impressive 10,000,000 user accounts?

And did you know that if you combined all the footage ever recorded on the platform, it would take you over 40 years to watch all of it? 2 million people log in every single day, distributed across 25 countries! And when you consider how big Facebook is (it has more users than the population of any country in the world), it’s easy to imagine that live streaming is about to explode in an even bigger way!

Where it All Began

But where did this all begin? It may surprise some to realize that Periscope actually wasn’t the first live streaming site to make it big. Instead, that accolade belongs to Meerkat which launched in March 2015. Back then it was known as ‘AIR’ and ‘Yevvo’ and it was immediately apparent that this was going to be a big game changer in social media marketing.

At first, Twitter helped this success and worked closely with Meerkat. Shortly after though, the company clearly decided they needed their own contender in this new space; which is when they bought the then-small Periscope for a sum of $100 million!

Facebook’s Entry

From there, Facebook decided to get involved and rolled out an experimental live service for its best-known members. In December 2015, this was extended across Android and iOS devices and later it made its way across the pond.

And Facebook is currently taking this movement very seriously, stating that live video enjoys much more engagement compared with other types of video and that they envisage a time where one day video is the primary form of content. The ranking algorithm that dictates what gets seen on the homefeed has been tweaked to prefer live video and marketers everywhere are getting excited.

More new features are coming to the service all the time and in short – this is a very good time to be involved with Facebook Live.

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Diabetes in Children – A Guide for Families

Has your child been diagnosed with diabetes, and you’re worried? Or maybe he or she has had diabetes for a while but you feel like you’re floundering. Sometimes, parents and families need to understand how diabetes affects the family dynamic, and how they can be supportive. Whether your child is an infant, teen, or in grade school, families often need some guidance on how they can help their children live a normal life.

Here is a brief guide for families living with children who have diabetes.

Be Ready for Misconceptions

Parents and diabetic children will have to deal with various misconceptions and myths about diabetes. It’s good to look over some of the more prevalent myths and questions, and have a ready answer for them. You may want to coach your child in answering these misconceptions as well.

* “Will I catch diabetes from you/your child?” Of course not – diabetes is not communicable.

* “I can’t invite you/your child to my birthday party!” Children with diabetes may not be invited to birthday parties because many hosts/parents do not want the responsibility of a diabetic child, especially one surrounded by sugary birthday treats. Hopefully, you can work with the parents of kids who are having birthday parties and let your child participate in whatever capacity you’re comfortable with.

* “Will you die if you eat sugar?” Some people think that diabetics will be “poisoned” if they eat sugar.

* “You must have eaten too much sugar as a baby/child; that’s why you have diabetes.” Many people think that eating too much sugar causes diabetes.


To help make the disease seem less scary, research the terminology and realities of the disease. That way, when your doctor talks to you about the disease, you will not feel intimidated by the terms and will know what he or she is talking about. Knowledge can help you feel empowered. You can also use your research to help formulate a plan, which makes a lot of families feel more secure.

Include Other Family Members

When you can, include the family in the scheduled meal times and even snacks. Some families make a nightly together time of the snack before bed that most diabetics need. Everyone in the family should know how to recognize signs of a problem – high or low blood sugar especially.

Get Involved

Involve yourself in the diabetes community in your area and/or online. There are diabetes camps, online forms, and various support groups that can help your family live with diabetes. These groups can also help your child learn how to cope with diabetes now and in the future.

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from James Reilly Online

Thursday 27 April 2017

The Importance of the Golden Circle in Business and Leadership

Want to be a great leader? Then understanding just one single principle can make all the difference and elevate you to the status of one of the greats.

What is that principle? It’s called the ‘Golden Circle’ and it’s an idea that applies to many different aspects of business in fact – especially leadership. The idea was first postulated by Simon Spinek, who set out to codify what it was that made great leaders stand out and inspire action. Famously, he went to outline his findings expertly in his TED talk.

Why is it that some companies like Apple (back in the day) are industry leaders? Why do some keep innovating while others just seem stuck in the past?

What Simon found as he examined this question, was that some organizations approached their businesses in the opposite way to their contemporaries. Specifically, they asked the question ‘why’ first, as opposed to asking it last like so many others.

Because according to the golden circle, there are three tiers of motivation that can describe a business:

  • What
  • How
  • Why

The ‘what’ is what your business does. Your business, for example, might make dumbbells. The how is of course how it does this. Maybe that means using outsourced manufacturing.

But the why is what motivates that business. Other than money. Why did those involved choose the fitness industry? What was it they were hoping to accomplish? What do they believe?

The answer might be that the company was hoping to change the way people felt by themselves. Maybe it was that they wanted to create a healthier society. Maybe they just wanted to make people happier.

But regardless of the scenario, THIS is what matters as a leader. Because once you know your ‘why’, you can then inspire people with it. Once you find the passion and the drive behind your business plans, it will become evident and contagious and other people will become as passionate as you are. That means both your customers and your employees.

Finding a ‘why’ also makes it that much easier for you to navigate and find your course of action. Once you know what your long term goals are, you can make better decisions to head there – rather than just trying to stay afloat the entire time.

So find your why and the rest will follow from there!

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Wednesday 26 April 2017

Facebook Live Advanced Features

Facebook Live couldn’t be easier to set up and get started with – which is one of its big advantages even over the other live streaming services. Simply click to post from your Android or iOS app and then choose the live streaming option – it’s that easy!

But while creating the videos may be easy, there are a few additional features to be found if you want to take your videos one step further. Read on and we’ll examine some of the best extra features and advanced options that can help you to take your Facebook Live marketing to the next level.

Edit Your Videos

Once you’ve finished filming your videos, the great news is that they don’t disappear! Unlike Meerkat and most other streaming services, Facebook lets you keep your creations and these will then remain on your page just like any video you would upload any other way.

The great thing about this is that it means you can then continue to profit and build new viewers from that one piece of content you created rather than letting it go to waste. What’s more, is that this allows you to increase the overall views many times over.

Facebook Live lets you edit these videos as you can any others – adding comments for example or thumbnails.

Add a Call to Action

Another useful tip for marketers in particular, is the option to add a call to action. Any marketer knows that this is an invitation to buy a product, to subscribe to a mailing list or to otherwise take a step that will make them more involved with the brand and more likely to spend money eventually.

You can add a call to action as a button, which can be something like ‘Shop Now’ and you should combine this with a verbal call to action at the end of the video that explains why your visitors should buy from you.

Use the Facebook live Map

The Facebook live Map is a great way to find new content. Visit this and you can see ‘pins’ showing where people are streaming all around the world. The bigger, pulsating pins are those that belong to the streams with the most views.

A handy tip is to check these out and see what tips you can get from the very best marketers on the platform!

There are many more tips and tricks you’ll learn as you go but these should be enough to get you started and give you an edge over your competition.

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Why You Shouldn’t Put Pressure on Your Team

Want to get the very most out of your team? Then you might be tempted to try and put lots of pressure on them. Perhaps that means giving them unreasonable deadlines. Maybe it means telling them that they need to complete X amount of work in order to get some kind of reward. Whether you choose carrot or stick, the assumption might be that they need some kind of external motivator.

The only problem? This is actually wrong… When you take this approach, you’ll actually be limiting what your team can accomplish, stifling their creativity and ultimately shooting your own business in the foot. Oops!

Here’s why…

How We Work Best

If your objective is sheer numbers and quantity, then this approach can work. However, most of us would agree that what we actually value more is creativity and intuition. This is what makes the difference between a good business that manages to survive and a great business that manages to change the world.

And the problem is that tight deadlines ruin creativity. One reason for this is that tight deadlines cause us to have a stress response. This triggers the release of excitatory neurotransmitters and hormones that include the likes of adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine. While these get us psyched up and help us focus, that same focus makes us harder to be creative.

Because creativity occurs when our mind is free to wander (and wonder). That way, we can explore disparate ideas in our brains and it is this process that helps us to find new connections and therefore to recombine them in unique ways. It is generally agreed that that is what a good idea is – the recombination of two old ideas.

This is why we are thought to be at our most creative when we’re engaging in mundane tasks like washing up, showering or walking.

Procrastination Isn’t All Bad

Taking our time also simply gives us enough time to think about alternative ways to do things. This has led to many studies demonstrating a simple correlation between procrastination and creative problem solving. People who procrastinate tend to also be more effective at coming up with unique ideas!

So if you want to be more creative and have a more creative team, cut them some slack! You could even take a leaf out of Google’s book and provide your team with downtime to allow them to come up with their own projects and ideas.

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Tuesday 25 April 2017

=The Future of Facebook Live

Live streaming has seen a lot of progressive progress in a relatively short amount of time. Facebook Live too has been growing rapidly and most experts and marketers speculate that this is likely to be a big deal in the coming months and years.

But the scope of Facebook Live goes far beyond marketing. Facebook Live could well dictate the general direction that the company takes in the future… even changing the way that we interact with one another.

On the blog, Facebook representatives described the impact that Facebook Live has already had in a short space of time and how this has impacted their algorithms.

“We rolled out Facebook Live on iOS in December and last week we began rolling it out on Android in the US. Over the last three months Facebook Live video has become more and more popular and more and more people and Pages are creating and watching live videos.

“Now that more and more people are watching Live videos, we are considering Live Videos as a new content type – different from normal videos – and learning how to rank them for people in News Feed. As a first step, we are making a small update to News Feed so that Facebook Live videos are more likely to appear higher in News Feed when those videos are actually live, compared to after they are no longer live. People spend more than 3x more time watching a Facebook Live video on average compared to a video that’s no longer live. This is because Facebook Live videos are more interesting in the moment than after the fact.”

They also stated that Facebook could one day revolve much more around videos generally compared with pictures and written posts.

The Cultural Impact

But video streaming has applications beyond simply adding content. Imagine being able to enjoy concerts live by following a band’s page or watching a friend’s feed. Or imagine being able to get live reports on world events, filmed from numerous different angles simultaneously… almost like being omnipresent.

And if we consider this in the broader context of Facebook’s plans and acquisitions – and of Moor’s Law – then things get even more exciting.

For instance, Facebook recently made a very high profile investment in virtual reality technology when it bought Oculus. Imagine being able to stream 360 footage and have your friends experience that right next to you, as though they were there!

Or imagine when connections are powerful enough that you could see live previews of everything being filmed at any given time. This technology is just around the corner and if it is fully realised, then Facebook live could genuinely change the world!

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Monday 24 April 2017

Diabetes – How to Recognize and Prevent Complications

Learning to recognize the complications of diabetes in yourself and others can save a life. Sometimes diabetes goes unnoticed, and until there’s a complication, the person doesn’t know he or she has diabetes. If a shrewd friend can see some symptoms before the complications hit, it may give the diabetic an edge on treatment. It’s also a good idea to learn some of the signs and symptoms of complications and how to stave them off in yourself.

Here are some tips to help you prevent and recognize diabetes complications.


There are some specific actions you can take to help avoid complications and keep them from developing.

1. Don’t smoke

Smoking is one of the worst things a diabetic can do. First of all, smoking constricts blood vessels, further complicating the compromised circulation that comes with diabetes anyway. Secondly, smoking increases diabetics’ risk of cardiovascular disease and even vision problems. So a good step toward staving off these complications is to stop smoking (or don’t start!).

2. Take your medication regularly

To help your body stay on an even keel, it’s a good idea to take your prescribed medication as directed. Don’t self-medicate. If you want to change medications or try something different, make sure you do so under the care of a professional.

3. Regular check-ups

Getting regular physicals is important, but so are check-ups specifically for your diabetes. Your vision in particular should be monitored to prevent vision complications such as glaucoma later on.

4. Maintain a healthy weight

Eating a healthy, diabetic-specific diet and getting enough regular exercise is key to maintaining a healthy weight. You don’t want to crash-diet, but getting on track with the right foods and activity level is a good place to start.


Recognizing complications early can help, whether it’s an urgent, short-term complication or a long-term one. Here are some tips.

Sources say that the body parts most affected by diabetes are:

* Eyes

* Kidneys

* Nerves

* Heart and blood vessels

* Gums

* Feet

Watching for abnormalities in these areas of the body is the first step toward recognizing any complications in that area.

1. Neuropathy

Burning, tingling sensations in the hands and feet, sharp night-time pain, and difficulty walking are signs of diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage). Swollen, red feet are also a sign of serious nerve complications.

2. Vision problems

If you have blurry vision, sudden losses of vision, what seems like flashing light or grey, drifting films across your eyes, it could be a sign of diabetic vision complications. Pain and pressure in the eye are also symptoms.

3. Kidney complications

Diabetics are prone to kidney problems. Signs of kidney complications include fatigue, poor concentration, painful urination, and/or edema (puffy swelling) in the abdomen, around the eyes, or in the ankles and feet.

4. High and low blood sugar

Symptoms of very low blood sugar may include nausea, extreme fatigue, confusion, emotional imbalance, and ravenous hunger. High blood sugar may cause excessive thirst, headache, and increased, frequent urination. High and low blood sugar need to be addressed immediately.

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The Joy of MLM

MLM IS The Future of Employment

There are so many bad examples of Multi Level Marketing or MLM or Network Marketing that people just put them ALL under one category :

Pyramid Scam

We need to understand more about MLM, Network Marketing. Purely because if we are caught in the lie then WE are the ones who suffer.

The LIE is that WORKING all your life will set you free. Only Lucky people work for themselves.

I have come across Dr’s, Lawyers, School Drop Outs, low income single parents, Students and Teenagers, who are all making 6 Figures a year because of Network Marketing.

Let me share with you an image that might help you see it. I’m not showing it to scare you or force a thought process. I’m sharing it to show you that there are Legitimate Pyramid Schemes that actually work.

Look at the image. Now does the Greeter at the bottom get paid the same amount as the CEO at the top? NO. The CEO (Upline) either started the company, was hired as the CEO or worked their way up there through the ranks.

In Network Marketing when you join a company you are in essence the CEO of your OWN Company. When you join a company, say Valentus, your NOT a business owner of Valentus.  You work on Commission and Bonuses. People get this confused a lot and it really does get people in a mood.

Business owners have the ability to make company decisions, commissioned sales people do not.

The Joy of MLM is that you are not in control of the business, so you have none of the decisions to make about the company. No Hiring or Firing, No Sourcing NOTHING, it is not down to YOU.

The downside is if they go out of business then again YOU have no control over it. However that is like most things in life.

You can and you should protect yourself against a company going out of business. It’s actually rather easy and costs a lot less than you think.

Look around this blog, look at the side bar, look at the bottom. NOTICE something?

There are subscription forms all over this blog. There are also Facebook links to private groups. Let’s say that Valentus went out of business, would I be bothered? Probably YES because I love the products, but from a Business point of view. I will have my list. ALL the people that Join Me, Download from me, connect with me are all in my list.

So if the company goes down i’m not without other Network Marketers, I send out an email and share what I am up to next and rebuild my MLM with them by my side.

In the Corporate world you lose your job, you have to then go after another one. Well with it being a lot easier online, when you build up your first Network Marketing System and you have a good team around you. You build another Income Stream.

How many times have you been pitched : Are you open to checking out another income stream that will compliment what you are doing just now?

Unlike a JOB in the Corporate world, you can actually build up multiple income streams so that you are always building up your income.

If that system fails or you don’t like it, then build another. You will fail more building more income streams, but tell me this.

Is it not better to fail more as you try than to never fail and never try?

This is why you need to be open minded, teachable and a Networker, so that you can build upon what you have and are already building.


If you have a JOB offline, I always always always recommend you keep it. I have heard people jack in their jobs to go ALL IN, then realise that they aren’t getting paid a wage, they are not getting the time to do it as they thought they would and that they had to spend time learning. Not only that NOT EVERYONE wanted to join their New Business Venture. Then they scream SCAM and that famous quote PYRAMID SCHEME.

It’s not the business or the products that failed them. Take Responsibility.The failure comes from within. It’s up to you to master it and take control of your own destiny.

If a Fortune500 company doesn’t expect to see a return from you within the first 6 months, why would you think that you can join today and retire tomorrow. This is a harsh business that people just think, yeah throw some links on social media, put up some quotes and that’s it they will join me and i will be the Team Leader.

It’s called NETWORK Marketing for a reason. You need to lay the seed sometimes that wont start to grow for a few years. You need to purchase tools and resources to help you along the way. You need to attend the Webinars and stupid o’clock in the morning and you the Seminars in other Countries.

You need to make a sacrifice here and there. That footy match that is on right when that online conference is taking place, the partner wants to go out but you have to learn how to do something or listen to a call.

Someone said to me the other day, “I want to do what you do, I want a blog like that”, I can hand over all the tools that I use, but it’s up to them to learn them. That means hitting YouTube and Google and learning, then you have to implement and test.

I think I bought this domain in 2007. I’ve been online since early 2000. Facebook came around 2004 and I had to learn all of that, WordPress became popular and I had to learn all of that after I had just learned HTML. Everyday I learn something new, I also share tons of information as well.

Is this starting to make sense. This is why people back out so many times. Nothing to do with the fake stats going around, only 3% make it online. What a stupid thing to quote to people.

When it comes to my business that I do with Valentus I have simplified it. You can use this in ANY Business. It is my 5 Steps.

  1. Join
  2. Purchase Your Product
  3. Attend the Webinars and Connect with your Upline
  4. Setup the Loyalty Purchase
  5. Share what you do

That is the WHOLE Business broken down to it’s basics. Each one is like the Name of a Chapter, it does go into more depth once you get to that section. But the SKIMMING of it is that.

Building Your Business

Before I move on, let me share something with you. I am NOT trying to scare you out of getting into Network Marketing or MLM for a better more understanding word.

This business throws around BIG Numbers, many that we couldn’t even dream of. They show off the Flashy Side of life and show off to people. The reality is that many people don’t reach the dizzy numbers that people push.

Some just use the product, share it with a few mates who buy it from them and they are happy with that, they are in essence “Retailers”.  Sometimes these mates share it with their mates and your income grows that bit more.

I spoke with a MLM Millionaire years ago when I was a Tyre Fitter, he came in and we got chatting. I was in complete awe of him because he was so young, nice car and didn’t have to get a “JOB”. We got talking and he mentioned he was in MLM.

I excitedly said “WOW You must have a MASSIVE Team to be earning all of that every month”, he replied me back


That stumped me. How could he achieve what he had without having a BIG Team. I offered him a cup of tea and we sat down.

He said I tell people right up front what I want from them and if they cannot give me that then please don’t waste your time or mine.

I actually thought that was rude, but it was right in what he said. WHY spend months with someone who doesn’t follow through.

He said, I connect with them and chat with them. IF they are interested in what I am offering I then tell them that I expect 5 things.

1 – Join The Company – Registration is FREE so you can have a look around
2 – Purchase the Product so that you know what the product is and what it is like
3 – You will get contacted via email with a link to a Webinar, or a Call. Your Upline will also contact you so connect with them.
4 – If your happy so far, then setup the Loyalty Purchase and get your product sent to you monthly
5 – Connect with other people, with the product solve their problems and help them.

Sadly though I didn’t join him, I finished his Tyre’s and let him go on his way. I remember the thought I had at the time. I cannot afford that.

Looking back now. Yes I could have afforded it but I wanted a night out. More me the fool.

Do you know how many people he had in his team that he worked with?

50 People that followed what he said. His team replicated what he did and they offered the same to their team they were building.

Let me break it down for you so it’s even easier to build your business in Network Marketing.

You have 12 months in the year. You use the 1 to 5 points above. Could you recruit ONE Person Per Month and teach them the 5 steps.

I am looking for ONE person to work with. Someone who is open to creating an income stream. Who has at least $100 a month to invest in themselves and will follow and do what I tell them to do.

If you can follow the 5 steps below I want to hear from you :

  1. Join
  2. Purchase Your Product
  3. Attend the Webinars and Connect with your Upline
  4. Setup the Loyalty Purchase
  5. Share what you do


See how simple that is. Your going to get MORE than ONE Person wanting to START however the 80/20 rule says that NOT everyone will follow through, this is why you must NEVER Stop building your business even when you are on GOOD Money. This is why you must work on growing you and your income opportunities.

So looking over this post, in a JOB to get to the CEO level you might never get there. Also your income level is CAPPED, usually around minimum wage. You can make a good life with a Job, but your financially restricted to it. I can’t afford to leave but I can’t afford to stay, I will just keep doing what I am doing.

Your JOB is the best thing you can ever have. It pays the bills, buys the food, pays for the car you need to pay back to get to work to pay for the car, pays for the holidays. BUT your only ever going to reach a certain restricted level.

Using your job to your advantage, e.g your income, this allows you to test out and get into something that suits you and your lifestyle.

Network Marketing, MLM, Online gives me that freedom that I never had. More time for me, more time for family, more time to grow myself into who I want to be. I don’t need to wait until I retire to enjoy the last few years of my life. I get to enjoy my life NOW.

My Pitch To You

The company that I am in is called Valentus. They offer a FREE Tour of the system so you can see the back end. I also offer a Personalized link so you can see the products that I use and promote.

Valentus is a Health and Wellness Category System. You can find the product on the Menu bar at the top of this site.

If you have read this far, then I am going to make an assumption that YOU are the sort of person I want to work with. Put your details in the box at the bottom and take the FREE No Obligation Tour.

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The post The Joy of MLM appeared first on James Reilly Online.

from James Reilly Online

I don’t think Network Marketing is a Scam….

I am sat here the last few hours watching the world go past. Parents rushing their kids off to school, adults in Suits going to work, people just driving in to the road after night shift.
I sit here and I do not go through what they go through. I am not bashing a JOB in any way, I used to love working offline.
Finding something to do that you can do part time until you feel secure enough that it really does work is brilliant. That is why a Job is so good, it brings you in a sense of security even though the Corporate world now is not as secure as it used to be.
Network Marketing for ME is an Opportunity System where I found I can work with any products or services I choose, without worrying about production costs, inventory, or where will I source my goods.
I understand why people call it a scam, it is so easy to setup in Network Marketing with very little cost, the problem is not everyone is a “Networker” or a “Sales Person”.
The thing is, I’m not. I couldn’t sell ice on a hot summer day. What I can do though is be a Product of the Product and actually USE what I am sharing. I don’t need to learn sales material for the product because I can tell you from real experience about the product. This is because I use the product.
I see posts on Facebook, “Will you buy my product” “Will you look at my opportunity”. “Buy my product and help me reach rank” I can’t do that. That is not me.
What I can do, when people buy the product and they love it, I can help them get the product for FREE simply by posting about their experience with the product.
People by nature are curious creatures and they are watching you. I have to admit I have had a few likes and shares from people that I look up to and respect immensely who are REAL #GURU in Network Marketing.
Don’t be afraid of Network Marketing. Everyone is sold on the idea of something. You DID NOT Buy what ever you buy without someone some where selling you on the idea of it.
My goal is to help you understand what Network Marketing is, it’s to show you how you can build something that is for you along side what you are currently doing.
I like old movies, and I was watching one a while back and it was to do with motor vehicles. A quote stuck with me.
Man was not meant to go at breakneck speeds of 20mph.
Could you imagine taking someone from the early motoring history and putting them in a racing car of today.
You think back to then and you think to now, try and imagine all the deaths, accidents, crashes, breakdowns. Does that mean we should dump the automobile because it’s a scam, surely one umbrella fits all?
That is exactly what people do when it comes to using words like MLM, Network Marketing ,Home Base Business.
We cut out the middle person, we cut down on the company costs, Business used to be person to person before Corporate Greed kicked in. We can all agree that it’s there but many just don’t want to do something for themselves because they are stuck on a Hamster Wheel going round and round.
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from James Reilly Online

Top Tips for Creating Better Live Content

Creating live content is something that most marketers won’t have much experience with. The big live streaming sites have only been around in the last year and so this is still very much an area where we are learning and honing our craft.

Fortunately, video content is not so new. If you’re used to creating content for YouTube, then largely this is going to be similar and you should find that the skills are transferrable.

But there are some differences and there are some best practices that will help a lot on a live video. Read on to find out what some of those are and to make sure you create the best videos possible for Facebook Live.

Ensure you have a good connection

This is something that you wouldn’t have to worry about with a YouTube video but it is paramount when streaming live. Ideally, you should wait until you have a WiFi connection to ensure that your video will stream well and won’t be interrupted. Otherwise, aim for at least 4G.

Greet new viewers

As you are filming, new viewers will log in and find your content. A great tip is to welcome these new viewers by name and say hello. This really wakes them up and immediately shows off the power of live video for them. No longer are they passive viewers – now they’re active participants and they can be seen by the creator of the video!

Structure your content lightly

In other words, don’t just ramble on with no structure to what you’re saying. Make sure that your video has some kind of point and some kind of structure – such as an interview or a top 10 list. At the same time though, be flexible and free to react to your audience. People love feeling as though they’re getting to know you and if you are too rigid and scripted then it may as well not be live!

Cater to viewers just coming in

When structuring your content, remember that very few people will have watched your content from start to finish. This means that your most important audience is probably the people who arrived after the start and won’t stay to the end. This is why it’s a good idea to ensure that your content can be enjoyed from halfway through as well. Recap back occasionally and make sure that you keep everyone up-to-speed!

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from James Reilly Online

Sunday 23 April 2017

Traits That Make a Great Leader

What Makes A Great Leader?

Of course every leader is different. While some leaders will be very charismatic, loud and proud, others will be understated and calm. While some will be ‘by the book’, others will be creative and flexible in the way they work.

But while leaders all vary and come in many shapes and sizes, there are certainly some prevailing feature and traits that seem to unite them. Let’s take a look then at some of the things that make a great leader and some of the traits you should adopt if you want to be greater at leading!


A good leader should be responsible. That means they need to be able to take the flack when things go wrong and they need to be courageous enough to take risks and then take the flak when those risks go wrong. This is important because it ensures that the team feel safe and liberated to work their best, knowing that they answer only to one person who will protect their best interests.


A good leader should be knowledgeable. No one knows everything (and a good leader will be the first to admit this!) but you should certainly know the ins and outs of your industry and your work.

The reason this is so important, is that it will mean that people can turn to you when they don’t know what to do. It also means you’ll be able to understand the basics of every part of your business, so that you can keep an eye on the bigger picture and help every facet of your team to work together seamlessly.


It is highly important that a good leader be calm. This means that you shouldn’t shout at insubordinate staff and it means that you should never come across as stressed, scared or worried. A leader will always be a baraometer for the mood for their team. As soon as you lose it, the team will start to panic. Even if you’re worried, make sure that you don’t project this outwardly.


Most of all, a good leader should be highly passionate. That means that they should believe strongly in what they’re doing and it means that they should understand the ‘why’ behind their business.

This is important because when you are passionate and you believe in your business, that means you can inspire others. Without this, you’ll be going through the motions and the entire team will be affected negatively.

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from James Reilly Online

Saturday 22 April 2017

How to Give Correct Instructions

The way you give instructions is going to be one of the most important defining features of you as a leader. Because ultimately, this is what will make up the majority of your job! As a leader, you are going to be spending most of your day-to-day asking people to do things and then checking they are done correctly.

But in order to do this well, you need to know how to give instructions and how to ensure the best outcome. Here’s what you need to do…

Be Clear and Precise

The first and most important thing you need to do, is to be clear and precise. The reason for this is that you need to be able to prevent mistakes and misunderstandings. If you give unclear instructions, then that will lead to your team either needing to ask for more information and clarification from you or to them making mistakes that lead to big problems and possibly lose you money.

This means that the good leader is also a good communicator by default. If you’re not a good communicator… train yourself to be!

Explain the Why

What’s even more important though, is that you explain the why in what you are asking people to do. In fact, better yet is to ask people to achieve a certain result, tell them why and give no instruction on how.

This first of all makes you a more hands-off leader and less of a micromanager. People like this because it gives more work satisfaction and makes them feel trusted.

Moreover though, explaining the what and why more than the how is going to allow your team to be flexible where necessary.

Let’s say for example that you tell your staff they need to print 500 fliers and deliver them around the neighbourhood. What happens if then the printers break? Or if the roads are snowed off? Now your team will either be stuck, or they’ll come to you to ask for direction.

Instead, tell your team they need to get 500 adverts out in the local area. This now opens up many contingency plans and other options. They could maybe outsource the flier creation to a printing company for instance, or they might use email instead or advertise in the town hall.

Either way, they have now achieved the same thing quicker and with more satisfaction because they haven’t had to ask your permission for every slight deviation in the plan!

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from Help One Person At A Time

The Top Live Streaming Services vs Facebook

Facebook Live is a relatively new platform that offers some amazing and incredibly exciting opportunities for marketers.

But while Facebook Live is a new player, live streaming itself is not so new. In fact, several other live streaming services have been around for a while now and have been making big waves in the last year. Let’s take a look at what those platforms are and how they compare with Facebook.

Specifically: if you could only invest time and effort into one of these platforms, which one would it be?

Let’s take a look.

Introducing the Contenders

Other than Facebook Live, the two biggest live streaming platforms are:

* Periscope

* Meerkat

These are two dedicated platforms that work very much like Facebook Live but with a few differences in terms of features. Periscope is owned by Twitter and is the larger of the two platforms, while Meerkat is a little way behind.

Both these platforms have very similar feature sets but with a few key differences. Videos stick around on Periscope for 24 hours after you create them for instance, while they disappear instantly from Meerkat. Periscope also has a very handy map-view that makes it easy to find new content. In its favour, Meerkat allows you to use images as slides during your live feeds.

While these are the two biggest platforms, there are some other options. YouTube has a live streaming service for instance but this is isn’t yet a major focus of the service. Twitch is a huge service that focusses on streams of computer games, while Blab is an interesting program currently in beta that allows you to have conferences and invite multiple viewers to take part.

Why Facebook Comes Out on Top

Facebook comes out on top when compared to these platforms in almost every respect though.

For example, Facebook actually allows you to keep your videos indefinitely once you’ve streamed them; and even do some light editing.

Most important though is the far bigger audience that Facebook Live gives you access to. In order to watch Facebook Live videos, an audience doesn’t have to sign up to anything. Any Facebook user will conceivably be able to watch your live videos as long as they’re following your page. At the same time though, you still have all the same advantages in terms of the engagement and excitement of live video.

There are specific use-case scenarios where other platforms come out on top… but if you had to bet on one platform now, Facebook would be the smartest choice!

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