Friday 31 March 2017

The Benefits to Network Marketing

Network marketing or multi level marketing is a great way to add a few extra bucks to your bank account for those in the buying, selling and marketing industry. Network marketing works as a way to get paid for not only selling a company’s product, but also for introducing new clients to that company. If you are passionate about a product and have the personality for selling, then network marketing is one of the best business opportunities out there.

But don’t take our word for it. Below we’ve listed five of the benefits to network marketing, as compiled from actual network marketers:

1. “There is hardly any risk involved.” – Everyone wants to start their own business venture. However, in most instances there is simply too much to lose becoming an entrepreneur, especially in the financial crisis our world is in right now. However, as a network marketer, you are not risking your life savings. In fact, you are hardly risking any money and are essentially selling products that you already use and trust. The lowered financial commitment can be considered a huge benefit, especially to those who cannot afford to fail.

2. “The freedom is incredible.” – One of the best things about getting into network marketing is that, essentially, you are your own boss. However, you do not have the stress involved with being your own boss. You do not have to worry about inventory; you do not have to worry about hiring employees and paying them every week. You do not have to worry about upkeep cost or office rent. In fact, many network marketers can work from their own home. They are free to pick and choose the days they work and who they target.

3. “Two words: residual income.” – Residual, or passive income, is income that simply comes in every month. This is what will happen with network marketing. In the same way celebrities make royalty checks for product endorsements; network marketers make loyalty checks anytime one of your customers purchases an item. What this means is you are getting paid to essentially do nothing. If you are good at your job, this residual income can blossom into a hefty sum each month.

4. “I can work wherever I want.” – For those who enjoy traveling or simply do not like to be confined to an office, it is possible, with the rise of internet technology, to work from wherever there is a computer, an internet connection and a telephone.

5. “I’m selling what I love and my customers do too.” – There are many network marketing contracts out there that promote high quality, good products. It especially helps if you have a passion for the product. If you use it at home and you know it’s good, you will be much more successful convincing others of this fact. Furthermore, the demand for good products is still high, even during this economic crisis. If you have the high quality products that customers want, and will continue to pay for, you can stand to make a fortune.

Michelle Cobbs currently lives in NY with her family she enjoys writing in between working from home. []

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from James Reilly

Thursday 30 March 2017

WHY Network Marketing

WHY Network Marketing?

So much of what you see these days, whether on the Internet or in traditional media or in real life, is all hype and no substance. The same is true of online businesses how many of them do you think will last? How many online entrepreneurs provide not just an opportunity for a quick buck but a valuable product or service that will ensure lasting success?

  • Are you looking for lasting success and long-term financial freedom?
  • Are you tired of the hype and ready for something real?

Then you’ve come to the right post.

A GOOD Network Marketing Company provides all the elements you need for massive success, with outstanding products that shine above the rest in the crowded online marketplace and a cutting edge marketing system that makes sure you get noticed.

Just take a look at the following presentation and you’ll see what we mean about Network Marketing.

Why Valentus and Network Marketing

OK, it’s time to take action…

Option 1

Is to leave this post without enrolling in the program… I think you already know what will happen if you do this…

That heavy feeling in your heart. That sense that you made a mistake, didn’t take an opportunity you wanted so much… That widening gap between you and happiness.

You don’t want that… Which is why you should seriously consider taking:

Option 2

Just say “yes” right now…

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from James Reilly

Tuesday 28 March 2017

weightloss system review of valentus slimroast coffee review compare side by side

weightloss system review of valentus slimroast coffee review compare side by side

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from James Reilly

12in24 The Documentary Valentus Prevail SlimROAST Coffee

12in24 The Documentary Valentus Prevail SlimROAST Coffee

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from James Reilly

Coffee with crazy side effects

Coffee with crazy side effects

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Valentus Testimonies

Valentus Testimonies

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Prevail SlimRoast

Prevail SlimRoast

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Valentus Slim Roast Weight Loss

Valentus Slim Roast Weight Loss

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How To Use Valentus Slim Roast Coffee For Best Results

How To Use Valentus Slim Roast Coffee For Best Results

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New Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Review For 2017

New Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Review For 2017

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☕Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Review☕-January 18th 2017

☕Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Review☕-January 18th 2017

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Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Reviews – Real Testimonials, Special Discount

Valentus Slim Roast Coffee Reviews - Real Testimonials, Special Discount

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from James Reilly

Monday 27 March 2017

Healthy Eating Including Diabetic Friendly Recipes

Healthy Eating Including Diabetic Friendly Recipes

Millions of people have Diabetes and have to maintain a special Diet. But this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the things you like, you just have to make them a little differently.

“Healthy Eating Including Diabetic Friendly Recipes” gives you an awesome collection of recipes! You’ll find recipes for things you may have thought you couldn’t have any more, like Fudge, Cakes and Cookies. Well the good news is you can still have all those things you just need some recipes that tell you how to make them!

You don’t even have to be a Diabetic to enjoy these recipes, anyone wanting to cut down on the sugar in their diet will benefit from these recipes! Take a look at the list below for just a small sampling of what’s included in “Healthy Eating Including Diabetic Friendly Recipes”!

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from James Reilly

11 reasons why you should join the Forum

Talking about your diabetes can sometimes be challenging. Whether it’s because the people you talk to don’t quite understand you, you don’t feel comfortable or you’re not taken seriously, it can be hard to discuss.

The forum, Europe’s largest Diabetes Community, is here to help. We don’t judge and are open 24/7. With over 228,000 members, the Forum consists of 1.8 million years of cumulative experience and who better to support you with your diabetes, than someone who knows exactly what you’re dealing with on a day-to-day basis. You can get involved with thousands of threads, from food to blood sugar levels to the type of insulin you’re taking. There’s even a place for you to have a chat about your day and share what kind of music you like to listen to – pretty cool, right?

Take a look at 11 more reasons why you should become a member of the Forum today:

1. Join the UK and Europe’s largest diabetes Forum.

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Every diabetes topic you can think of, we’ve probably got a already got a thread waiting for you.

2. Ask various different questions and find support.

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Any question at all… someone will always be able to help you out.

3. Become part of a community and feel welcomed by over 228,121 members.

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You’ll find yourself feeling a part of a really big family.

4. Share your experiences, stories and whatever else you want.

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Even if it’s to have a rant about any ignorant comments, people in the Forum will share your pain.

5. Join in no matter what time of the day, we’re open 24/7.

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If it’s 3am and you need someone to talk to, the Forum is just a click away.

6. Talk to those who have had similar experiences to you.

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There will most likely always be people in the same boat as you.

7. Get your first response in an average of 4 minutes.

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That’s no time at all!

8. Gain instant access to 1,286,143 Forum posts, 85,296 discussions and 1,019 blogs.

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Plenty of different threads to get involved in.

9. Create your own featured blog.

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Let everyone know how your day went or what spiked your blood sugar at lunch time.

10. Get the Diabetes Forum app on your phone so you can take it on-the-go with you.

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Stuck in traffic on the bus? Good job you’ve got the forum app to keep you occupied, for both Android and iOS.

11. Celebrate your success with people who understand.

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Improved your HbA1c on a low carb diet or recently started on insulin pump therapy? The forum is the perfect place to share how well things are going for you.

You can become a member of the Forum here –

View the original article here

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from James Reilly

Saturday 25 March 2017

Thyroid Dysfunctions And The Obesity Epidemic

There’s no doubt that thyroid disease is on the rise. Now the question is why?

The reason your weight loss attempts might not be working is because your weight loss canary might be suffering let me explain.

From the research, the posts and chatting with other people,  it’s clear to me that the thyroid gland is your body’s own yellow canary. It’s sensitive to many different influences—your diet, your lifestyle, and the world around you. And all of these influences can affect how well your thyroid functions.

Remember how miners used to detect toxic methane gas and carbon monoxide? They sent bright yellow canaries into the mines. The Canaries are highly sensitive to these gasses—so much so that they die when exposed to them. Their deaths served as a warning system for miners so they do not enter and become exposed to poisonous air.

So, it’s not surprising that as we eat more toxic foods and are increasingly exposed to pollution, petrochemical and industrial wastes, and heavy metals that thyroid problems have also skyrocketed. In fact, more than 20 percent of women and 10 percent of men in the United States have thyroid dysfunctions—and half of them don’t even know it!

But exactly how does your environment affect your thyroid?

We now have substantial research to demonstrate that environmental chemicals have a direct impact on the thyroid gland. It’s clear that PCBs and other industrial petrochemical toxins can lower thyroid function, as well as other pollutants such as chlorine, fluoride, and bromide.

Since the thyroid produces hormones that manage your metabolism, anything that affects your thyroid will ultimately affect your metabolism. In fact, there’s evidence that toxins boost the excretion of thyroid hormones, leaving you with less of this hormone to control your metabolism—and a decreased ability to burn fat.

The truth is, your thyroid plays a huge role in weight control, and in determining your metabolic rate.

The question is not if, but how much is today’s obesity epidemic linked to the harmful effects of environmental toxins on metabolism.

I’ve seen so many people struggle with their weight, only to have the pounds melt off when they addressed their thyroid problems.

True, not everyone’s weight problems are caused by thyroid dysfunction—but if you’re overweight, you should consider the connection. That’s why the best medical doctors always check their patients’ thyroid functions and will consider all the possible causes of subtle thyroid imbalance, including toxins, food allergies, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.

Now let’s talk about some of those other factors

For example, food allergies, like sensitivities to gluten and other foods, also negatively affect thyroid function—and are frequently undiagnosed. Likewise, deficiencies in nutrients important to good thyroid function—like selenium, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids. and iodine and tyrosine—can also trigger thyroid problems.

With all of these factors that can affect your thyroid, it’s clear that we need a new approach to the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disease. Many doctors can miss the subtle signs of thyroid problems, and conventional medicine often treats low thyroid function with inadequate, one-size-fits-all drugs like Synthroid.

However, thyroid dysfunction requires a more personalised, integrative approach—one that you can help control by becoming an active partner in your care.

First, keep an eye out for the symptoms of a low thyroid function, including:

  • fatigue
  • sluggishness
  • trouble getting up in the morning
  • depression
  • dry skin
  • dry hair
  • constipation
  • fluid retention
  • menstrual problems and PMS
  • hair loss
  • cracked or chipping fingernails
  • low sex drive
  • weight gain
  • muscle aches
  • cramps

Yes, a lot of those symptoms are pretty common and vague—which is one reason why thyroid dysfunction often goes undetected. But if you notice any of these signs, bring them to your doctor’s attention, and ask him or her to test your thyroid function.

If you are diagnosed with low thyroid function, the following steps recommended:

  1. Eliminate the causes of thyroid problems, like toxins, food allergies, and nutritional deficiencies.
  2. Exercise and take saunas.
  3. Eat foods that provide nutritional support to your thyroid—and avoid those that don’t.
  4. Use supplements that protect your thyroids, such as vitamins A and D, selenium, zinc and fish oil.
  5. Work with your doctor to choose the right thyroid replacement for you.

It should combine both the inactive and T4 hormone found in Synthroid and the active hormone T3, found in other medications.

Remember, thyroid hormone is the master metabolism hormone. If your thyroid is out of balance, your metabolism is out of balance, too.

Do you have a dysfunctional thyroid?

Know that the problem can be fixed. By following the program here you can get your thyroid working properly, keep your weight under control and start feeling better today.

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from James Reilly

Valentus Testimonial from Sarah Wray

Sarah Wray is having great success with the Valentus Products. Here is her testimonial.

I wanted to share my results with you all….

I started on the coffee ?? in September and for me I feel like this has had a major impact onSarah Wray my life , I have not only lost weight and inches, but I have grown so much as a person, I have times when my anxiety likes to get the better of me, but I have gained so much more confidence in myself to.

People have really notice how my personality is starting to shine and I’m being noticed more at work and it has given me the chance to be trained as a supervisor and doing customer service desk…..

But not just with drinking the products that my confidence has grown through losing weight , but the new friends I have made through doing the business and the support I have received x

So it shows you can achieve anything and when I saw this photo that was taken as the start of my journey and to where I am now , I was “”ABSOLUTELY GODSMACKED!!”

As I’m typing this I can feel my heart fluttering with happiness and think to myself WOW!! I have come along way!!”

Wow, what are you waiting for!!!

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from James Reilly

How do you delete a picture from Instagram on your computer?

I have to admit I am not a full-time user of Instagram. I do use it and I do post to it but I’m more of a Twitter Guy.

Never the less, I had a few images on there that I shared from other people’s profiles, however, I didn’t like them so I wanted to remove them.

THEN Came the problem. I don’t have Instagram on my phone. When I log in via the web I cannot remove them.

There is a Software called Bluestacks, it is a Mobile Phone Software for the PC.


So go to and download it. Once you download Blue Stacks, install and then you will see that Instagram is one of the apps available.

Click on it and sign in to your account. You will now get the app view of Instagram. Using Blue Stacks, you can DM (Direct Message), delete posts, and many other things that can usually only be done using the app.

Not only that, with Blue Stacks installed you can even play Mobile Only Games. DISTRACTION ALERT lol

I hope that has been of some help.

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from James Reilly

Friday 24 March 2017

The Benefits And Importance Of Sarvangasana

It is known as the queen of asanas which works out to be very beneficial for your mind, body and soul. Sarvangasana is a combination of three parts such as “sarva” “anga” and “asana”
which means “all body posture”. It is one the asana which is very important and helpful for your entire body including the pressure massages for your thyroid glands.

The other benefit from this asana is the projection of stability emotionally and otherwise. Every muscle that is pushed and pulled benefits the organs inside, which in turn shows on your body and face. It soothes the nervous system which otherwise seems to be overloaded with unwanted work.

By doing this asana properly it could help you in curing your ailments related to bronchitis, asthma, heavy breathing and shortness in breath. Digestion is one of the major problems which many people face, due to fast food and other junk we fill in our stomachs. Your digestion would come in terms of your food by this asana as well as your body would be a place of better health. If you happen to be anaemic your conditions could improve by simply doing this asana as well as have a daily routine in dietary and exercise habits.

This asana also known as the candle stand as you have to keep your body straight as a candle. This asana also helps in regulating the sex glands which we all know would be very beneficial for future parents as well as for a good sex life. Due to a good circulation of blood and purification factors the organs in the lower part of the body strengthen making your body stronger and healthier. Your neck muscles also benefit due to the stretch. It is one of the recommended poses for women after childbirth and those who go through the painful menstruation cycle.

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from James Reilly

SlimRoast Testimonial from Sonya Lombardi-Wagner

Here is a Testimonial from Sonya Lombardi-Wagner. Just a bit of an update to share with you all that Valentus products continue to amaze me. Before the Christmas season hit I weighed in at 147.1lbs and when I took my weight it wasn’t my intention to gain weight over the holidays but I DID lol! In fact I gained 12lbs in 2weeks!!! Sonya Lombardi-Wagner

OMGOODNESS that’s the size of a small turkey I What can I say other than I ate my share of holiday goodies…hehehe! I steped onto the scale on January 9th and weighed 159.4lbs.

Once I committed to my routine of the 12in24 plan again on January 9th things started to return to my goal weight again and still in progress to get back to my comfort zone again of 147lbs.

But what I’m happy to report is that as of today February 6th I’m weighing in at 152.8lbs. That means in 4 weeks I’ve lost 6.6lbs.

I know I’ve also lost inches cause my pants were also fitting tight after the holidays and they’re now fitting like they used to…yahoo! The 2.0 coffee and the 12in24 are still rockin the results folks.

Only 7 more pounds to go and I’ll be back where I was before Christmas and I have no doubt that I’ll be there in no time with Valentus products. The proof is in the plan and ya just gotta stay committed and follow it! Feeling great and Loving my Valentus products

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from James Reilly

Thursday 23 March 2017

Building Your Valentus Business

I have the luxury of building my business slowly and steady. I’m finding now that I am helping team members turn this business around a lot faster than I did when I started back in 2015.

The reason I build it the way that I do is because instead of seeing everyone as a number, I see real people with real wants and needs.

However it would be selfish of me to not share all the various ways that you can really ramp up this business. I know people who are now 6 figure earners with this business after just a year. I have seen other teams with 300 or so team members with all various ranking structure in place.

The Video I’m going to show you will lay you a foundation to help you build the fastest route in Valentus so that your maximising your return quicker.

Building Your Valentus Business

If you want to speak with me before hand, contact me and get intouch. I am here to help and guide you.

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from James Reilly

Knowing More About Your Goitre

This disease affects the thyroid gland, which happens to grow in size due to lack or excess of some key ingredients. The thyroid gland resides at the front of the throat, below the larynx also known as Adam’s apple. The thyroid gland plays a very important function in our system. It makes thyroid hormones called thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), which spreads in the body through the bloodstream.

Thyroxine helps to keep your body functions in proper condition.

Some of the signs and symptoms which would help you detect goitre are the enlargement of the throat which can differ in size from a lump to a huge mass of flesh. You will face problems while swallowing your food due to enlargement as well as breathing problems. As the enlarged tissue presses on to the windpipe and oesophagus it becomes difficult to breathe and swallow.

Some of the very common causes for goitre are:

  • Insufficiency of iodine in your diet
  • Consuming foods which negate the iodine factor of your diet also creates pathways for goitre
  • Intake of drugs such as lithium and phenylbutazone is also a one of the cause is also a one of the cause
  • The effects of thyroid cancer
  • Growth of nodules on the thyroid gland
  • Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland)
  • Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

There are two types of goitre which can be classified as Endemic Goitre and Sporadic Goitre.

Endemic Goitre – It can be said that this type of goitre is similar to an epidemic wherein, not an individual is affected but the whole area or community residing in a specific place gets affected. The lack of iodine is the major cause and in far-fetched places, it becomes even more difficult to provide the proper care.

Sporadic Goitre – Here an individual is affected and the reasons could be as common as family history, lack of iodine in the diet and women succumb to goitre more than men.

Some of the treatment options you can try for the patients are

  • Intake of iodine-rich diet.
  • By using drugs as mentioned by your doctor, you would see a change in your health
  • Removal of the nodules present in the system either by medication or surgery.

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from James Reilly

Nintendo Switch game enables man with diabetic retinopathy to enjoy gaming with his wife

As technology advances scientists are able to make significant strides regarding medical treatments, particularly within diabetes research. But for 38-year-old Rich Maroney, who has type 1 diabetes and diabetic retinopathy, it is the development of one new technology in particular which has proven transformational: the Nintendo Switch.

Rich has long been an avid gamer, but his diabetic retinopathy diagnosis at the age of 23 and consequent vision problems made gaming that relied on visual output harder, and less enjoyable.

The Switch, a hybrid gaming console, was released on Friday 3 March in the UK, and its multi-sensory output will likely appeal to those affected by complications such as diabetic retinopathy.

So what is the Switch? As The Guardian’s Keith Stewart explains: “Switch is a machine that offers two play forms, one involving your television, the other utilising a smaller handheld screen. The difference here is that the handheld component is the main console, and it is portable beyond the home. It’s a true synergy of the handheld and home form factors.”

For Rich, one of the most exciting aspects of the Switch is its HD Rumble feature, located in the Switch’s Joy-Con controller. This feature delivers specific physical sensations through the controllers, such as sound cues, vibrations and feedback to provide a more immersive user experience.

It is this experience which makes playing Switch games so much more enjoyable for Rich, as it doesn’t rely on his vision.

The Switch’s Joy-con controllers deliver specific physical sensations.

One of the nine games currently available for the Switch that includes this technology is 1-2 Switch. Rich and his wife, Mandi Bundren, have been impressed by this game the most.

“We can’t play video games together unless we have something like 1-2 Switch that uses multi-sensory output,” Mandi told gaming website Kotaku.

In 1-2 Switch, which features several mini-games such as “Safe Crack”, the HD Rumble simulates effects such as trying to undo a combination lock. Rich’s retinopathy does not affect his ability to play at all.

“We both really like Safe Crack – it is really cool how you have to detect a slight change in the rumble to know when you’ve hit your mark,” Mandi said.

“I’m eager to see what comes out with the Nintendo Switch,” she added. “If they can incorporate the HD rumble and sound cues into some adventure and puzzle games so that Rich can play I’d be ecstatic!”

Last year another gaming phenomenon was hailed for its potential benefits for people with diabetes: Pokémon Go. Scientists at the University of Leicester claimed the virtual reality smartphone app could reduce rates of type 2 diabetes and obesity.

Of course, those who aren’t really interested in gaming will likely not be drawn to these technologies, but they are encouraging developments in the grander spectrum of diabetes research, and will likely provide some much-needed respite from the daily hassles of diabetes management.

Significantly, devices such as the Switch are indicative of technology that aims to be a bit different, and that innovation is particularly important within diabetes research.

Scientists worldwide are working on a number of pioneering devices such as the insulin patch, artificial pancreas and a tattoo that monitors glucose levels, and even though the Switch is not aimed at people with diabetes, it is encouraging its applications could yet have significance for the diabetes community.

View the original article here

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Weight Loss in a Week

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from James Reilly

A Great Future for Valentus

Valentus Leaps from Success to Success. The Valentus Corporate Staff are busy behind the scenes in preparation for what will be an historic 3 days in Toronto set to launch in only 1 week!

For all of you who have made the commitment to be in attendance, congratulations!

You will be among a core of leadership that will literally experience history in the making as V-ValentusValentus prepares to launch our NEXT GENERATION of products, technology and several pivotal announcements that will take your Valentus business to a whole new level!

Here is a quick summary of our schedule of events for your planning purposes:

Wednesday March 29 12:00pm to 5:00pm Early bird convention registration check-in table is open, Metro Ballroom foyer 6:00pm to 6:45pm Qualified Diamonds limousine pick up on Queen’s Quay-Street Level entrance 7:00pm to 10:00pm Qualified Diamonds Celebration Dinner (off-site location)

Thursday March 30 11:00am to 6:00pm Convention registration check-in table is open, Metro Ballroom foyer 6:00pm to 10:00pm Valentus Social Event, featuring DJ and Karaoke, Metro Ballroom. Casual mixer and some fun! Cash bar available, and complimentary hors will be served 8:30pm Welcome address by Valentus CEO Dave Jordan

Friday March 31 7:00am to 9:00am Convention registration check-in table is open, Metro Ballroom foyer 8:30am Metro Ballroom doors open 9:00am SHARP Session I starts 12:00pm – 1:15pm Lunch break 1:30pm Session II starts 6:00pm Adjourn Day 1 6:30pm to 10:30pm Videographer Live Interviews

Saturday April 1 8:30am Metro Ballroom doors open 9:00am SHARP Session III starts 12:00pm – 1:15pm Lunch break 1:30pm Session IV starts 4:00pm Valentus Awards Ceremony and Special Announcements 6:00pm Cadillac Give-away and Event wrap-up 6:30pm Convention Adjourn

The host hotel is the Westin Harbour Castle Toronto located at 1 Harbour Square, Toronto Ontario M5J 1A6


We request that there will be NO RECORDING of any of the live sessions, including Social Media Live notifications or feeds (other than what Valentus corporate approves as part of our official stage presentations).

Once again, congratulations to all of our Valentus leaders who will be in attendance at this historic event. See you in 1 week!

Dave & Joyce Jordan

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