Saturday 4 March 2017

Why People can’t stick to weight loss resolutions and how to combat that

Almost everyone has a New Year’s resolution whenever a new year approaches. This is usually something that they have probably tried before and have been unsuccessful. One of the most popular New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. The reason this is important is because there has been a lot of public awareness regarding the dangers of being overweight. The medical term for being overweight is obesity which refers to a condition where the body accumulates enough fat for it to be a health risk. These risks are not exaggerated; over 400,000 people die each year due to obesity-related problems not to mention the billions of dollars spent each year in lost business production when employees have to miss work because of obesity-related doctors’ visits.

People gain weight in different ways and there is an overwhelming consensus that the main reasons why people become overweight is because of indulging in high calorie diets, lack of exercise or genetic issues that are compounded by the previous two points. In today’s society, people are under tremendous pressure and they have no time to eat right or to exercise. This means the other alternative to eating is to go to fast food restaurants whose food is usually high in cholesterol. It is no longer unusual to see entire families eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at fast food restaurants because they simply have no time to go grocery shopping or cook a wholesome meal. The same people also do not allocate enough time for exercise and this is also because of the same reason-pressure from a society that demands everything from its people.

One of the ways people do not stick with their weight loss resolutions is because of time. As we have mentioned earlier, today’s society demands a lot from its people. People are working two or three jobs just to make ends meet, go to school and in many cases also have families to take care of. These people come home too tired to exercise or even think of preparing a healthy balanced meal. For many, restaurants that serve take-away are their only option to eat. Fast food is known to not only be addictive, but also has a very high level of cholesterol.

Another reason why people also fail to keep their weight loss resolutions is because they do not have a disciplined lifestyle. Discipline is required in order to attain whatever resolution one has. When it comes to exercise for instance, one cannot approach it half-heartedly. There has to be a routine and there has to be diligence. Sometimes this involves getting an accountability partner. A good partner would be someone who wants you to succeed and keeps you on your toes so that you do not relapse into the old habits which were counter-productive. You can also join a weight loss club. There are many of these in each city and you can simply go online and you will find one.

James Reilly first posted Why People can’t stick to weight loss resolutions and how to combat that on Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight.

from Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight

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