Monday 13 March 2017

How To Spot MLM Scams


The question arose the other day about MLM Scams. There seems to be an Umberlla that everything goes under that is classed as an MLM Scam.

Mainly those that work online. I have shared many videos on this site to show you what an illegal pyramid is and what a legal one is. I have shared many resources for you to learn about the difference in Online Marketing Models.

I want to give you a few pointers that have really helped me. I have been caught up in the scams and it hurt me, emotionally I was destroyed by it because I was  honest and truthful and they weren’t. ANYTHING I try and do online I now try and do my own due dillegence and make sure that I don’t get caught out again.

I am in a company now that some people have said it is “One of them MLM thingy Scams”, I kindly laugh to myself and share a few posts about the differences.

In the company that I am with I don’t recruit people in to the business. I share the product with them and if they buy it I share with them how they can get it for free by helping others. I don’t convinvce people to join the company I am with, or beg them to try the products. Everyone that I know in this business is a Product of the Product because we sell the product.

As we move more and more into the Information Age, the Online world is creating wealth that was only seen by BIG Industry Leaderse and The Gold Rush from a few centuries ago. Lots of traditional businesses have had to close down because they cannot serve their customer, they cannot compete and they wont adapt to what is going on around them.

I don’t need to Pay Money to Earn Money. Like an offline shop, i have to sell a product to earn money. The product I sell has a good customer retention rate because it is functional and does what it says on the box. IF you need to pay monthly to recruit others so you can earn from your recruits then YOU are not with a GOOD Company, you could say your in an illegal Pyramid scheme.

When I was doing my research on Valentus, I found the scam sites, and it really did make me think twice before i got on to the program. However when reading the scam sites most commonly the word “Scam Company Name” is a way to get traffic, and when you read the post its about SCAM SCAM SCAM Join Me in MY Program.

What I found when I was doing my due dillegence about Valentus was that all the posts they were talking about the product, they shared before and after pictures, there was personal stories and I could even contact these people and ask them myself. NOW How is that for a Testimonial.

When I went to the site, there were actually TWO Signup forms. One for Customers and one for IR. I took the IR Route, that is Independent Representative. I know and I knew that I would love to share my story and if I am going to share it I wanted to share a link that would reward me for sharing with others.

How many times does your local Pizza place reward you for telling others, or when was your last Commission Cheque from Hollywood for recommending a move to your mates… Probably never. I’m not here to sit and SELL The product, people don’t care about the product they care about ME. Did it work for me, would it work if I took it, do I like the person, the list goes on and on.

What I found most was that it wasn’t about the product it was about the story, the results and the journey that these people are on. For me finding other Diabetics that are using the product was a BONUS. This is the angle that I share Valentus with, purely because my Diabetes has been so bad and now there is actually a better qualiry of life from it.

Right at the start, I bought the product and setup my loyalty purchase and around the Christmas time Valentus moved to a new delivery system. My coffee was delayed, I only noticed when it didn’t arrive on my expected date. I contacted the support and went through all of that and still my order wasn’t going through.

THEN I got given Dave Jordan’s email and told to pass it along to him. Within a few hours he had me setup and my order was on the way. This wasn’t their fault. I’m on a little Island called the Isle of WIGHT (NOT White) and I really am in the UK. This system didn’t have the island on there and it was throwing me out as invalid. The next Loyalty Purchase date, I got my product within 7 to 12 days, and it has been regular ever since. Infact NOW they have a German Distribution Centre as well so my product only takes a few days to get here.

Because I’m a Type 1 Diabetic and I like to think i am different to most people it was important for me to know what sort of refund was available to me if this product didn’t work or I didn’t like it. They have since updated the policy now to incorporate a Pro-rata refund so you can drink what you want and if you return it you get your money back for what you haven’t opened minus the postage and package and also within a 90 day period. 30 Day if you upgrade.

That gave me some confidence with the company because they don’t know me, my strengths or weaknesses, any illnesses, and they also don’t claim to.

I am relating this post to the company that I am with. I do this because there is NO easy way to get “RICH”, if you want to make money, you need to work at it. If you want to get healthy, you need to work at it. In your search online I can tell you that you will come across so many “Too Good To Be True”, but you might be blind to it. I’m hoping that just by reading this post it has opened up your eyes and that you can see there are legit businesses out there that will gladly help you reach your goals. BUT You need to be realistic about it.

The post How To Spot MLM Scams appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

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