Wednesday 14 December 2016

Common Scams That Lead to Malicious Attacks

Hackers and scammers come up with creative ways to gain control of you and your computer. Unfortunately for us, it’s sometimes very hard to figure out when you are about to be scammed. It’s very important that we know the signs when someone is about to take advantage of us and our computers. Listed below are common scams and tactics that people will use that will then lead to a malicious attack.

1. Phishing Emails

Phishing attempts usually come by form of email. Scammers will send you an email that looks like it has come from a legitimate site, like banks or from stores that you often shop at. Some of the most common forms of a phishing attack include:

* Emails from people claiming to be stranded somewhere. In this type of email, they will ask you to send them money by clicking on an attachment they have sent you. Once you click on the link, the scammers will have access to your private information.

* Emails claiming to be from news organizations talking about some of the biggest news in the world at the time. These emails will ask people to click on the link given so they can then read the whole story. That link will then lead you to a malicious website. This is where the scammers can gain access to your computer’s information.

* Emails threatening to harm you or someone you know if you do not pay the sum of money they are requesting.

2. The Money Laundering Scam

This is one of the oldest scams around. Nearly everyone at one time or another has gotten an email from someone begging you to help them to retrieve their large sum of money from a bank. In exchange for your help, they will offer you a large amount of money.

This is all only the beginning, though, because soon they will be asking you for more money for additional services. At the end of this, you will be left broke and without the promised money. There have even been cases where these people have made a malicious attack on the computer.

3. Greeting Card Scam

This email always looks like it is coming from a friend. However, when you open it, you aren’t surprised with something sweet; you’re surprised by scammers gaining control of your computer. After the “card” is opened, malicious software is downloaded, which is when pop-ups will start showing up all over your screen. You may also notice strange windows popping up on your screen once your computer has been attacked.

There are some very destructive and creative ways for people to gain control of you and your computer. It is often very hard to decipher when you are being attacked. You should always be on the lookout when you get emails. Scammers are always lurking and are just waiting for you to let your guard down so they can take what is rightfully yours. But when you’re always aware, you will be able to prevent yourself from being scammed.

from Believe It Achieve It

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