Friday 16 December 2016

Create a Positive From A Negative

Just now it is 02:18hrs Sat 17th Dec 2016. This year on SlimRoast Coffee has been the best year in my Diabetic life. My sugar level has been under the best control ever. Not perfect but the best it has ever been.

I had my HBA1c yesterday and the results are in. They are Excellent. Where as the previous years they were getting worse every year, last year they were at their worse, then 6 months later they had turned around and this year they are the a few points better.

I know I can do a lot more, and I will do. A Positive mind will help a Negative body.

When we moved down to the Isle of Wight, one of the MAIN Reasons was because of my health. My ACR at the time had risen and it had a lot of cause for concern. However, medication could fix it back then. I had my Diabetic review last Year (2015) and the ACR was raised, however it wasn’t an overly big concern just one that I had to be careful of. I had my bloods done last week for this Diabetic Review and my ACR has raised again.

This means for me a moderately increased risk, I think the classification is A2. I should be A1. If I go to A3 then you can probably guarantee a future expectation of Kidney Failure and Heart Attacks.

Because I am diabetic, the increased risk of Thyroid problems is one that male and females can get. I have noticed that recently I have been getting more and more tired and sleeping, where as before when I just started to take the Coffee I had so much energy, now I just seem to have none. I do keep the computer on, and I do help and support the team that I have built and the people that I help. Thats about as much as I can get done. I no longer have Monday to Sunday, I have awake and asleep. Some times I don’t even know what day it is. I can be in the kitchen doing the dishes and washing the clothes, and it’s like 04:30 hrs and I’m waking the kids up at 06:45 hrs and driving them to school. There really is no concept of time. Just that pissed off look from my wife when I haven’t been to bed, or that “Dont Touch me Look” from the kids when I have what I call an Internet Beard. You know the one, you have a shave, sit down at the computer and the next time you look up there is a darn beard there lol.

My cholesterol level is on par, it’s currently at 5.43 which is good. I don’t use conventional cooking. I have an Air Fryer, a Halogen Oven, and a Nutri Bullet that I use, I also have my slow cooker. These weren’t specifically bought because i wanted to lose weight or anything like that. I just wanted to eat healthier and get my kids in to the habit.

Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s we used Lard and Fat for everything, I didn’t want my kids to get in to that habit. I also drink, well my whole family actually, we buy on average of 100 bottles of strawberry water a week, rather than fizzy pop.  (I have been known to buy the ODD Bottle) but nothing like I used to. A few years ago I was near deaths door, my bones were sore, my muscles hurt, I was sleeping all the time, I was erratic. My mother in law sent me an email with a report about aspartame and it changed my life.

It actually took me over a month to break that addiction, but when I broke it. OH MY, I started to regain so much of my health. I learned that one woman was diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and that she had heard about what aspartame was and what it did to your body. She gained control and was actually NOT MS, it was all down to the aspartame. I wonder how many more people were mis-diagnosed with that. Scarey to think.

I now try and keep my aspartame to a minimum, but they get it in everything. Infact be careful because they renamed it and are trying to make it legal again under the new name. Don’t be fooled.

My blood pressure, don’t we all hate that one. Turns out I’m at Stage 1 hypertension, I did sit down and talk about my life because I feel that your mental ability really does affect your Health and more specifically Diabetes.

I struggle like mad with Depression. I have no idea why because when I look around me, everything I ever wanted I have right here. I remember when I was a Soldier in the British Army and when we were doing Guard Duty around the Married Quarters, looking in people’s windows and seeing “Normality” and Family Life, I was jealous.

I wanted that. The wife and kids like to think I had a bit of a reputation when I was in the Army, but honestly for the most part, I was single, celebate, not always through choice. Circumstances weren’t always obvious and to be honest, my opinion of myself was very low, what could anyone see in me so opportunity that might have been there was almost always missed.

The things I got up to in the Army, back in the 90’s darn we were all a bit crazy back then. It was such a release to be around people that were as crazy as you. Yeah there were bullies, there were really hard times, there were some awesome times and lots of great memories, but we got on with it and we did what had to be done and we made the most of it. The Army really was my surrogate family and I loved that.

So I have everything that I ever wanted, but that doesn’t mean my wife and kids have what they wanted from a Husband and Dad.

The depression is a bugger, it really is. People will say, “Get Over It” and things like that but the reality is it’s not that easy is it.

So If I am so ill with my body, WHY Continue with the Valentus Products?

BECAUSE It gives me HOPE, HOPE that one day things will be better. I spend £200 a month on Valentus and it is worth every penny. You might think that is a lot of money but lets break it down for you:

Monthly £ 200.00
Weekly £ 50.00
Daily £ 7.14

When you see it broken down like that, it’s not actually a lot of money is it. £7.14 PER DAY. I don’t drink alcohol and I do not smoke or take drugs. Yes life is really boring lol but it’s probably what will help extend it that bit more.

For me to spend £7.14 a day on me, I drink usually around 3 cups of SlimRoast Coffee. I don’t drink regular coffee anymore, infact I don’t buy it, my cold drinks are the other Valentus Produccts. So let me share with you a price list from StarBucks :

I would probably drink the Caffe Latte or the Cappuccino both the Venti. The difference between Starbucks and Valentus is not only the price, but the health benefits. With the Valentus Product range I am doing my body a service, and helping it. I know that because I check my blood levels every day with my meter.

IF you are interested in the SlimRoast Coffee, feel free to get intouch with me. I encourage you to check out the SlimRoast Product Page so that you have more information. BUT Most of all, I encourage you to give it a try. Grab a Box from the site and put it to the test.

from Believe It Achieve It

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