MLM IS The Future of Employment
There are so many bad examples of Multi Level Marketing or MLM or Network Marketing that people just put them ALL under one category :
Pyramid Scam
We need to understand more about MLM, Network Marketing. Purely because if we are caught in the lie then WE are the ones who suffer.
The LIE is that WORKING all your life will set you free. Only Lucky people work for themselves.
I have come across Dr’s, Lawyers, School Drop Outs, low income single parents, Students and Teenagers, who are all making 6 Figures a year because of Network Marketing.
Let me share with you an image that might help you see it. I’m not showing it to scare you or force a thought process. I’m sharing it to show you that there are Legitimate Pyramid Schemes that actually work.

Look at the image. Now does the Greeter at the bottom get paid the same amount as the CEO at the top? NO. The CEO (Upline) either started the company, was hired as the CEO or worked their way up there through the ranks.
In Network Marketing when you join a company you are in essence the CEO of your OWN Company. When you join a company, say Valentus, your NOT a business owner of Valentus. You work on Commission and Bonuses. People get this confused a lot and it really does get people in a mood.
Business owners have the ability to make company decisions, commissioned sales people do not.
The Joy of MLM is that you are not in control of the business, so you have none of the decisions to make about the company. No Hiring or Firing, No Sourcing NOTHING, it is not down to YOU.
The downside is if they go out of business then again YOU have no control over it. However that is like most things in life.
You can and you should protect yourself against a company going out of business. It’s actually rather easy and costs a lot less than you think.
Look around this blog, look at the side bar, look at the bottom. NOTICE something?
There are subscription forms all over this blog. There are also Facebook links to private groups. Let’s say that Valentus went out of business, would I be bothered? Probably YES because I love the products, but from a Business point of view. I will have my list. ALL the people that Join Me, Download from me, connect with me are all in my list.
So if the company goes down i’m not without other Network Marketers, I send out an email and share what I am up to next and rebuild my MLM with them by my side.
In the Corporate world you lose your job, you have to then go after another one. Well with it being a lot easier online, when you build up your first Network Marketing System and you have a good team around you. You build another Income Stream.
How many times have you been pitched : Are you open to checking out another income stream that will compliment what you are doing just now?
Unlike a JOB in the Corporate world, you can actually build up multiple income streams so that you are always building up your income.
If that system fails or you don’t like it, then build another. You will fail more building more income streams, but tell me this.
Is it not better to fail more as you try than to never fail and never try?
This is why you need to be open minded, teachable and a Networker, so that you can build upon what you have and are already building.
If you have a JOB offline, I always always always recommend you keep it. I have heard people jack in their jobs to go ALL IN, then realise that they aren’t getting paid a wage, they are not getting the time to do it as they thought they would and that they had to spend time learning. Not only that NOT EVERYONE wanted to join their New Business Venture. Then they scream SCAM and that famous quote PYRAMID SCHEME.
It’s not the business or the products that failed them. Take Responsibility.The failure comes from within. It’s up to you to master it and take control of your own destiny.
If a Fortune500 company doesn’t expect to see a return from you within the first 6 months, why would you think that you can join today and retire tomorrow. This is a harsh business that people just think, yeah throw some links on social media, put up some quotes and that’s it they will join me and i will be the Team Leader.
It’s called NETWORK Marketing for a reason. You need to lay the seed sometimes that wont start to grow for a few years. You need to purchase tools and resources to help you along the way. You need to attend the Webinars and stupid o’clock in the morning and you the Seminars in other Countries.
You need to make a sacrifice here and there. That footy match that is on right when that online conference is taking place, the partner wants to go out but you have to learn how to do something or listen to a call.
Someone said to me the other day, “I want to do what you do, I want a blog like that”, I can hand over all the tools that I use, but it’s up to them to learn them. That means hitting YouTube and Google and learning, then you have to implement and test.
I think I bought this domain in 2007. I’ve been online since early 2000. Facebook came around 2004 and I had to learn all of that, WordPress became popular and I had to learn all of that after I had just learned HTML. Everyday I learn something new, I also share tons of information as well.
Is this starting to make sense. This is why people back out so many times. Nothing to do with the fake stats going around, only 3% make it online. What a stupid thing to quote to people.
When it comes to my business that I do with Valentus I have simplified it. You can use this in ANY Business. It is my 5 Steps.
- Join
- Purchase Your Product
- Attend the Webinars and Connect with your Upline
- Setup the Loyalty Purchase
- Share what you do
That is the WHOLE Business broken down to it’s basics. Each one is like the Name of a Chapter, it does go into more depth once you get to that section. But the SKIMMING of it is that.
Building Your Business
Before I move on, let me share something with you. I am NOT trying to scare you out of getting into Network Marketing or MLM for a better more understanding word.
This business throws around BIG Numbers, many that we couldn’t even dream of. They show off the Flashy Side of life and show off to people. The reality is that many people don’t reach the dizzy numbers that people push.
Some just use the product, share it with a few mates who buy it from them and they are happy with that, they are in essence “Retailers”. Sometimes these mates share it with their mates and your income grows that bit more.
I spoke with a MLM Millionaire years ago when I was a Tyre Fitter, he came in and we got chatting. I was in complete awe of him because he was so young, nice car and didn’t have to get a “JOB”. We got talking and he mentioned he was in MLM.
I excitedly said “WOW You must have a MASSIVE Team to be earning all of that every month”, he replied me back
That stumped me. How could he achieve what he had without having a BIG Team. I offered him a cup of tea and we sat down.
He said I tell people right up front what I want from them and if they cannot give me that then please don’t waste your time or mine.
I actually thought that was rude, but it was right in what he said. WHY spend months with someone who doesn’t follow through.
He said, I connect with them and chat with them. IF they are interested in what I am offering I then tell them that I expect 5 things.
1 – Join The Company – Registration is FREE so you can have a look around
2 – Purchase the Product so that you know what the product is and what it is like
3 – You will get contacted via email with a link to a Webinar, or a Call. Your Upline will also contact you so connect with them.
4 – If your happy so far, then setup the Loyalty Purchase and get your product sent to you monthly
5 – Connect with other people, with the product solve their problems and help them.
Sadly though I didn’t join him, I finished his Tyre’s and let him go on his way. I remember the thought I had at the time. I cannot afford that.
Looking back now. Yes I could have afforded it but I wanted a night out. More me the fool.
Do you know how many people he had in his team that he worked with?
50 People that followed what he said. His team replicated what he did and they offered the same to their team they were building.
Let me break it down for you so it’s even easier to build your business in Network Marketing.
You have 12 months in the year. You use the 1 to 5 points above. Could you recruit ONE Person Per Month and teach them the 5 steps.
I am looking for ONE person to work with. Someone who is open to creating an income stream. Who has at least $100 a month to invest in themselves and will follow and do what I tell them to do.
If you can follow the 5 steps below I want to hear from you :
- Join
- Purchase Your Product
- Attend the Webinars and Connect with your Upline
- Setup the Loyalty Purchase
- Share what you do
See how simple that is. Your going to get MORE than ONE Person wanting to START however the 80/20 rule says that NOT everyone will follow through, this is why you must NEVER Stop building your business even when you are on GOOD Money. This is why you must work on growing you and your income opportunities.
So looking over this post, in a JOB to get to the CEO level you might never get there. Also your income level is CAPPED, usually around minimum wage. You can make a good life with a Job, but your financially restricted to it. I can’t afford to leave but I can’t afford to stay, I will just keep doing what I am doing.
Your JOB is the best thing you can ever have. It pays the bills, buys the food, pays for the car you need to pay back to get to work to pay for the car, pays for the holidays. BUT your only ever going to reach a certain restricted level.
Using your job to your advantage, e.g your income, this allows you to test out and get into something that suits you and your lifestyle.
Network Marketing, MLM, Online gives me that freedom that I never had. More time for me, more time for family, more time to grow myself into who I want to be. I don’t need to wait until I retire to enjoy the last few years of my life. I get to enjoy my life NOW.
My Pitch To You
The company that I am in is called Valentus. They offer a FREE Tour of the system so you can see the back end. I also offer a Personalized link so you can see the products that I use and promote.
Valentus is a Health and Wellness Category System. You can find the product on the Menu bar at the top of this site.
If you have read this far, then I am going to make an assumption that YOU are the sort of person I want to work with. Put your details in the box at the bottom and take the FREE No Obligation Tour.
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The post The Joy of MLM appeared first on James Reilly Online.
from James Reilly Online