Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Sewing as a Viable Home Business

As the predictions continue about the economy of the world, and the sustainability of our planet, many people are starting to look back at how our forefathers chose to do things in their lives and are trying to learn from their experiences.

One of the things than many people today cannot do well, and yet want to learn to do, is sewing.

Sewing allows you to make useful and decorative items; however, it also allows you to reuse fabrics in a new way once an original item is not longer needed or wanted. With some simple sewing skills people can take outgrown clothing and make quilts for beds. They can take unwanted skirts and make pillow cases. The sewing options are limitless once you know the basics of how to sew.

Because many young people of today were not taught sewing by their parents and grandparents, there is a real need for those who know how to sew to teach others. If you know how to sew, and can teach others, you have a very marketable skill. You can every easily set-up your own home-based business of teaching other people how to sew.

With your business teaching people to sew, you can teach small classes or individuals. You can choose to teach adults or children, or even a combination of the two.

To ensure that your business is the best it can possibly be, and has the best shot at being successful for the long-haul, you will need to follow some time-tested home business strategies. Let’s take a moment to briefly look at each of them:

The Business Plan

No matter what business you decide to start, you 100% have to have a solid business plan. There is no way possible to have a successful business venture without one. The best way to develop your business plan is to think about all of the variables which go into your unique business, and what your ultimate short-term and long-term goals are for the business. With all of this information, you can sit down and formulate a business plan without it taking you a lot of valuable time.

Licensing and Regulations

Depending on the city, county, and possibly state you live in, you may have to get a business license to have a legal home-based business. The way to determine what the local rules and regulations are is to call up your local city and county government offices and ask them what you need to do. If you live in a state with sales tax, you should call up your state Controller’s Office and ask about obtaining a seller’s permit. You will most likely find that most government offices are supportive and helpful in getting you situated in a place where your business is legal.


If you are conducting business out of your home, then you need to have a business liability insurance policy. Your regular homeowner’s policy will not cover any aspects of your business in the case of disaster. Home business liability insurance is fairly inexpensive and an absolute must have especially if people are coming to your home to learn how to sew.

Financial Records

The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep good business records from day one of your business. Start with the fees to get a business license, and start recording every single business expense that you have. By doing this as you go you will save both yourself and your tax preparer a ton of headaches come tax time.

Congratulations on your decision to start your own business teaching other people how to sew. This will be a very rewarding venture for both yourself and your students!

The post Sewing as a Viable Home Business appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2sbYM82

Relax With Green Tea Weight Loss

Understanding green tea weight loss secrets can help you to begin and maintain a healthier lifestyle that is conducive to getting your body in the shape you want it to be. Whether you lead a jetsetter lifestyle or are a stay-at-home mom, you can benefit from having a green tea weight loss program to help you get fit.

Due to the rage of green tea in many countries, there are now lots of green tea weight loss programs that are all claimed to have been discovered by scientists and researchers over the years. Because of the increased interest in such items, when you are searching for a green tea weight loss product, when it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t. Don’t fall for cons and scams.

Deciding to establish a diet regimen based on the rewards of green tea weight loss doesn’t have to be an ordeal but careful planning and consideration should be given to selecting the type green tea product you want to use. There are many different forms of green tea on the market, many of which are not the genuine article. Don’t fall for impostors that claim to be green tea but actually only have a small percentage of green tea extract listed as a fourth or fifth ingredient on the list.

Some green tea weight loss products can be purchased over the Internet. This is a great way to not only research the various green tea products that are available, but it eliminates the need to travel to the store to buy them. As a rule, however, you should avoid trying products just because they offer a free sample. The something for nothing concept is usually an auto ship program that signs you up to pay regular charges for automatic refills of a product that may or may not work for you.

When you find a green tea weight loss product or program that you are interested in and would like to try, it is a good idea to check with your physician before starting any new diet. This is particularly important and true if you have preexisting medical conditions and are taking any other medications that may react to the addition of green tea to your diet. Once you’re cleared by your doctor, you’re ready to begin experiencing some of the great green tea weight loss that are said to have helped make green tea the rage that currently is in many countries around the world.

Remember, not all green tea weight loss programs and products are created equal. When the truth is told, there are many lookalike products and even some pseudo green tea weight loss pills and drinks that make the claim but substantiate nothing. So whether you are searching for green tea weight loss plan or dietary supplement for the short or long term, make sure you are selecting authentic green tea items. Your success may very well depend on the effectiveness of the real thing.

Content From Around The Web

The post Relax With Green Tea Weight Loss appeared first on James Reilly Marketer.

from James Reilly Marketer http://ift.tt/2qxY18g

What It Takes To Be Number One!

Do You Strive To Be Number One?

Today I want to talk about Games and what it takes to be number one, and what happens if you’re not number one! Well let’s go to the ball field and take a look at sports.

First off there is a recruiter.(this is where you are) then there is a coach (your up line)

Then there are the players ( your down line) and then you have tryouts (your prospects)

Now you know in order to have any sport be successful you also have a big back office to take care of the money end of the deal! (your accountant, Financial advisor, stock investor , Lawyer and so forth.) Only the winning teams get the biggest Money deals so they all Jockey for the number one spot.

You should be no different! Advertisement takes on a whole new meaning when you have the means to do it! Let’s take for instance the super bowl games. Look at how much is dropped for a 30 second spot at half time! Does that spot become that important? Well we made it that way you and me and everyone else in the US! Same thing happens with other countries with different sports. Let’s stop here for just a sec.

Have I got you thinking yet?

You’re a recruiter you’re looking for the best of the best to put on your team! How do you find them? Do you beat your head against a wall trying to get the big shots of marketing in your down line? No you recruit the bad news bears or something and the coach will take them from last place and form them into a winning team! And you just continue recruiting! Does the recruiter get in the coaches way? Well if you want confusion then go right ahead! Here is where matching comes in. You match the peoples needs to what your business is all about. You ask questions that require yes and no answers and you sort through all your leads and contacts.

Are you getting the picture yet? I want you all to understand one thing and one thing only. You are in this group of people to learn how to change what did not work in your life to something that could! What it takes is Knowledge and understanding Devotion and perseverance. There is more to it than just this to be a recruiter but we will start here.

What kind of people do you want in your business and what are the requirements to make the cut on the team? I will tell you all this Pam Black is one I want on my team she is moving in a direction to change her whole life! As for the rest of you! You sit there like bumps on a log! I would not want that type of a person on my team!!!

I want action and dialogue from people in my down line not people that just sit there and say I will do it tomorrow! I want you to do it today get going recruit! Get your business plan in order and move it! Pick up the phone or get out there and shake hands make some friends along the way!

If you want to get into profits then you have to learn and take action!

Your friend on the net

Content From Around The Web

The post What It Takes To Be Number One! appeared first on James Reilly Marketer.

from James Reilly Marketer http://ift.tt/2shMwCm

Sunday, 28 May 2017

Safe And Simple Green Tea Health

Understanding green tea health benefits can help you to begin and maintain a healthier lifestyle. If you’re the type of person who finds it challenging to maintain healthy eating and living, a great way to start is by making green tea a part of your daily diet. In today’s hurry up age, it is very possible to spend much of our days rushing to and fro, only taking time to grab a bite to eat on the run. We don’t blame you for being on the go, but at some point you have to stop and take care of your health and body to make sure they both last you for the long run.

There are many green tea health rewards that have been discovered by scientists and researchers over the years. While not all of these claims to healthier living have been verified, there are many which have. Of those substantiated, it has been reported that some major health incentives include reduction or resistance of impaired immune function, high cholesterol levels, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease and infection.

Deciding to establish a diet regimen based on the rewards of green tea health doesn’t have to be an ordeal but careful planning and consideration should be given to selecting the type green tea product you want to use. There are many different forms of green tea on the market, many of which are not the genuine article. Don’t fall for impostors that claim to be green tea but actually only have a small percentage of green tea extract listed as a fourth or fifth ingredient on the list.

Some green tea health products can be purchased over the Internet. This is a great way to not only research the various green tea products that are available, but it eliminates the need to travel to the store to buy them. As a rule, however, you should avoid trying products just because they offer a free sample. The something for nothing concept is usually an auto ship program that subtlety invites you to pay regular charges for automatic refills of a product that may or may not work for you.

When you do find a green tea health product that you’re interested in taking, it is the best practice to check with your physician, particularly if you are taking any other medications that may react to the addition of green tea to your diet. Once you’re cleared by your doctor, you’re ready to begin experiencing some of the great green tea health benefits that are said to have helped make green tea the rage that currently is in many countries around the world.

Remember, not all green tea products are created equal. When the truth is told, there are many lookalike products and even some pseudo green tea items that make the claim but substantiate nothing. So whether you are searching for green tea health items for the short or long term, make sure you are selecting authentic green tea items.

The post Safe And Simple Green Tea Health appeared first on James Reilly Marketer.

from James Reilly Marketer http://ift.tt/2qtbsX0

Three places to find new clients without a lot of work

1. Don’t ignore your own “Acres of diamonds” – ask your existing clients to refer some of their family, friends and associates to you. If they’re happy with your service they will be more than happy to do it and your job will be much easier since they are coming recommended by someone they trust.

2. Former employers and associates in other fields can be a great resource for finding new business. Give them a call, or better yet have lunch and catch up with them but don’t be shy to ask for referrals!

3. Ask your current prospects who they know that may need your products or services. It may sound odd at first but give it a try and your opinion may quickly change. Especially if you’ve gone out of your way to help them.

Remember that most good people generally enjoy helping others when you make it easy for them. When you ask the people inside your circle of influence to help you by referring new clients, you’re helping yourself, you’re helping them by enabling them to help you, and you’re helping the potential clients by providing a quality product or service that they need.

The post Three places to find new clients without a lot of work appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2r9mlhC

The Secret Method to Feed Your Mind And Manage Your Weight

Feed Your Mind To Manage Your Weight

I had the pleasure of spending time with someone when he gave me a lift to go and pick up my new car. Many times I get to meet a lot of new people but don’t get the time to spend with them or really get to know them so this time was a little bit different.

Not only was he a captive audience but it allowed him to talk without feeling the need of any outside interruptions.

As a Thank You for doing this for me, I did give him a Box of SlimRoast, I only did this because he had previously asked me about it but trying to catch each other considering I live on an island and he lives on the mainland.

He’s a Trucker so he is on the road a lot and one thing that did come up was his weight. As we spoke more it became apparent that although he wants to be healthier, it wasn’t his weight that was the problem it was his self image, what he thought he looked like but more importantly what he thought others thought of him.

You’re NOT going to lose the weight simply because you say you’re on a diet. You need a good set of communication skills between you and yourself to help you along the way. It’s easier for us HUMANS to live in misery and put ourselves down all the time instead of trying to be happy.

It is irrelevant to what other people think of you, or what they say about you because if you don’t accept you that will have a knock on affect in all areas of your life.
Successful weight management goes beyond simply what a person eats or drinks.

It all comes down to their thoughts and feelings. By focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, a person can attract the way they would like to be. The following tools can be used to make positive changes, such as weight management: Affirmations, gratitude journal, positive suggestions and a vision board.

An affirmation is a statement of how a person wants to be. The statement is made in the present tense. It could be: “I am happy, healthy, and at my ideal weight”. The affirmation can be written down and placed where they would see it often (as a reminder). The affirmation tool works, because a person becomes however they believe themselves to be.

A gratitude journal is written in each day, or whenever someone would like to improve their emotional state. The purpose of the journal (which can simply be a piece of paper) is to write down things that the person is grateful for.

Doing this helps them to focus on the positive things in their life, which in turn makes them feel better. And feeling good helps them to attract what they want out of life, including their ideal weight.

Positive suggestions are positive thoughts that boost self-esteem, and help an individual to achieve their goals, such as weight management. The suggestions can be given by a certified hypnotherapist, either through a CD or in person. They are usually used when a person is relaxed, and with guided imagery.

I actually love this style of reprogramming.  I have spent a small fortune in purchasing products to help me internally and be more acceptance of my own thoughts. One great person that I have gotten a lot from is Steve G Jones.

When you learn to listen without listening and it takes affect on you the feeling is amazing. The information just flows over you.  This isn’t something you just once and your cured, you need to work on the subconscious mind and keep on helping it.

The result is that the person’s subconscious mind is reached, which can motivate them to make the changes they wish to make more quickly. Suggestions are often used successfully for weight management.

A vision board can be a cork board, or any area where a person can pin, glue or tape pictures or words to it. Those pictures or words should be about whatever goals that person wishes to attain. In the case of weight management, it may be a photo of themselves at their ideal weight, or any image or words that they can look at as a reminder of their goal of health and fitness.

All of these tools are great ways to help an individual to positively change their thoughts and feelings. In doing so they can change their perception of themselves, and ultimately achieve and maintain their ideal weight.

It’s all about YOU

Time To Change your Persepctive of YOU

The post The Secret Method to Feed Your Mind And Manage Your Weight appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qvWEGb

Saturday, 27 May 2017

Top Coffee Recipes To Impress

I get BORED with just plain coffee. So I went on a search to find some recipes that I could use to spice up my SlimRoast Venture.

Have you ever tried preparing fancy coffee adding whiskey or other things?


Coffee can be prepared adding various recipes to it for the taste you want. The tradition of serving coffee with a different relishing flavor has been there since ages. There are as many ways to prepare coffee as there are races in the world.

Discover here the art of preparing a variety of the most experimented beverage in the world. There is no longer any need to step in a restaurant for sipping your favorite cup. You can prepare it with a difference, every day to the wish of your gusto and enjoy a cupful of it being hypnotized in its flavor. The modus operandi is very simple and you simply need the ingredients of the recipe for the kind of the taste you want.

Let’s reveal the secrets of some of the ecstatic flavors of coffee beans:

Cafe Borgia
This Italian serving needs hot chocolate, whipped cream and grated orange peels as its main ingredients. Take two cups of strong Italian coffee and mix it with another two cups of hot chocolate. You can make the proportion as per your need but the coffee and the chocolate ratio must be the same. Pour it in the mug and add the cream and the orange peels…And its ready for an amazing sip!

Irish Coffee
A cup of Irish Coffee lights up the mood and fascinates truly in Irish way. A cup of it requires Irish whiskey, cream, and sugar. Prepare a cup of strong coffee, then add one shot of Irish whiskey and the amount of sugar you need. Put the cream over the top. It’s ready for the shot!

Caribbean Coffee
This is a sweet coffee for a sweet mood. Feel the taste of coco in a tart flavor. You need baked grated coconut, coconut water, milk, sugar and cream if you are willing for a little change. Make three cups of strong coffee. Mix the grated coco, milk and coco water in a pan and heat it till it is creamy. Put some extra grated coconut in the cup to be served, pour the coffee and the milk mixture prepared along with some sugar. The sip of it will take you to the beaches of Caribbean!

The Mexican Mocha
You require two cups of strong coffee, chocolate syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg, whipping cream for the mocha to comfort you in the scorching sun. Mix the chocolate syrup, cream, cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg in a cup. Pour strong coffee prepared into the mug and add little bit of cinnamon in it. Add some chocolate syrup and stir well. Pour the mixture of cream over it. Have it and feel it!

While trying these coffee recipes, you will be a coffee expert. Be innovative in your coffee preparations and give it name you want and surprise your friends and loved ones.

The post Top Coffee Recipes To Impress appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2s2F8v9

Treatment Options for Diabetes

There is always a significant amount of research going on in the field of diabetes. Scientists are always looking for a cure or better treatment, developing new drugs and equipment, and performing experiments with stem cells and other methods. New treatment options are becoming available all the time.

As a diabetic, keeping your blood sugar levels steady is key. Once you have that under control, many diabetics like to search out alternative treatments. In conjunction with your physician’s knowledge, you may find your health is enhanced by one or more alternative treatments.

Let’s take a look at some of the treatment options available for diabetics.


Those with Type I diabetes will need to take insulin. This can be done in the form of a shot, which the diabetic gives him or herself (except for small children, whose parents could give the daily shots). Another option is an insulin pump, which is outside the body but attached by a small tube. The diabetic enters what he or she eats into the pump, and the pump produces the necessary insulin.

For Type II diabetics, insulin may or may not be necessary. If it is, there are some different options for these diabetics. Inhaled or even oral insulin may be prescribed, or traditional shots or “pens.”


In addition to insulin, some diabetics take various medications. Some medications, like Metformin, work by decreasing the glucose that the liver produces, which aids in the body’s response to insulin. Others, such as Glipizide and Glimepiride, increase the pancreas’s own insulin. This, of course, lowers blood sugar; but presumably it would only be effective if the pancreas still worked somewhat.

Some newer medications are called DPP-4 inhibitors. These affect the pancreas both by stimulating the secretion of insulin and by reducing the secretion of a hormone called glucagon. Glucagon raises blood sugar.


Some natural substances have been considered for their ability to lower or stabilize blood sugar. Chromium, a mineral that occurs naturally in whole sugar cane, may be low in people with Type II diabetes.

Chromium is said to stabilize blood sugar. Other minerals, herbs, and foods that are said to help with blood sugar are:

  • Stevia
  • Magnesium (diabetics are often found to be deficient in this mineral)
  • Essential fatty acids
  • Cinnamon
  • Ginseng

Acupuncture has also been explored as an alternative treatment for diabetes.

Diet and exercise are important for all diabetics, but these essentials are usually considered “alternative treatments,” probably because they do not directly involve drugs or conventional therapy. But exercise and diet are important for keeping blood sugar regulated and maintaining a healthy body weight.

The post Treatment Options for Diabetes appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2s6GDrw

Friday, 26 May 2017

Four Ways to Boost Your Online Business Through Networking

When you think about networking, do you visualize a bunch of people standing around schmoozing, trying to pitch their services to each other while exchanging business cards and “elevator speeches”?

You know, some people actually enjoy that sort of thing. And when they do it right (which is a rare talent), they reap genuine rewards. Rewards such as new clients, joint venture partners, knowledgeable advisors, helpful friends… in other words, mutually beneficial relationships.

But for many of us, the idea of going to a networking event ranks right up there with bathing an angry cat. Even if we think it ought to be done, we’d rather be flea food.

Don’t worry. There’s much more – and less – to networking than you think! You can reap the same wonderful rewards without having to mingle with a bunch of strangers.

Important: With any kind of networking, the key is to build powerful relationships by giving. Give your attention, advice, ideas, suggestions, support, compliments, referrals – and maybe even your business – to others. Give, give, give… then receive more than you can imagine!

There are many ways you can get freelance work by networking, even if you hate schmoozing. Below are four powerful examples.

1. Tell your family and friends about your online business.

This seems like a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many people fail to do this.

You don’t have to pitch your services/products to your family and friends, but you certainly should not be keeping them secret! You’ll have many opportunities during normal conversations to mention that you enjoy internet marketing and earning money with your online activities. Just plant the seed and eventually it can grow into unexpected business.

And remember, even if your family and friends have no need for the products/services you offer, it’s very likely that they know someone who does.

Key: Every person has connections to an average of 250 other people. When you decide not to mention your services to cousin Annie and neighbor Tom, you’re missing an opportunity to offer your services to hundreds of people they know!

2. Engage in virtual networking.

You do this online, from the comfort of your home office. Besides the benefits of not having to deal with people face-to-face, virtual networking allows you to create contact lists and join online communities comprised of people from all over the world. Most of these people you would probably never meet in any other way. Your virtual network can grow larger and faster than any form of traditional network.

Are you on someone’s email list? (Of course you are!) When they ask for opinions, give yours. When they raise an issue that’s of interest to you, send them a response about it. If they’re selling something you can benefit from (and it fits your budget), buy it – then give them positive feedback about it.

Key: Become someone they know and enjoy hearing from, rather than just one of the many anonymous names on their mailing list.

Participate in online discussion forums, especially those where your ideal clients hang out. Lurk before you leap so you don’t jump in and accidentally make a fool of yourself (not good for winning clients). Read the posts, get a feel for the ambiance. When you have something worthwhile to contribute, start participating. If the forum rules allow it, include a signature block that has a link to your website. But do NOT sell your services! Give valuable advice freely. The idea is to show your knowledge, expertise and desire to help others.

Key: Eventually the forum members will get to know you, like you and trust you. The next natural step for them is to think of you when they (or people in their network) need the products/services you provide!

3. Show off your talent.

Write, write, write! Submit articles to online article directories, write reports and/or ebooks, create your own website and e-zine – put yourself and your knowledge/skills on display, always including your contact information. When appropriate, offer to provide free special reports or articles for people with whom you’re building connections through your virtual networking activities.

Consider giving free workshops related to your niche through your local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club or other groups. If you have a job, check into offering “brownbag” (lunchtime) sessions on topics such as “10 Tips for More Earning Money Online in Your Spare Time” for your coworkers.

Key: You want to become the obvious person people will think of when they need your expertise, or the products/services you provide.

4. Attend seminars.

What types of seminars, workshops, conferences or meetings do your customers attend? Go to those events. They are networking goldmines and offer many opportunities to engage in natural conversations with people you want to meet. You don’t have to schmooze or pitch your services. Just be friendly, ask questions, participate in discussions, and be yourself.

Key: You’ll not only learn about the specific issues and topics your target customers are interested in, you’ll build relationships with them at the same time!

The post Four Ways to Boost Your Online Business Through Networking appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2s2ascC

Thursday, 25 May 2017

PrevailMAX Testimonial from Shirley Wayte

Shirley Wayte shares, “I need to add my experience with PrevailMAX to the growing list of testimonials. Back in October 2016 I injured myself during a fitness conference I attend every year. Since then I’ve been struggling with lower back pain and a pinched sciatic nerve…until about three weeks ago.

I started using PrevailMAX about four weeks ago just at the time my chiropractor ( who I’d been going to three times a week for over a month) went away for a week…I didn’t go back until yesterday! And the only reason I went was to tell him I didn’t need to be there!

You see after the first week using PrevailMAX I noticed that I had significantly less discomfort. After the second week I only had occasional twinges and by week three I had no problems at all. I now move, stretch, walk, sit and even lay on my back with no trouble. I started thinking about it and it dawned on me that if my blood is now flowing properly it’s going to circulate around the injured area much better thereby helping to reduce inflammation around the area which in turn gives your body the opportunity to repair itself as it’s meant to! What!? This product is amazing! Maybe we need to start a PrevailMAX testimonials page?”

Increased blood flow means an increased quality of Life!

The post PrevailMAX Testimonial from Shirley Wayte appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qZMUrR

Testimonial from Dave Moffatt

Dave writes, “The post below is one I shared back in September of 2016. At that time my hypoglycemia symptoms were about 90% eliminated by drinking the Valentus coffee. I thought it was important to provide an UPDATE now as I’ve changed it up a little and been drinking the brand new Valentus Italian Roast coffee, the new Prevail Max and the Immune drink consistently for the last month and I am now 100% symptom free of hypoglycemia. For those of you that suffer from blood sugar related problems these products can potentially CHANGE YOUR LIFE !

Remember; I saw doctors and specialists and followed their bullshit protocols religiously and got zero results…this is the only thing that has ever worked !!! The fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision is COMPLETELY GONE !

It totally blows me away that most doctors are completely clueless when it comes to 100% natural products with absolutely zero side affects…would you rather take a synthetic drug that could potentially cause you greater harm than the ailment you are trying to cure. That just seems strange to me.


Fifteen years ago I was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia.

This is a condition where your blood sugar levels can drop dangerously low causing extreme fatigue, dizziness, blurred vision and often it is a pre-cursor to diabetes. I’ve been to doctors that have wanted to medicate me with crap that has side affects worse than the condition itself. I’ve tried to stabilize it with proper diet and exercise and have had very limited success over the years. And then along comes this product named Valentus…a freakin multi-level marketing company that I never would have given a second look at if it wouldn’t have been for the insistence of my awesome wife Brenda.

Anyone that knows me would know that I’m pretty much the last guy on earth that would ever get involved with an MLM.

I can’t tell you exactly why but after 7 months of drinking the Valentus Slimroast coffee my symptoms of Hypoglycemia are about 90% GONE ! I feel like a fog has been lifted and my energy levels are through the roof.

I can’t say enough about these products and what they’ve done for me and I’m soooo glad I decided to get my head out of my ass and listen to people that have my best interests in mind. So here I am…a multi-level marketing guy singing the praises of this product from the rooftops to anyone that’ll listen 🙂

It “really” is something you should consider…we’ve helped so many people with so many ailments in such a short period of time.

So get out of your comfort zone and ask me for help.

The post Testimonial from Dave Moffatt appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qn9Pt6

PLR Advantage

Attention: Online marketers and content creators…

“Download Your FREE Guide And Discover 30 Proven Ways To Use Private Label Rights Content To Your Advantage…”

About Time You Made Use Of All Your PLR Content?

Inside this guide, you’ll discover:

30 proven ways to use private label rights content.
How to make use of all those PLR products and content you might have sitting in your hard drive collecting digital dust.
Building traffic and leads using PLR content.
How to re-purpose PLR content for other uses and formats so you can fully maximize all your PLR content.
+ much, much more!

NO Signup Required This is a Direct Download

The post PLR Advantage appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2rCaJ9K

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Setup a Product from Start To Finish

I am coming across many potential Affiliate Marketers and they are jumping in at the deep end, spending their money on product after product and missing out on the basics.

Can you believe some don’t even have a Domain Name to build their Empire with, some don’t even know how to put up a landing page, or even a sales page, or where to get decent PLR Products from.

Well I have been going through and working with some of my team and from the information I have setup this little daily email course to help them along the way.

You can signup for FREE to the course here

This video that I am about to share with you is part of a more in-depth email that is in that ecourse. The information that I share is FREE. Register for the email course, learn from it and take action with the information.

The JVZoo Package that I setup in the video you can actually get from me, it is a live product that I have setup in JVZoo.

The post Setup a Product from Start To Finish appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qjNix6

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

How Well Do You Know Them?

It is often said that it is not who you know that matters, it is who knows you. Well I would like to extend this statement by saying that it is not only who you know and who knows you, but how well do you know them and they you?

In business, networking is the ultimate form of promotion. It can help you to obtain new clients, a new job, or even help you to move up the corporate ladder. It is the process of building relationships. Any time that you attend a meeting, trade show, or a social function, you are networking whether you realize it or not. It is the relationship that you have with people, a prospect or a client that makes the difference between success and failure.

Often we fail to realize the reasons that we have for doing business with an individual or a company. In the case of products that we regularly buy, what helps us to make the buying decision? There are those that will buy a specific brand of product because they trust that brand to be of a high quality or durability. There are others that will make a buying decision based on price, although this is less frequently the case. Often we simply do business because we feel good about it. In fact most purchases or decisions to do business are based on two things. Trust and comfort. Trust is a very intangible emotion or feeling. How do you measure it? How do you develop it?

Trust is measured by the feelings that are generated by a process of letting someone get to know more about you than just product, features and price. I know a gentleman who provides a seminar on selling to C-level executives. He says that to sell to the C-level executive you have to be more than a salesperson selling a product or service. To sell to the executive level, you have to be more of an advisor. You have to find needs other than the ones that you can fulfill and help them to fulfill these needs. In doing this, you become a “trusted advisor”. They feel “comfortable” that you have their interests in mind more than just making a quick sale and a commission.

In our daily process of seeking prospective clients, do we often just look for a person to pitch, or do we spend a bit more time getting to know them before we try to sell?

When we take the time to know a persons desires, dreams, and needs, and make an honest effort to help them realize that these things are important to us, we are really on the fast track to doing business with them. We are building the trust, confidence, comfort level, and most importantly the relationship that is needed to not only make the sale, but to create in them a resource for endless referrals.

As we go into the community meeting people who are prospective clients, we should keep the following in mind. The customer is a person just like me. The customer has needs other than the one that I can fulfill. Until I understand what the ultimate goal or dream of the prospect is, I cannot fulfill it with my product or service.

Selling and networking are about relationships. You sell in everything that you do whether you realize it or not. The time is now for more effective selling. Change the way you think about the prospect and the prospect will change the way that they think about you.

The post How Well Do You Know Them? appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qMs3aS

Oh My You Have a J.O.B

I got involved in Network Marketing because the whole idea of helping people really appealed to me. Considering I have been helping people now for over a decade.

However I am starting to see some really bad examples of “Network Marketers” shoot people down because they have a JOB. I put that “Network Marketers” in brackets, that is because these so called experts are NOT Experts. Network Marketing is still one of the best moves in Personal Development, Your Interpersonal Skills and your Income Level.

So JOB is what they call Just Over Broke. How the hell do you know because they have a JOB they are Just Over Broke. What just because they wont join you in your company.

Some people spend many years training to get the job they are in, some make really good money, even 6 and 7 Figures doing a J.O.B.

My Just Over Broke Rant

So now that you have seen my little rant, we need to be good Educators to help people understand the true nature of Network Marketing. We need to help people see that if they want to dream, just because they are an adult and they have no time to, that with Network Marketing you get the chance to dream again and build something along side what you are doing.

Just because your upline said it, or someone you know said it. DON’T Say it, find out the facts first. Find out about People, about their wants and needs. Don’t just assume.

My best JOB ever was when I was a Soldier in the British Army. 23:59hrs per day 365 Days a year, on duty or off duty I was working. It was long hours, it was really hard going at times, it was heart breaking and lots of the time it wasn’t worth the money putting your life on the line the way we did. BUT we did  it and we loved it.

Don’t ever put anyone down because they have a JOB.

The post Oh My You Have a J.O.B appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qSlyl5

Beauty Freebies: Is There Really Such a Thing?

A number of different product manufacturers and stores regularly offer free product samples. These free samples are also commonly referred to as freebies. Freebies come in all different size, shapes, and styles and they tend to include a number of different products. Those who just learn about freebies, possibly just like you, wonder if it is really possible to get beauty freebies? It is and if you would like more information on how you can go about doing so, you will want to continue reading on.

When it comes to getting beauty freebies, you will find that you have a number of different options. For instance, beauty freebies are most commonly offered by the product manufacturer. To get these types of freebies, you often need the internet to do so. What you will want to do is perform a standard internet search with the name of a beauty product manufacturer that you like or one that you have just heard of. If that manufacturer is offering free beauty product samples, there is good chance that the special offer would be outlined on the website’s main page. Although this approach is nice, it can be time consuming and you aren’t guaranteed to always find beauty freebies. That is why you may also want to explore your other options.

Another way that you can go about finding beauty freebies that are available for requesting is by performing a standard internet search. Instead of searching with the name of a popular beauty product manufacturer, you will want to search for free product sample websites or freebie websites. Individuals who just like requesting free product samples themselves often run these websites. Many just like to share what they find. On a free product sample website or a freebie website, you should be able to find information on how you can go about requesting a number of free beauty product samples. Be on the lookout for beauty freebies that require the payment of postage, as these offers are not truly free.

Although the internet is one of the easiest ways to go about finding beauty freebies, you can also try visiting one of your local beauty supply stores. It is not uncommon for a beauty supply store to offer free product samples on some of the beauty products that they carry for sale. By offering beauty freebies of their most popular products, a beauty supply store stands a better chance of selling the full size version of the product as well. Beauty supply stores are the best places to find beauty freebies locally, but it is also possible to occasionally find other retailers, like fashion stores or department stores, that also handout free product samples, including free beauty samples.

If you aren’t already requesting beauty freebies, you may want to think about doing so. In addition to getting something for free, you may find a great new product that you never would have otherwise tried. As a reminder, you can usually find beauty freebies by visiting the online websites of product manufacturers, free product sample websites, as well as by visiting your local beauty supply stores. Even if you are unable to find beauty freebies, you may be able to come across valuable moneysaving coupons that can be used on the beauty products that you may need or want to buy.

The post Beauty Freebies: Is There Really Such a Thing? appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2q6MBvZ

Living with Diabetes – Practical Steps

Regardless of what age you are diagnosed with diabetes or which of the two types you have, it helps to have some coping strategies. Living with diabetes can be challenging, but it certainly need not keep you down. Here are some practical steps for living with diabetes.

Connecting with Others

One of the most helpful things you can do is get to be a part of the diabetes community in your area. You’ll learn you’re not alone; you’ll probably pick up valuable information, tips, and literature, and you’ll learn about upcoming events, retreats, and camps.

This can be helpful for children who want to fit in with a peer group but aren’t sure how or if others will accept them, or for adults who feel isolated in their condition. It helps a lot just to know there are others who understand what it’s like.

Form a Group

If you don’t have a local support group for diabetics, consider forming one. Members can meet at your house or at a local venue, and you can set up social networking or a website to keep in touch. You can plan outings, gatherings, meetings, and so forth, and keep your group informed about events.

Take Control

While regular visits to your physician are important, diabetics ultimately have to be responsible for their own daily care. You have to learn to take your own blood sugar and administer your own insulin, and only you know when something feels “off.” It’s up to you to implement an exercise regimen and eat the right foods. Learning this basic truth – you are responsible for managing your diabetes – can take some of the stress out of living with this condition.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

For those with Type II diabetes or for parents of children who have Type I, it can be tempting to get caught up in the self-blame game. The development of Type II diabetes may in fact be linked to certain lifestyle choices, but it’s not necessarily so; and even if it is, you have to move forward and into a healthy lifestyle.

Parents whose child or children have Type I may blame themselves – mothers may worry about something they did while pregnant, or obsess over letting their child eat a lot of sugar before the diagnosis. None of these blames are necessarily even true! It wastes time and energy to worry, so focus on moving forward and getting the most out of life from here on out. This may be the beginning of an opportunity for self-improvement and self-control.

Have a Plan

Having a plan can help you stay in control in a given situation, and get the most out of parties and holidays. Decide ahead of time how you will handle holiday and party treats so you don’t have to think on your feet each time you’re offered a goody.

The post Living with Diabetes – Practical Steps appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qeDZ1B

Monday, 22 May 2017

Profiting From PLR

“Discover The Easiest Way To Create and Sell Your Very Own Unique Profit-Pulling Information Products… FAST!”

I’m Going To Show You EXACTLY How To Take Cheap, Ready-Made PLR Products and Then Turn Around and Profit From Them…

Dear Fellow Network Marketer,

I’m sure that you’re well aware of the money-making potential that exists by creating, branding and marketing your own information products.

Selling short reports and e-courses is one of the best ways to make money online as well as build up your Network Marketing Business – and if you’re serious about it then you’ll understand that having products with your own name on them is the way to go.

But there’s a BIG problem…

Producing your own information products from scratch is HARD!

First of all you’ve got to come up with an actual subject or idea for your business.

And you can’t just take a wild stab in the dark either because what’s the point in producing a product that nobody is interested in?

No – you need to do your research and be sure of your market, this is why it is perfect for building your Network Marketing Business.

But things get even harder when it’s time to start the actual work…

Let’s face it – sitting in front of a blank Word screen and not having a clue what to write about is not a nice feeling for anyone.

I’ve been there and the prospect of producing something from scratch that’s high quality is pretty daunting to say the least.

But there IS a solution…

It’s called Private Label Rights (PLR)

A PLR product is essentially a ready-made information product that you buy the license to resell, distribute and edit.

PLR is the perfect solution because it removes most of the hard work involved in creating your own products.

But most people use PLR in completely the wrong way…

Listen. This is your chance to take a huge shortcut towards online profits… But ONLY if you use it in the right way.

The post Profiting From PLR appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2q1WNWp

Saturday, 20 May 2017

Valentus Slim Roast UK

Valentus Slim Roast UK

I’ve had a few conversations recently about Valentus Slim Roast in the UK so I thought I would write and share about it.

The Boxes are still the same price, I use www.xe.com to convert the price so I can see what it is in UK GBP. They used to deliver from America however they now have a Distribution Center in Germany. Delivery on a good day is 3 days, that is Monday to Friday. However sometimes it can be delayed a few because they don’t usually deliver over the weekend.

When you login to your Valentus Back office you can track your order and actually see where it is located on its journey to YOU.

Here on the Isle of Wight I usually get my delivery before 11am. Which is not bad considering we are on an island and not classed as the Mainland, well only when it comes to Elections and Govt Funds…. but apart from that the delivery to here is rather quick.

So have confidence in Valentus and get your SlimRoast Coffee Order in even if your in the UK. I hope this has helped.

The post Valentus Slim Roast UK appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2r4suP0

WP Spy Blocker

I was contacted last night by someone I help with their site. They are security conscious and love to really keep up with the latest and greatest. The just got an email in about a new plugin.

I had a look at the link they sent me to WP Spy Blocker and after doing some reading around I decided it was something that they really didn’t need, more importantly didn’t need to purchase. I’m all for saving money and for me the less plugins on your site the better.

From what I could see WP Spy Blocker is a repackage of a WordPress repository plugin called WP Hide, which I actually use on this site.

WP Spy Blocker aren’t actually doing anything wrong because you can redistribute plugins from the WordPress repository. All they have done is remove the original plugin creators details and repackaged it.

However the WP-Hide is what you really want to install on your site to help you with your security system. I will state now, NO SITE is 100% there is always a way in, however doing some things to your site can help you that little bit more in securing your hard work that you put into it.

Let me show you a video on the WP-Hide  system.

Now I’m NOT telling you NOT to buy it, what I am saying is there is the same plugin in your WordPress plugin section which is free and does the same thing.

WP-Hide – WordPress Hide & Security Enhancer is a flexible, well-supported, and easy-to-use plugin to hide any WordPress fingerprints and traces making your site Content Management System (CMS) impossible to detect. This is a huge security improvement as your site will less likely get hacked by attackers and boots who try to exploit the huge list of security holes which get bigger every day.

Security at any level is paramount to your WordPress installation and it comes down to you. Don’t buy from fear buy from knowledge and understanding.

The post WP Spy Blocker appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2rCaclh

Friday, 19 May 2017

MoneyMakers JV Giveaway

My friend Vilka Lovett and Steve Lowe just released the
internet’s most massive giveaway ever:

Access To Download NOW

Simply sign up and get the scoop.

  • tons of ebooks
  • tons of scripts
  • tons of everything you’ve ever wanted

Where did all these goodies come from?

I teamed up with Vilka Lovett and Steve Lowe who has
called in some favors from a whole bunch of top online
marketers and convinced them all to give you TONS of Products at no cost to you.

It is our way of saying “thank you”!

These products are worth thousands and thousands of dollars
and have already made the owners thousands and thousands
of dollars.

I just can’t hide the excitement. This is probably the
most exciting news I’ve ever shared with you.

The post MoneyMakers JV Giveaway appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2q4Wt4v

12 Year Old Boy Defeats Candida Albicans

This is an eye-opening story! This brave 12 year old boy and his Mom have shared his wellness journey with us in the hope of helping other kids who are suffering with Candida Albicans (yeast overgrowth).

Amy says, “As a boy it is hard to have to battle with Candida, and the diet alone for a child is brutal?? but he is determined! We just finished the Valentus Breakthrough AM/PM! When he stepped on the scale, he wasn’t overly impressed but when I showed him the picture he smiled and said, let’s continue!”

Candida overgrowth affects your “gut flora” and is responsible for a host of underlying health issues. Yeast overgrowth occurs with a diet high in sugar and carbs, alcohol consumption, antibiotic use, stress, birth control pills, excess food, water and environmental chemicals, and more. In today’s world, we are all affected, even our children.

The Valentus Breakthrough AM/PM is an incredibly easy solution for helping to re-balance your gut flora. Two thirds of your Immune system is located in your digestive system. Healthy Gut, Healthy Body.

Learn more about the Valentus Breakthrough AM/PM

The post 12 Year Old Boy Defeats Candida Albicans appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2pTyqu1

Valentus Breakthrough AM/PM


A simple 12 Day Cleanse (every 90 days) to assist in providing an optimal environment of digestion, detoxification and elimination.

Prevail Breakthrough Am/Pm™ is two simple formulas designed for morning and night use, this product will have you fit, healthy and happy all day.

A formula that is a source of antioxidants and probiotics that will temporarily modify gut flora.


The AM Prevail BREAKTHROUGH formula contains ProDura® Bacillus coagulans, a spore-forming probiotic bacterium that is superior to non- spore probiotics. It will help lower cholesterol and lactose intolerance while raising HDL levels and lipid status.

  • A gentle, daily probiotic drink that is a source of antioxidants and probiotics that temporarily modify gut flora.
  • Contains ProDURA® Bacillus coagulans; a spore-forming probiotic bacterium that has numerous health benefits that are superior to non-spore probiotics.
  • Helps lower total cholesterol and raise HDL levels while producing a positive impact by improving lipid status.
  • Helps to reduce lactose intolerance.
  • Proven to survive the harsh conditions of the gastrointestinal environment demonstrating the durability and tolerance of Bacillus coagulans. ProDURA™ Bacillus coagulans is a registered trademark of Nebraska Cultures, Inc.


The PM Prevail BREAKTHROUGH is a wholefood, powerful nutrient drink designed to detoxify. It has traditionally been used in herbal medicine as a diuretic and laxative to help treat digestive disturbances. This formula may help the body combat an overgrown Candida yeast infection, increase nutrient absorption and increase overall metabolism.

  • A wholefood, powerful nutrient drink designed to help detoxify and assist the body towards vital wellness.
  • Traditionally used in herbal medicine as a diuretic and laxative (aperient), and to help treat digestive disturbances.
  • May help the body with an overgrown Candida Yeast situation.
  • May help with increased nutrient absorption in the body.
  • May help with bolstering the metabolism of the body.
  • A quarterly regimen (every 90 days) designed for ease of use, only 12-days to assist in providing an optimal environment of digestion, detoxification and elimination.


A quarterly regimen (every 90 days) is designed for ease of use, and only 12 days are needed to provide the optimal environment for digestion and detoxification. Start drinking! Your body will thank you.




If you have been diagnosed with a health condition by your medical doctor and/or you are currently under a medical doctor’s care and treatment, please consult with them and provide the following information to allow them to better govern your specific condition so that you are able to take full advantage of the many benefits that Prevail Breakthrough AM/PM offers.  This is extremely important for your treating physician to be aware of simply because Prevail Breakthrough™ is not intended to supplement a particular pre-existing deficiency of any kind. The AM Prevail BREAKTHROUGH formula contains ProDura® Bacillus coagulans, a spore-forming probiotic bacterium that is superior to non- spore probiotics. It will help lower cholesterol and lactose intolerance while raising HDL levels and lipid status. The PM Prevail BREAKTHROUGH is a whole-food, powerful nutrient drink designed to detoxify. It has traditionally been used in herbal medicine as a diuretic and laxative to help treat digestive disturbances. This formula may help the body combat an overgrown Candida yeast infection, increase nutrient absorption and increase overall metabolism
NOTE: There has been NO known side effects observed or reported pertaining to the use of these formulas.


The post Valentus Breakthrough AM/PM appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2rzhdTX

Network Marketing Got Me The Car of my Dreams

Dare To Dream

I want to share with you a little Journey. Getting here took Money, Lots of Learning, webinars, and buying products.

Want to know my SECRET?

I started with $100

NOW Let me just say this. I am not a MILLIONAIRE.

I’m an everyday guy who is married with 5 kids who are all under the age of 16 years old.

So that means my income I earn goes on Spinners, Stunt Scooters, Clothes, Younique Makeup and all that sort of stuff.

My wife she likes to go to the Club, out for meals with her mates and building her Younique Business.

ME, I like it when they all have what they need and want, then in return they give me what i want


It’s a win win situation for me.

When I met my wife over 17 years ago, three days into knowing her I said this to her.

What is mine is yours and what is yours is yours. We have lived by that everyday since then. When I look back and think we were happy with £3 in our pocket to get a bag of chips and a bottle of coke lol.

I’m 43 now, I had a SSangyong Rodius 7 seater people carrier, however I had to put it in the garage a while back to get some repairs so we bought my wife a Fiat Ulysess 8 seater car. She doesn’t drive yet lol.It came to my thought process that having 5 kids and 15 seats in two cars is a bit much so we decided to get rid of my car so that she had her own car for what she needs.

My Eldest daughter is a Competition Dancer and does a lot of comps on the mainland, wife wants to build up her own Younqiue business by doing the home parties, and my own business. Well I can run most of it from online and local to me.

However here comes the problem. I sold my car. THEN I SAW HER.

  • I wanted her instantly.
  • She has great curves
  • She is a lot younger than me and hand’t done so much distance either or with too many other partners.

She scared the crap out of me, she does scare the crap out of me. BUT I hadn’t ever done something like this for myself since meeting my wife all them years ago.

Let me show you what I got myself.

Remember I have 5 kids and a wife, there is ONLY 3 seats spare in there lol.

What I want to share with you is HOW I actually done it.

It all started with $100. Slowly over time I built it up and I have been able to get the car. I want to share with you and insist if you are interested that you get intouch with me and we can start to build something working towards your own dreams.

The $100 Business Start Up

It took me 5 Simple Steps.

  1. Join
  2. Buy
  3. Loyalty Purchase
  4. Training
  5. Sharing

That is my whole business model. I have done Affiliate Marketing for over 13 years now, and it didn’t pay me as quickly or as much as Network Marketing has done.

Instead of trying to sell 10 products, all i have to do is help ONE Person per month. Teach them to do that and get them to teach their team. Follow the 5 steps and the Power of Leverage really kicks in. I never really understood it until I saw my back office. Now I make Network Marketing my MAIN Focus and the Affiliate Marketing my sideline to help people and share with them what I do in Network Marketing.

The post Network Marketing Got Me The Car of my Dreams appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2ryJkly

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Diabetes: What Is It and Who Gets It?

Diabetes is a significant problem in the developed world, and is especially prevalent among certain ethnic groups. Yet many people are not really sure what diabetes is, who gets it, and whether or not they are at risk.

The Basics

Diabetes means too much sugar in the blood. Its proper name is diabetes mellitus. The sugar in the diabetic person’s system also comes out in the urine, which diabetics produce a lot of – the ancient Egyptians noticed that the urine of certain people attracted sugar-loving insects like ants. The term “diabetes” comes from the Greek physician Arateus, and means “to siphon.” The term “mellitus” (meaning “honey sweet”) came about in the late 1600s.

Diabetics need to take steps to control their blood sugar levels, something that is normally done automatically within the body. How this is done and to what extent it is done depends on the type of diabetes that is present.


There are two basic types of diabetes. Type I diabetes, also called juvenile diabetes, often occurs in childhood. In this type of diabetes, the pancreatic cells are destroyed, either by the body’s own immune system or some external damage to the pancreas, such as injury or surgery. Type I diabetics must inject insulin into their bodies since their pancreas no longer produces insulin. Insulin takes the sugar from the blood and gets it into the body’s cells where it can be used.

Type II diabetes is far more common and tends to occur in adults. Generally, those with Type II diabetes have a functioning pancreas; it just doesn’t produce enough insulin, or the insulin it produces is “ignored” by the body (insulin resistance). Type II diabetes can sometimes be managed with diet and exercise, and insulin injections may or may not be necessary.

Who Gets Diabetes?

Type I diabetes tends to run in families. Type II diabetes can also run in families, and may occur in at-risk individuals: those who are overweight, sedentary, over the age of 35, or had gestational diabetes in the past. You cannot “catch” diabetes as it is not caused by a pathogen.

The prevalent opinion among medical professionals is that Type II diabetes can be prevented or minimized through a healthy lifestyle. The theory goes that too much white flour products, white sugar, corn syrup, and other refined sugars and grains cause the pancreas to become exhausted or the body to resist the insulin that is produced.

The post Diabetes: What Is It and Who Gets It? appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2q0Pyti

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Monthly Done For You Content

Build Your List, Grow Your Reach, And Stop Worrying About Constant Content Creation…

 30 Days of “Done for You” Content EVERY MONTH to help you grow your list and inspire activity in your community!

I Love Content. I love to write, but sometimes I get stuck and I need a hand. I am part of a few membership sites that can help me out but one that I favor for my Monthly Content is the Piggy Membership.

Content Delivered to me that can be used in Blog Posts, Rebrandable Reports, eBooks, my Autoresponder and so much more. Every month a different topic.

Each monthly Self Help PLR Bundle includes 30 articles and 30 email messages. Just copy and paste and you’re good to go.

Why is this important? Because the hardest part of content creation is getting started.

You know you need to share a lot of good content out there in the form of blog posts, emails, social media posts, lead magnets, coaching content and the like. Let us help you with all the writing you need to do each month for your content publishing.

10 Ways To Instantly Use This Package

Not sure where to start? Here are ten quick ideas to put this self-help content to good use right away to grow YOUR business.

  1. Turn the articles into a 30 Day Blog Post Series and the emails to email your list about them.
  2. Share the body of the email text as social media posts with links to the blog posts.
  3. Take the document that includes all articles, add a title page, about the author, and recommended resources and you’ll have an eBook that you can give a way at the bottom of each blog post. Write a quick Call to Action to build your subscriber list.
  4. Do the same as above, but sell the eBook to build a customer list. This could be your entry level product that not only builds this paying customer list, but also feeds into the rest of your product funnel.
  5. Create a 30 Day group coaching program or interactive challenge based on the content of this package. Hand the eBook to your clients to follow along and have something to take away with them after the program runs its course.
  6. Create a personal coaching program based on the same info with more personalized suggestions for each client.
  7. Use the content in each article to create a quick audio or video product. If you have a podcast here’s the content for your next 30 episodes.
  8. Use the 30 topics to record 30 Facebook Live videos for your self-help audience.
  9. Hold a series of self-help webinars based on the article content.
  10. Mix and match all of the above. Remember, this is your content. You can re-purpose it as many different times and in as many different formats as you see fit.

Check out the site for MORE Great Hints and Tips and Grab Yourself Some Time Back.

The post Monthly Done For You Content appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2rgDUPu

Monday, 15 May 2017

3 Bad Diet Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost

Even though there is so much information available about weight loss, the same diet mistakes are being made over and over every day. We are not talking here about little slip-ups where you ate a slice of pie that was not on the plan, but big mistakes that lead to failure to lose the weight that you want to lose. Understanding these errors can help you develop the attitude that will lead to permanent weight loss for you.

1. The All Or Nothing Attitude

All or nothing dieters will often pick out a complicated diet that is almost impossible for them to maintain. Before beginning, they will search the kitchen for anything that does not fit the plan and throw it in the garbage. They are planning to be the perfect dieter, and so they will be, for one day, three days, seven days or even a couple of weeks. Then, inevitably, something happens that means they cannot keep to the diet one time. Immediately the whole thing is ruined in their eyes and the diet is over. They go to the store and buy all the things that went into the garbage last week and proceed to gain back all the weight that they lost, as fast as possible.

If you are this kind of dieter you need to ask yourself some tough questions. Do you really want to lose weight permanently, or just lose a few pounds so that you can enjoy putting them back on again? The way forward is to make small changes to what you eat so that you have a slow but steady weight loss.

2. The Attitude of Sacrifice

Another common mistake is to view your diet as a period of sacrifice. You do not allow yourself the foods that you enjoy most while you are on your way to your target weight. You may have a great diet plan and be very successful in losing weight, but what happens when you reach your goal? You have not learnt to eat bad foods in moderation so as soon as you start, you are likely to go out of control. It is better to include a little of everything in your diet and learn to enjoy it in small quantities. Yes, even chocolate!

3. Goal Failure

Setting achievable goals is vital in any weight loss plan. Goals should be clear, realistic and set out in writing. While you probably do have an ideal weight in your mind, unless you are only very slightly overweight it is probably too distant to be useful. A more useful goal would be to lose two pounds per week for the first five weeks and then one pound per week after that. Some weeks you will lose more and some less, some weeks you may even gain, but if you track your progress on a graph you will see that ups and downs are natural and do not stop you progressing steadily toward your major goal.

If you have been making these mistakes, do not worry. The most important point in dieting as in so many other things is to move on. Learn from your failures as well as your success and do not use a mistake as an excuse for giving up. The only way to achieve your goal permanently is to make a commitment to become a healthier person. Remember that eating normally includes eating more some days and less others. Learn to enjoy food in moderation and you have every chance of avoiding these bad diet mistakes.

The post 3 Bad Diet Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost appeared first on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2qm7Cl2