Sunday 20 November 2016

Your Role as a Party Plan Consultant

As a direct sales consultant you may have been asked a time or two to remember your “why.” Meaning, if you remember why you started your business – to pay the orthodontist bill, to be able to stay home with your kids, to earn money to get a new car and make the monthly payment, etc – then it should help you keep going when the going gets tough.

That may be a good tactic if your “why” is still relevant. For example, if you started your business so that you didn’t have to pay full retail on the product then your “why” isn’t likely going to motivate you to go, go, go.

More importantly, your success as a home party plan consultant may be contingent on if you remember your role as an independent consultant. Is your outlook inward or outward? In other words, do you view your role as selling product? This is inward as your business is all about you and your needs and wants.

Or, do you view your role as one who serves others by solving problems or making their life easier? If so, your outlook would be outward. You may sell [insert your product here], but more importantly you’re helping women look younger, or you’re providing a safe environment free from open flames, or you’re offering healthy, organic seasonings.

If you view your role as a salesperson, one who sells products, then your actions will be driven by how many widgets you can sell. Get the sale, what can you do to sell, sell, sell? You’re all about bottom line, and you will do whatever it takes to get the sale. Some would argue those are good motivators. I would agree; you do need to be motivated.

Motivational speaker, Les Brown, talks about taking action and says, “You gotta be hungry!” If you have no compelling reason to get moving, you probably won’t. If you view your role as a salesperson vs. a sales consultant you will only be able to go so far in direct sales with your sales pitch. You may view it as splitting hairs, but there is a distinct difference between selling and consulting.

With regard to home parties to help define your role, remember who your customers are. You are there to facilitate the party and to help the hostess have a successful show. Let me say that again, you are there to facilitate the party and to help the hostess have a successful show. If you decide your role is to sell product, then you are your own customer.

If you remember that your role is to create a positive experience for your hostesses guests, your party totals will reflect that and your future bookings and referrals will also reflect that. They will see that you have their best interest at heart and they will want to do business with you.

Check Out These Other Blogs.

from Louise Reilly

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