Monday 11 September 2017

IS Network Marketing Better For You

Is the Network Marketing business opportunity better off worked at home or what?


Network Marketing is a legitimate and potentially lucrative way to work from home for your own Network Marketing business opportunity.

By directly selling products while creating your own upline downline, you can work your Network Marketing business opportunity part-time, from home, and at in your own hours. Even with all the potential for making money, you should decide, though if an Network Marketing is for you.

Many people are blinded by all the benefits of an Network Marketing when determining if this type of business is right for them. You do not need to have a college degree or any experience to get into the industry.

The products are already manufactured and are usually shipped by the company directly to your customers. Plus, you choose your hours and your work location. In fact, many Network Marketing business opportunities are taken by people who work from the comfort of their own home.

Other benefits of an Network Marketing business opportunity that is worked from home is that you have leverage; you continue earning commissions on a single effort. You do not need to come up with your own business or marketing plan, because the company does it for you. Also, recruiting and training systems are provided for you by the company.

Despite the numerous benefits, Network Marketing businesses do come with some downfalls.

For instance, you usually start of marketing to family and friends. This is especially so if you are just starting your work from home Network Marketing business. This can create some friction and alienation, especially among people who are more acquaintances than close friends and family.  For me that is the OLD Way to do things. There are over 7.5 BILLION People on the earth. ALL you need is ONE Person to follow the system.

Infact let me share the system with you.

1 – Join
2 – Buy The Product
3 – Setup Loyalty Purchase
4 – Learn the Product
5 – Share

That is it broken down to it’s basic formula.  Notice how easy it is to replicate. When your team follow the system, the system rewards you for it.

Network Marketing is showcasing the product you are wanting to sell. I’m NOT a seller however I know that I am a user of the product and I can talk about it. I can write about it, I can share it with people. I can follow the system.

Lots of Network Marketing is selling, so you need to have a pretty strong backbone, as many people will tell you, “no” instead of the much-coveted “yes”. Therefore, it takes a lot of effort and motivation.

This is why we are now sharing and not selling. Wouldn’t you rather buy a product your friend has recommended or even better used. Network Marketing is not stuck in the 90’s. We have the Internet and we have Social Media. Network Marketing is allowing thousands of people everyday change their lifestyle and the situation they thought they were stuck in.

In order to make the most potential income, you need to recruit new representatives who are going to share the product and who is the best person to help become a recruit? A Customer. The old style of Network Marketing meant that you had to buy in stock and hoard it. Myself I only buy what I use and a bit on top to share. I offer out small samples after the person registers an interest with the product. That helps me secure them in my team if they want MORE info or the Product itself.

Working at home works for some people. But other people find that it takes a great deal of discipline and motivation to get the job done without being easily distracted. Before you decide to take up the Network Marketing business opportunity and work at home, make sure that you get all the information that you need to make an informed decision.

So weighing out the good and bad, is Network Marketing for you?


  • if you are a self-starter with a lot of energy and motivation then it is a good start.
  • If you have leadership skills and can set goals and meet them, then Network Marketing might be for you, too.

Lot’s of IF’s there wasn’t there. Really to get started all you need is to be coachable and follow the system. Myself I want Customers first, because when they see that the product works, it is then easy to set them up as Business Builders.

Network Marketers are everyday people. Your Stay at home Parent, Your Student, Your Lawyer, Network Marketing isn’t tied down now to one specific role, it is changing around the world and helping many families from ANY Education Level create the success they want.

An Network Marketing business opportunity is an ideal trade to run on the Internet and work from your home. If you have the personality to run this type of business, then it could be the perfect opportunity for you.

Just make sure you watch out for Network Marketing scams and do your research before joining. Then take advantage of the Network Marketing opportunities that await you. Try working at home and see how well it suits you.

Your MORE than welcome to contact me if you want me to share my Health and Wellness Company with you. As a Gift I would like you to download the eBook on offer below this post. It will help inform you more and guide you to the answer you are looking for in Network Marketing.

The post IS Network Marketing Better For You appeared first on James Reilly.

from James Reilly

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