Tuesday 28 February 2017

Are You Addicted To A Paycheck?

Best Selling author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki offers his advice on how to get ahead in the new economy. He says the main problem is that most people are addicted to a paycheck.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Are You Addicted To A Paycheck? on Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight.

from Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight http://ift.tt/2lRKloA

Top Leader Interview with Johnny Wimbrey

In this week’s Top Leader Interview, Eric sits down with Johnny Wimbrey, leader of one of the Top Five Network Marketing businesses in the world. The author of the book From the Hood to Doing Good, Johnny talks about growing up in Dallas, Texas and how his life influenced his path to becoming a Network Marketing professional.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Top Leader Interview with Johnny Wimbrey on Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight.

from Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight http://ift.tt/2lwpTqG

The Hardest Gift to Give

In this week’s video, Eric has an important message about what to do in order to really move forward next year. He says that in addition to looking back at the pros and cons, triumph and defeats of the past year, you need to consider giving yourself a gift: the gift of forgiveness.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Hardest Gift to Give on Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight.

from Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight http://ift.tt/2lQv1sq

Million Dollar Interview with Whitney Husband

In this week’s Leader Interview, Eric catches up with Whitney Husband, a majorly successful young entrepreneur and mom. Whitney is from a small town in Texas with only 2,000 people. At the age of 28, Whitney has become wildly successful and is the definition of what Network Marketing can do for you.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Whitney Husband on Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight.

from Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight http://ift.tt/2m9KHrL

The Second Most Powerful Way to Learn

In this week’s show, Eric talks about how you can supercharge your learning! What is the number one fastest way to learn? It’s activity; you’re going to learn faster than anything by “doing.” What’s the second most powerful way to learn?

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Second Most Powerful Way to Learn on Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight.

from Type 1 Diabetic System to Losing Weight http://ift.tt/2lub4F8

Mastering Your Emotions

People sometimes ask me, “Is managing your emotions important for an entrepreneur? It seems like being an entrepreneur is more about focus and hard work.” Well, what is going to keep you focused and working hard? Mastering your emotions.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Mastering Your Emotions on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2ljmI4F

Monday 27 February 2017

Entrepreneurs Do Not Wait For Support They Create It

In this week’s show, Eric talks about one of the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneur—how to think like an entrepreneur. The longer you continue to think like an employee, the more you will be frustrated as you try to build your entrepreneurial business. It requires different thinking.

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James Reilly first posted Entrepreneurs Do Not Wait For Support They Create It on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2m5x4tF

She Needed to Think Bigger

Give yourself permission to think bigger! Don’t settle for where you are right now. Crank it up. Then once you get there, ask yourself, “What would happen if I cranked it up a little bit more?”

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted She Needed to Think Bigger on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2m57lBo

Walking Away From Tomorrow

Tomorrow, some day, next week… These are common words people say when they are going to do something. In Network Marketing we have to make sure we don’t fall into the trap of just saying we are going to do something, we need to take action.

Walk away from tomorrow and into action!

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Walking Away From Tomorrow on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2l5Ycc7

The Introvert’s Secret Weapon

In this video, Top Earner and Leader Tom Chenault talks about his Coffee Shop Interview strategy to find new prospects every day. He interviews people. It sounds simple or even daunting, especially for introverts. But there is more to this strategy.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Introvert’s Secret Weapon on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lYiZxG

The Pros and Cons of Comparing

Today, we’re going to discuss comparing yourself to others. There’s a good side and a bad side to it, and it all depends on how you’re wired.
If you’re highly competitive, comparing yourself to others can be a good thing. It’ll inspire you to increase your activities, results, etc. Comparison can be a driver, a model of success, or a cause for you to take more action.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Pros and Cons of Comparing on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lXBbY8

Your Ultimate Game Plan for Success in 2017

Wow! Another year has already gone by and another has started. 2016 was an amazing year, and so much of it was thanks to you and your incredible support! 2016 was a record year for Network Marketing on many levels… Each year we get stronger and more credible as a profession! And so, I am giving you a gift as a token of my appreciation! Click here to get your gifted video course: Ultimate Game Plan for Success in 2017!

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Your Ultimate Game Plan for Success in 2017 on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2mBBJjn

Sunday 26 February 2017

Recruit 20 People in 30 Days

Get in English: http://ift.tt/2l1DEBM

Get in Spanish: http://ift.tt/2lLdkZA

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Recruit 20 People in 30 Days on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2l1KWFF

How to Avoid Being Your Own Worst Enemy

In this epic rant from top leader Loren Slocum-Lahav, she calls it like it is and delivers a clear message to get out of your own way and get to work. This type of laser focus and mindset is exactly how you need to think and what you need to do to be successful.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted How to Avoid Being Your Own Worst Enemy on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2l0Vkx2

Million Dollar Interview with Kyle and Kierston Kirschbaum

In this week’s Million Dollar Earning Interview, Eric sits down with Kyle and Kierston Kirschbaum. Kyle and Kierston are Las Vegas natives and a power couple in the Network Marketing profession. This couple is fun, vibrant, and full of energy that stems from their entrepreneurial nature. Kyle and Kierston have always shared similar goals that allowed them to reach this new level of success together, but not before Kierston set the standards in Network Marketing first.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Kyle and Kierston Kirschbaum on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2msviAc

My Free Gift to You

Your free on-demand viewing access will begin at 8:30 am CST on Feb. 6 and end at 8:30 am on Feb. 10th. Make sure you share this with your team! Perfect for team training meetings or have your team watch and then have a training call to review all the strategies, tips and advice that you will learn in this free course. It is regularly $297 but for a limited time, you can get on-demand viewing access for free! (you will have 72 hours of free on-demand viewing access.) Go to http://ift.tt/2lJ1hO4 register today.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted My Free Gift to You on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lJ1PU2

Why Women Rule

In this clip, Marina Worre talks about a very important demographic: Women.

In Network Marketing 77% of distributors in the United States are women. Globally that number is 76%. Despite the fact that women make up the majority of Network Marketers, there are three big myths about women.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Why Women Rule on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2mjnOmb

Saturday 25 February 2017

Brutal Honesty

Today’s topic might make you a bit uncomfortable: self-awareness. Being self-aware is one of the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur, but it can also be one of the hardest because you have to really take a good look at yourself. It’s understanding yourself, what it is you’re really doing, the gaps in efficiency and productivity that exist in your business; it’s understanding everything.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Brutal Honesty on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lXqxB7

Creating Your Game Plan for 2017

In this week’s show, Eric talks about how the last month of the year is a very introspective time. It is a time to look back at the previous year and look forward to the coming year.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Creating Your Game Plan for 2017 on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lS8dJ8

Top Leader Interview with John Sachtouras

In this week’s Leader Interview, Eric catches up with John Sachtouras, a Greek immigrant who worked up from nothing to being a millionaire after being involved in Network Marketing for 27 years.  But don’t think that he became a millionaire overnight.  It took several years for him to find his success.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Top Leader Interview with John Sachtouras on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2llJjPf

Million Dollar Interview with Stefanie Lo Gatto-Feier & Danien Feier

In this week’s leader interview, Eric catches up with Danien Feier and Stephania Lo Gatto-Feier, two highly successful entrepreneurs both separately and as a team. Their two widely different personalities work well together with Danien being the no-nonsense, straight to the point, get things done side and Stephania being the bigger than life, contagious enthusiasm for life side.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Stefanie Lo Gatto-Feier & Danien Feier on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lH9j8k

Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lQhl0U

The Leadership Secret Most People Miss

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Most people think leadership is all about the ability to lead others… but listen to learn the one leadership secret that most people miss.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Leadership Secret Most People Miss on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lG80Z8

The Secret to Radical Growth

I am going to share with you something that will help you grow faster and improve in every area of your life, especially business: reading.  And I mean, actually reading books.  Reading what other people have learned and shared.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Secret to Radical Growth on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2mvqCZn

Friday 24 February 2017

10 Strategies to Become an Event Promotion Machine

This week Eric gives you 10 Strategies to Become an Event Promotion Machine, and ideas on how you can be a world class promoter. Promotion in network marketing is the number one highest paid skill. The people who can get people to make a decision to go and attend an event, they get paid bigger than anybody else in network marketing… When people go to events, their vision changes, their game plan changes, and their view of the future changes. In this video Eric is discussing event promotion for the promotional partners of the upcoming Recruiting Mastery event, but the concept is the same regardless of the event or company.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted 10 Strategies to Become an Event Promotion Machine on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2muGKKE

How to Overcome The Struggles in Life

Tiffaney Malott shares four pieces of wisdom during the Women’s Panel at Go Pro Recruiting Mastery 2016.

Stop feeling sorry for yourself – You are not doing yourself any good by throwing a pity party.Embrace the pain – You have to go through the pain, you can’t go around it. But a better you is waiting on the other side.Don’t compare – Comparison is the thief of all joy. Those people you think are better than you, have the same struggles you do.Get excited – Be excited not only about where you’re going, but also where you are right now. You are the creator of your story, and the world is going to see who you are.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted How to Overcome The Struggles in Life on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lDDGyi

Habits of a Strong Leader

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Sir Richard Branson discusses some of the habits that make a strong leader. He says that the most important attribute of a good leader is that they listen well.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Habits of a Strong Leader on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lCgGj3

Trading Expectation for Appreciation

In this week’s video, Eric talks about Thanksgiving week. Even if you’re not in the U.S. and don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, it is a good time of year to take a look at our lives and give thanks, appreciate the opportunities we have been given, and be grateful for the life we live and the relationships we have.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Trading Expectation for Appreciation on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2mfjiVO

Million Dollar Interview with Margie Aliprandi

In this week’s Million Dollar Interview, Eric speaks to powerhouse earner, Margie Aliprandi. Margie has been in the Network Marketing Profession for 28 years and with the same company. Her success in Network Marketing has allowed her to travel all over for business and pleasure. She currently lives in San Diego and does a lot of business travel to Salt Lake City.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Margie Aliprandi on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lMFy8y

Thursday 23 February 2017

Let’s Talk Politics

In this week’s show, Eric does the most dangerous thing a person can do: talk politics…. Have you heard about the new Broadway show, Hamilton? Eric recently saw it with his family, and it reminded him that politics is a dirty business. Eric’s take on politics is that you should vote for the candidate of your choice and then practice the serenity prayer. Control what you can deal with and let go of everything that’s outside of your control.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Let’s Talk Politics on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2l694ls

Entrepreneurship, Network Marketing and Busting the Fear Barrier: An Interview with Tony Robbins

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Recently I sat down with Tony Robbins at his Business Mastery event to talk about how to use his ideas and concepts to live a better life and how Network Marketing can help a person achieve their dreams.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Entrepreneurship, Network Marketing and Busting the Fear Barrier: An Interview with Tony Robbins on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lBdbI6

New or Thinking about Getting Involved? Here’s Some Advice.

Are you new to Network Marketing marketing or thinking about getting involved? This is advice just for you — and if you know anyone who is just getting started or thinking of starting, please share this advice with them.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted New or Thinking about Getting Involved? Here’s Some Advice. on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lPM4M1

Million Dollar Interview with Tom and Denice Chenault

In this week’s Million Dollar Interview, Eric interviews Network Marketing leaders, Tom and Denice Chenault.  Tom and Denice have been in network marketing for over 18 years and their biggest passion is helping people achieve the life of their dreams.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Tom and Denice Chenault on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lJXrVr

Over the Line

In this week’s show, Eric shares concepts to get people involved and to also get them to stay in your Network Marketing business.

There’s always going to be people coming into your business and leaving your business. The reasons will vary: it didn’t meet their expectations; they weren’t willing to face their fears; they felt a little piece of rejection. Every organization experiences this fluctuation and this profession is no different. It is the responsibility of the leader to improve attrition and reduce the number of people that quit.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Over the Line on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lJcKxp

The Future of Network Marketing with Paul Zane Pilzer

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Future of Network Marketing with Paul Zane Pilzer on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lsIZRe

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Need Someone to Hold Your Hand

In this week’s training video, Eric Worre pushes entrepreneurs to let go of the word “need” and instead take on self-independence. As one of Eric’s mentors, Jim Rohn, once said, “Life doesn’t respond to need. Life responds to deserve.” Not many people want to admit that they are dependent upon something or need someone in order to find true success. The future and the now depend on entrepreneurs to be different and most importantly to think different.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Need Someone to Hold Your Hand on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lsw5md

Work With The Willing

Do you have a close friend or family member who either hasn’t joined Network Marketing or has joined but never really does anything? You get so frustrated with that person because you know that they have so much potential. They know a lot of people, have natural skills, etc. If they would just dive in, they would do so well. You feel like you’re letting them down, and you try everything to encourage them, kick them in the butt, or flatter them. But they never quite do it.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Work With The Willing on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lam7mT

Blitz Days

In this week’s show, Eric talks about how to bust out of a plateau and really get the results you are looking for to grow your business. The advice Eric gives all the time is to engage in a blitz day! A lot of people are slow and steady in Network Marketing. They don’t have momentum and they aren’t getting great results. You have to up the intensity for a short period of time to get your business to another level!

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Blitz Days on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lMsmkf

Million Dollar Interview with Deni Robinson

In this week’s interview, Eric sits down with Montana cowgirl, Deni Robinson. 

Sorry, I could not read the content fromt this page.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Deni Robinson on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2mcC0Kr

Million Dollar Interview with Susan Sly

In this week’s Million Dollar Interview, Eric interviews Susan Sly. Susan is an athlete, a mom, an author, an entrepreneur and is the do it all woman. At her peak, Susan has racked in an overwhelming 2 million dollars a year in commissions!

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Million Dollar Interview with Susan Sly on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2m7pmiX

10 Strategies by the Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Listen to top leader and earner Gloria Mayfield Banks as she gives the top 10 strategies used by the best leaders and earners — #6 is on winning is awesome!

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted 10 Strategies by the Most Powerful Women in Network Marketing on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lmTXHD

Tuesday 21 February 2017

The Top Leadership Technique For Network Marketing

Welcome to the Network Marketing Pro Podcast Channel. The #1 Training and Support Channel for Network Marketing Professionals. 

Do you want to hear the top leadership secret in Network Marketing? Part of finding success in our great profession is developing your leadership skills. There’s one tool that I see top leaders around the world utilize in order to get more action out of the people they’re leading. And here it is: The Assignment!

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted The Top Leadership Technique For Network Marketing on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2llQ8Tk

Presentation School

In this week’s show, I share with you about a principle that is very important in Network Marketing–How to increase the number of quality and qualified presenters in your organization. I am a huge fan and big believer in third party presenters, but looking within your own business can be the answer you need to help grow your team.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted Presentation School on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2llCsaF

How to Avoid Losing Ten Percent of Your Income This Year

In this week’s video, Eric talks about the upcoming holiday season and how too many people become lax in their business during this time.

Eric starts off by providing some math for everyone. View your business like a retail store that’s open for 365 days of the year. If the store is closed for one day, you lose one-third of 1% of your revenue. If you have to close your store for six days, then you lose about 2% of your revenue. What if a semi-truck runs into your store, and you have to close it down completely for 60 days? Then 20% of your revenue is gone, and there is no way you can get it back.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted How to Avoid Losing Ten Percent of Your Income This Year on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lDsLF2

You Can’t Afford To Mow Your Lawn

In this week’s show, Eric Worre talks more than minimum wage activity!

I have been mentored by a few different billionaires throughout my Network Marketing career. I sought out my first mentor and asked him how do I make more success for myself? I want to make a million dollars a year! My mentor said, “To make a million dollars a year you have to earn approximately $500 an hour in order to meet your goal. Is there a task you can do in your business that will earn you $500 an hour over time.” I said oh yes, in Network Marketing, there actually is.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted You Can’t Afford To Mow Your Lawn on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lIApyn

HONEST Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Review

HONEST Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Review

Product mentioned Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes



The post HONEST Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Review appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2lI3Dxm

How to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus

How to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus

Hello Everyone, Welcome back to my channel!

Here is a quick video on how to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus!
I absolutely love this mascara and wear it literally every day now !!

To purchase one of these amazing mascaras you can shop for them on my website.

The post How to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2kVuxgI



The NEW, reformulated 3D Fiber Lashes+ Mascara from Younique launches on January 2, 2017.

The post NEW REFORMULATED 3D FIBER LASHES + Mascara!! appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2lIbYRL

NEW 3D Fiber Lashes+! Younique

NEW 3D Fiber Lashes+! Younique

Here is me Putting on the brand new REFORMULATED 3D+!

The post NEW 3D Fiber Lashes+! Younique appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2kVovNm

First Impression Review ♡ Younique 3D Fibre Mascara, Does It Really Work?

First Impression Review ♡ Younique 3D Fibre Mascara, Does It Really Work?

So here we go! I tried out the Younique 3D Moodstruck Fibre Lashes for myself. What do you think? x
– Did you see my most recent video? – Please subscribe for more videos every Monday, Wednesday and Friday! 🙂

I paid $39usd total for this

Have you tried it? What are your thoughts? xx

Revitalash: Mascara: Too Faced Better Than Sex
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

♡ Social Media ♡

– 2nd Channel:
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– Business: business@shaaanxo.co.nz

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♡ Online Shopping Links, & Some Favorite Sites! ♡

– My Lashes & Brushes:

– How I get USA Makeup:

– Clothing & Accessories:
Missguided TopShop BooHoo NastyGal Pagan Marie ‘shaaanxo’ for 10% off storewide!
Showpo ‘shaaanxo’ for 10% off storewide!
Dailylook for 20% off your first order!
Bellami Hair Extensions “shan5” for $5.00 off any set

– Makeup & Beauty:
Makeup NZ Cutie & Beauty
Lipstick Republic ‘shaaanxo’ for 10% store wide
Cherry Culture Benefit Cosmetics Charlotte Tilbury Makeup Geek BeautyBay Feel Unique Once It BH Cosmetics NZ Sale
iHerb QMH705 for $5 off, or orders over $40 get $10 off!
Gerard Cosmetics “shaaanxo” for 25% off all products
Whitening Lightning “shaaanxo” for 25% off all products
Michael Todd Skincare – Use this link for 20% off your order, or register through this link to recieve 20% for one year!

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Camera: Canon 70d
Editing: iMovie

The post First Impression Review ♡ Younique 3D Fibre Mascara, Does It Really Work? appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2lIfVpJ

First Reactions to Younique’s NEW 3D Fiber Lashes + Mascara!

First Reactions to Younique's NEW 3D Fiber Lashes + Mascara!

Women try the new reformulated 3D Fiber Lashes + for the very first time and see their lashes look fabulous right before their eyes! Pre-order your own mascara here:

The post First Reactions to Younique’s NEW 3D Fiber Lashes + Mascara! appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2kVf6pa

How to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus – Best Tips and Tricks

How to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus - Best Tips and Tricks

Younique’s New Formula of 3D Fiber Lashes+ is a one coat wonder! This video shows you how to apply it for the BEST results!

The post How to apply Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Plus – Best Tips and Tricks appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2lI9inq

Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes: FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Review + Demo) | Hannah Leigh

Thank you for watching! I really hope you loved this younique mascara review, this mascara will help you get longer eyelashes instantly! I have been looking for ways to find out how to get longer lashes forever and this method is so quick and easy!

The post Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes: FIRST IMPRESSIONS (Review + Demo) | Hannah Leigh appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2kVnHrM

Updated YOUNIQUE 3D FIBER LASHES + Tutorial || Demo || The Lash Babe

Updated YOUNIQUE 3D FIBER LASHES + Tutorial || Demo || The Lash Babe

I have been applying my 3D+ a little bit differently lately and I wanted to share since it has been working so great for me!

What I am wearing…
*Glorious Face & Eye Primer
*Moodstruck Minerals Eye Primer
*BB Flawless Cream (Bisque & Honey mixed together)
*Beachfront Bronzer (Sunset)
*Pressed Blusher (Sweet)
*Precision Brow Liner & Gel (Medium)
*Mineral Eye Pigments (Beautiful, Irresistible & Infatuated)
*Splurge Cream Eye Shadow (Elegant)
*Precision Eye Liner (Proper)
*3D Fiber Lashes+
*Precision Lip Liner (Posh)

You can find all of these products and more at TheLashBabe.com!
Thank you so mush for watching! Please give it a THUMBS UP and don’t forget to S U B S C R I B E !!!

Alyssa The Lash Babe

The post Updated YOUNIQUE 3D FIBER LASHES + Tutorial || Demo || The Lash Babe appeared first on Louise Reilly.

from Louise Reilly http://ift.tt/2lIaaIm

Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Demo & Review

Younique 3D Fiber Lashes Demo & Review

Subscribe here:

Benefit Lash Curler: Benefit They’re Real Mascara: Younique 3D Fiber Lashes:

SNAPCHAT: AlexandreaGarza

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Sunday 12 February 2017

Is Network Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?| Life

Is Network Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?| Life

Here is why Network Marketing is not a “pyramid scheme”.

James Reilly first posted Is Network Marketing a Pyramid Scheme?| Life on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lywJ2S

Is Network Marketing A Pyramid Scheme?

Is Network Marketing A Pyramid Scheme?

Is network marketing a pyramid scheme? It’s one of the most common questions asked by people looking into network marketing. In this video, Simon Prentice of Rich Grads will finally explain the difference between a legitimate multi-level marketing (MLM) business – or more commonly referred as Network Marketing – and an illegal pyramid scheme.


James Reilly first posted Is Network Marketing A Pyramid Scheme? on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lDLL2X

4 Signs that a Job is a Pyramid Scheme / Scam (in 3.5 minutes)

4 Signs that a Job is a Pyramid Scheme / Scam (in 3.5 minutes)

How to tell if company is a pyramid scheme? How to tell if a job is a scam? What are signs of a pyramid scheme? What is multi-level marketing? Usana, Vector Market, World Financial Group, MonaVie, Herbal life, Organogold are all pyramid schemes.


James Reilly first posted 4 Signs that a Job is a Pyramid Scheme / Scam (in 3.5 minutes) on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lyxPeK

The End of MLM, Network Marketing, and Pyramid Schemes

The End of MLM, Network Marketing, and Pyramid Schemes

Multi-level marketing, network marketing, pyramid schemes, whatever you want to call them, are doomed…

At first glance a bold pronouncement but, when it comes from someone as intimately involved in the MLM scene as Larry Crisp, one of the industry’s biggest success stories of recent times, perhaps every one of the 16 million US citizens attempting to derive an income from it should be taking notice.
Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and representatives of the National Consumers League will certainly be listening intently to what former stockbroker Crisp has to say in light of their ongoing calls for an investigation into the way one of the largest MLM’s — Herbalife — is operated. The way the iconic firm has been criticized of late is the tip of the iceberg for Crisp who admits: “After more than 50 criticism-plagued years, the MLM world is facing its biggest challenge to date. Whether it’s Amway, Nikken, or Isagenix, I believe there’ll be a seismic shift in 2013, in fact, it is already underway with Ackman and others calling into question the viability of the industry as a whole.” There’s new opportunities out there that will transcend traditional mlm’s.

visit us at

James Reilly first posted The End of MLM, Network Marketing, and Pyramid Schemes on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lDZ2J2

DOES Network Marketing = Pyramid Scheme?

DOES Network Marketing = Pyramid Scheme?

James Reilly first posted DOES Network Marketing = Pyramid Scheme? on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lyyRaw

Illegal Pyramids vs. Legal Multilevel Marketing MLM Companies

Illegal Pyramids vs. Legal Multilevel Marketing MLM Companies

Part 1 – Most business writers don’t really know the difference. Even most Network Marketing participants don’t know. But one is a beautiful concept. The other … not so much! Part 2 is at:

See also this new video “MLM: Some says it’s…”
And leave a comment

James Reilly first posted Illegal Pyramids vs. Legal Multilevel Marketing MLM Companies on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lE1Beg

Pyramid Schemes and Network Marketing Business Models

Pyramid Schemes and Network Marketing Business Models

Learn the differences between pyramid schemes and network marketing or multi-level marketing business models. For more information on starting your own home based business visit

James Reilly first posted Pyramid Schemes and Network Marketing Business Models on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lyvDUA

I still think it is a pyramid scheme…(Pyramid Scheme Cartoon by Pat Petrini)

I still think it is a pyramid scheme...(Pyramid Scheme Cartoon by Pat Petrini)

>>Pawz: I have decided that my job sucks, the economy sucks, and the only way things
are going to get better is if I do something about it.
>>Skeptic: What are you going to do? >>Pawz: I’m going to build a network marketing
business. >>Skeptic: What is network marketing?
>>Pawz: A network marketing company allows you to build your own business, by creating
a group of distributors and customers, that consume the product sold by the company.
>>Skeptic: That sounds like one of those ‘pyramid things’.
>>Pawz: What do you mean by ‘pyramid things’? >>Skeptic: One of those things where the only
people that make lots of money are the people at the top.
>>Pawz: You mean like the company you work for?
[Pause] >>Skeptic: But don’t you have to get in
early to make any money? >>Pawz: Actually, in a good network marketing
company, you can make more money than the people above you if you are more productive.
>>Skeptic: Are you sure it isn’t a pyramid scheme?
>>Pawz: Yes >>Skeptic: How are you so sure?
>>Pawz: A pyramid scheme is where you make all of your money by recruiting others and
there is no product or service being exchanged. >>Skeptic: It still sounds like a pyramid
scheme. >>Pawz: In a legitimate network marketing
company you make most or all of your money from people using the products.
>>Skeptic: It still sounds like a pyramid scheme.
[Pause] >>Pawz: In what way?
>>Skeptic: Because when you draw it out, it looks like a pyramid.
>>Pawz: How is that relevant? [Pause-Skeptic shrugs]
>>Skeptic: It just seems like a pyramid scheme. >>Pawz: If you were to draw out the organization
chart of the company you work for; what shape would it be?
>>Skeptic: A pyramid. >>Pawz: If you were to draw out the organization
chart of the church you go to; what shape would it be?
>>Skeptic: A pyramid. >>Pawz: If you were to draw out the organization
chart of the girl scouts; what shape would it be?
>>Skeptic: A pyramid. >>Pawz: Are you understanding my point?
>>Skeptic: Yes. I had no idea there were so many pyramid schemes out there.
[Pawz is baffled] >>Skeptic: Do you really think you can make
money with your pyramid scheme? >>Pawz: According to the US Department of
Labor and the Direct Selling Association, with the same time and effort I’m five times
more likely to earn over one hundred thousand dollars in network marketing than at my life
sucking job. >>Skeptic: Yes. I hate my job too. That is
why I play the lotto every day after work. 16-22-84 baby.
[Pause] >>Pawz: Maybe you should start your own business
also instead of completely leaving your future to chance.
[Skeptic looks stunned] >>Skeptic: But I have heard people say negative
things about network marketing. >>Pawz: Like who?
>>Skeptic: Like my Brother-in-law. >>Pawz: Is he wealthy?
>>Skeptic: No. >>Pawz: Does he own his own business?
>>Skeptic: No. >>Pawz: Would you consider him a credible
expert on the subject? >>Skeptic: No.
>>Pawz: Would you consider him a credible expert on any subject?
>>Skeptic: Not really. [Pause-the two stare at one another-Pawz shakes
head in disbelief] >>Skeptic: But why do some people say that
network marketing doesn’t work? >>Pawz: For the same reason that some people
think that our government’s social security program is sustainable; total ignorance.
>>Skeptic: Are there any credible experts that support network marketing?
>>Pawz: Have you heard of Robert Kiyosaki; the author of one of the top selling financial
books of all time? >>Skeptic: No
>>Pawz: He is a big supporter of network marketing. He calls it, ‘The Perfect Business’.
>>Have you heard of Donald Trump? >>Skeptic: Yes. He has funny hair.
>>Pawz: He is also a big supporter of network marketing.
>>Have you heard of Warren Buffet; the most successful investor of all time?
>>Skeptic: No >>Pawz: He is also a supporter of network
marketing. >>Skeptic: And you think these people are
more credible experts than my Brother-in-law? [Pause]
>>Pawz: Yes. [Pause]
>>Skeptic: I still think it sounds like a pyramid scheme.
[Pawz is baffled] >>Pawz: Are you kidding me? Have you been
listening to anything that I have said? >>Skeptic: Yes, but I still think it is a
pyramid scheme. >>Pawz: Can you please explain your argument?
>>Skeptic: I just think it is a pyramid scheme. [Pause]
>>Pawz: I think I am going to leave now. >>Skeptic: Wait, aren't you going to try to
recruit me? >>Pawz: No.
>>Skeptic: Why not? >>Pawz: I thought you said it was a pyramid
scheme? >>Skeptic: I did, but I think I want to join
now. >>Pawz: I would rather shove thumb tacks into
my eyes and walk into traffic than have an incompetent moron like you on my team.
[Skeptic stares in complete shock] >>Skeptic: Oh.
[Pause] >>Skeptic: OK. Talk to you later then.
>>Pawz: Not likely.

James Reilly first posted I still think it is a pyramid scheme…(Pyramid Scheme Cartoon by Pat Petrini) on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast http://ift.tt/2lDM661