Sunday 12 February 2017

The End of MLM, Network Marketing, and Pyramid Schemes

The End of MLM, Network Marketing, and Pyramid Schemes

Multi-level marketing, network marketing, pyramid schemes, whatever you want to call them, are doomed…

At first glance a bold pronouncement but, when it comes from someone as intimately involved in the MLM scene as Larry Crisp, one of the industry’s biggest success stories of recent times, perhaps every one of the 16 million US citizens attempting to derive an income from it should be taking notice.
Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman and representatives of the National Consumers League will certainly be listening intently to what former stockbroker Crisp has to say in light of their ongoing calls for an investigation into the way one of the largest MLM’s — Herbalife — is operated. The way the iconic firm has been criticized of late is the tip of the iceberg for Crisp who admits: “After more than 50 criticism-plagued years, the MLM world is facing its biggest challenge to date. Whether it’s Amway, Nikken, or Isagenix, I believe there’ll be a seismic shift in 2013, in fact, it is already underway with Ackman and others calling into question the viability of the industry as a whole.” There’s new opportunities out there that will transcend traditional mlm’s.

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James Reilly first posted The End of MLM, Network Marketing, and Pyramid Schemes on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast

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