Friday 24 February 2017

10 Strategies to Become an Event Promotion Machine

This week Eric gives you 10 Strategies to Become an Event Promotion Machine, and ideas on how you can be a world class promoter. Promotion in network marketing is the number one highest paid skill. The people who can get people to make a decision to go and attend an event, they get paid bigger than anybody else in network marketing… When people go to events, their vision changes, their game plan changes, and their view of the future changes. In this video Eric is discussing event promotion for the promotional partners of the upcoming Recruiting Mastery event, but the concept is the same regardless of the event or company.

Click Here To Listen To The Podcast

James Reilly first posted 10 Strategies to Become an Event Promotion Machine on Valentus SlimRoast.

from Valentus SlimRoast

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