Saturday 4 February 2017

How Many Cups Of Valentus Coffee A Day

I get asked a lot, How Many Cups Of Valentus Coffee A Day. Valentus recommends 2 Max Per day but NO more than 3. At the end of the day YOU are an Adult and you are responsible for what YOU DO. Valentus Recommends and if you choose not to listen then that is down to YOU. For those doing the Valentus Program, like I did when I started I was only doing the coffee. However after the first month of doing the coffee at One Per Day, I setup my Loyalty Purchase and bought in 3 Boxes a Month, this allowed me to move up to 3 per day if I wanted to or 2 Per day and have a box spare to share 2 Sachets with other potential interests. I later found the 12 in 24 system and this has been my greatest move towards a Healthy Lifestyle.  The system still does the 3 products per day. However it is laid out like this.
  1. In the Morning before your breakfast you have your 1 x SlimRoast Coffee
  2. In the Afternoon you have your Prevail Trim Drink
  3. In the Evening you have your Prevail Immune Boost.
As you can see that is still only 1 sachet from each box, so you can do your 6 days with one off for the 4 weeks. For me money is not something to be squandered. I have 5 kids and a wife with all their own needs. When I looked at the prices for the 3 Boxes and the 6 Boxes there was only a £30 difference. SO my order monthly now is 6 Boxes. This allows me to have my drinks, my daughter likes the Prevail Energy and my wife also drinks the SlimRoast Coffee. When I am first talking to people who are interested in the Coffee, I always offer the same advice. Start with Half a sachet in the morning and half in the afternoon. This allows you to see if you like it or don't like it. Me, I HATED IT, but the benefits outweighed what I hated about the taste. Now I actually love the coffee. I have been drinking it now every month since August 2015. You might feel some side effects from it when you first start out but they don't last long. This is because your body is cleansing itself and it's not used to the Coffee. However that usually passes quite quickly and you can move on with life. I have known people NOT to drink the coffee but actually make Coffee Cake with SlimRoast. There are a few Coffee Recipes online that can be used. I haven't tried them all myself but I do have kids that love to cook.  

from James Reilly Affiliate Marketing

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