Saturday 11 February 2017

Network Marketer Quality over Quantity

I was once told "Everyone is your Prospect", I have also heard many people teach it. That is NOT the mentality I have or that I am advocating. Now you are free to do what you want, I can only put the information in front of you. It's up to you what you do with it. I recruit ONLINE, I live on a small island and for me to even go to the mainland costs me a minimum of £50. I refuse to make a list of 100 closest friends and family for the purposes of pitching an opportunity to. Infact I don't like being out at dinner with my family and feeling compelled to prospect the waiter or anyone else for that matter. When I am out and about with my family, I want them to have my full attention because when I am at the computer, that is ME Working. I have had conversations with Potential Uplines and UPLINES who tell me they just recruited this person with 20k in their team, or they will have great SPILL OVER. I am NOT Stupid. I understand that if I join a business then it is up to ME to build that business. Not my upline, I do not pitch a dependancy downline. What brought this post to mind was a Shared Memory on Facebook. The guy had actually joined me in Valentus. I helped him setup his Website, His Facebook Page, and shared with him the 12in24 System and photo etc. After a few months he quit. I did chat to him, quite a lot but he was never fully there. The page we setup, he had the content I put on there, the website I helped him setup, he didn't know where he put the login details and never used any of the system. The pages on his site, he never even shared the pages on to his social media. It's not like the posts DO NOT Have share links on them. He then wrote a really daming email to me about everything I setup for him and nothing paid off. This really annoyed me and I did get into a conversation with him. There were NO Product Related Posts on his Business or Personal Profile. I asked him was it the Coffee and what did he think of it, he replied me back that he only bought one box back at the start and didn't really like it, that his mate was buying the coffee but using his login details. So he had no social proof or idea what the long term benefits of the drinks had on him. This made me change my whole tactical situation online. It's not the numbers that you get in it's the people. When you start with this yes, it's a numbers game but very quickly you will come to see that it is a People Game and these people are not numbers, they have their own wishes and desires, they have their own lifestyles, needs and skills. So if you want to be a TOP EARNER in #Valentus you need to figure out how to grow a big organization IN DEPTH, NOT just in WIDTH… and those reps in depth need to produce volume (i.e. be quality leaders). Valentus is a Binary system, which means you have a Left Leg and a Right Leg. TWO that is all TWO LISTS that you build. The true secret to building a 6 figure business in Valentus (or any other business for that matter) is actually to have greater emphasis on QUALITY over QUANTITY. I spoke to a Network Marketer years ago, well before I ever got into Valentus, he was a Millionaire. I helped him with putting a site together. Yes he did pitch me lol but at the time I was against Network Marketing. I asked him how long had he been doing it, he said he had been an offliner doing it for over a decade and now wanted more action online. I stated he must have built up a massive team. He REPLIED - NOPE. Just a small team. I was confused, how could he be a Top Earner in the company he was in but have a small team? He explained to me his 5 Simple Steps.

1 - Join The Team 2 - Use The Product 3 - Setup Loyalty Purchase 4 - Do The Training 5 - Teach Others

That was his business plan. Now look at the business plan and see where you have skipped a step. Now do you see why it isn't working just yet for you? During the time I was helping him with his website we had many discussions on setting it up and I helped him with his posts and pages. He DEFINED a very clear action plan. If you couldn't or wouldn't do any of it then he requested you not to waste yours and his time. So this got me to thinking about my action plan and the people that I am helping online. It is also giving me ideas for putting together ads for online. Here is an Ad I am putting out. =================================== Do you have between $100 and $500 to setup a Long Term Business. Will you Follow 5 Simple Steps and Commit to them Monthly? PM Me For MORE Information. =================================== Looking at the Ad, I am PRE Qualifying them with the cost. $100 to $500 a month. $100 gets you started at the lowest end. That is $60 for the Coffee, ONE Time $20 Fee and then Postage and Packaging. Most people who do come in at the $100 side of things you can easily help them build up to the Business Builder. You can do that within a year by taking action and helping others. We have some brilliant systems out there to help grow you in Valentus. Let me share them with you.

1 - Your First Stop. This is where it starts 2 - - Extra Education and Training 3 - - Social Proof for sharing

I'm going to set y our Goals a little HIGHER here than you might want to imagine. Can you make a million dollars with Valentus? The answer is YES. If you're willing to do the work you will. Does this happen over night? lol Nope, you need to never forget its a business like any other business and making a successful business takes work. In a traditional business you can work for 40 years MINIMUM and never get what you want out of life, where as in Network Marketing you can work and build a few years and reap the rewards for a lifetime. There are 5 steps I want you to take. I want you to commit to this, or I want you to remove yourself from the Group. The 5 Steps are UP above and I will share them here.

1 - Join The Team 2 - Use The Product 3 - Setup Loyalty Purchase 4 - Do The Training 5 - Teach Others

Teaching others, is not about School Teaching Mentality, it's about sharing the websites, getting them into the group and US as a team helping them grow and follow the System. Remove just one part of that system and it will NOT Work. Can You Do That? Will You Do That... I can guide you but I cannot make you.

from James Reilly Affiliate Marketing

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